The departing Sammies were ordered to make an absolutely noiseless retreat to rest billets.
Battles such as they might have to engage in had to be fought out in the dark with noiseless weapons.
The house was still noiseless and dark when she softly opened the door and softly closed it behind her.
The moon was in the sky, and its light, with noiseless tread, sought out strange, lonely places, and illusions were astir in the solitudes.
The fugitive in hiding was doubtless at ease, unsuspecting, while the noiseless search of the officers for his quarters was under way.
One of them--even at this crucial moment Yerby noticed it with a pang of regretful despair--held noiseless on his knee a violin, and more than once addressed himself seriously to rubbing rosin over the bow.
She drew her veil closer over her face, and passed swiftly with noiseless steps through the gateway.
The vice-palatine was pacing the floor of his room in his noiseless cloth socks, when he suddenly heard the voices of his clerk and his servant outside the door.
When the meal was nearly finished Yap Sing brought a mammoth dish of strawberries, a bowl of sugar and pitcher of cream, and after the noiseless manner of his race, set them in front of Corrigan's plate.
So noiseless was the fall of her light foot upon the carpet, that Mark did not know she had entered.
A swift, noiseless dash to a culvert, through it and up along a small ravine, soon put him out of sight of the officers.
So quick, so noiseless had been her entrance, that the man had not heard her; but presently, after a few moments which seemed years to her, he became conscious of her presence.
The silence was unbroken, and with noiseless tread, he passed along the corridor to his father's door and, with his ear to the keyhole, listened again.
Over us, gently, from somewhere across the gardens and the walls, came a noiseless water breeze, to which the roses moved and nodded among the tombs.
Long Sin had slipped out on noiseless feet and taken refuge behind some curtains.
It's timed by an ingenious and noiseless little piece of clockwork, in there, too.
Then he turned and went back through the scent of the garden, instinctively making his footsteps noiseless as he crossed the veranda and entered the house.
They moved here and there among the crowd on noiseless bare feet.
To the uninitiated it would be surprising to see with whatnoiseless secrecy these manoeuvers could be accomplished.
Annunciata went back to her restless, noiseless pacing of the room.
The girl on the floor, from whimpering, fell to crying hard, with great noiseless sobs of pain and bewilderment.
So he backs off quiet an' noiseless ontil he's dead safe, an' then he lifts the long yell for 'Doby.
And he saw a man creeping along a wall with noiseless steps, often casting a fearful glance behind him.
And as she moved through the noiseless night, she clearly heard in a distant part of the palace the sound of pestles grinding grain.
Deft and noiseless fingers toiled, and wrought the great Creator's plan, Through countless ages moulding earth for the abode of man.
The fingers at once stopped playing the noiseless tattoo and lay quite still, though the treasurer gave no other sign of intelligence; but that alone might mean a good deal.
He permitted himself to indulge in a little gesture of relief; her noiseless entrance had filled him with a sudden fear.
She was wearing a long white dressing-gown, and noiseless slippers of some kind.
With quick, agile movements, noiseless as a cat, sinuous and stealthy as a serpent, the dark figure of a man issued from Alice Renwick's chamber window and came gliding down.
And she swept out of it with the noiseless grace of an offended princess.
Below was heard almost noiseless running; there was a squeak at the pillar in the antechamber, and in the window appeared Lykon again in a dark mantle.
The thunder grew weak; at last even noiseless lightning flashed less and less frequently; on the northern sky the clouds parted; here and there stars twinkled.
Turning his head Mr. Byrne perceived that the whole male population of the hamlet was following them on the noiseless springy carpet.
His drooping jaw snapped to--and half rising in his chair he watched mutely the noiseless descent of the monstrous canopy.
He swam away, noiseless like a fish, and then struck boldly for the land, sustained, embraced, by the tepid water.