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Example sentences for "scorpion"

Lexicographically close words:
scornful; scornfull; scornfully; scorning; scorns; scorpions; scotched; scoter; scoters; scoundrel
  1. Man is often a wolf to man, a serpent to God,= 40 =and a scorpion to himself.

  2. Envy, if surrounded on all sides by the brightness of another's prosperity, like the scorpion confined with a circle of fire, will sting itself to death.

  3. After a little while the scorpion will begin to stir in the water; you will see him move his claws, as though trying to swim, and curl his tail convulsively, as if in pain.

  4. Our scorpion floats on the water, but lies almost entirely below the surface.

  5. The different fragments of which our scorpion consists do not separate, but remain one against the other as we originally placed them.

  6. If you turn the scorpion round, that will mean to me, when I return, that you have said yes.

  7. He told her to turn the scorpion at once.

  8. Perhaps it was the scorpion that would blow everything up.

  9. Chapter XXV The Scorpion or the Grasshopper: Which?

  10. The five minutes had nearly elapsed and the scorpion and the grasshopper were scratching at my brain.

  11. For, with your own fair hands, you shall turn the scorpion .

  12. Addressing the scorpion giant, he told that he desired to visit his ancestor, Pir-napishtim, who sat in the council of the gods and had divine attributes.

  13. Thus they are set forth in their two-fold character--as invincible warriors and as the zealous professors of a delusion, whose sting was like that of a scorpion when he strikes a man.

  14. The Saracens of Mahomet are swarms of locusts appearing upon the earth, with scorpion stings, tormenting men five months, or, prophetically, one hundred and fifty years.

  15. To what living agents, then, did the delusion of Mohammedanism give birth--agents of a destructive nature like scorpion locust?

  16. Mullets, though the taste is good, Are by far too weakening food; And the ills it brings to master You will need a scorpion plaster.

  17. The scorpion brings forth its young twice a-year, as Aristotle tells us, in the fifth book of his Parts of Animals.

  18. The scorpion is a solitary fish, and feeds on seaweed.

  19. Bell says the Persians "have such a dread of these creatures, that, when provoked by any person, they wish a Kashan Scorpion may sting him.

  20. If a person will also boil a Scorpion in oil, and will rub the place bit by a Scorpion, he will stop the pain.

  21. There is also told a story in the East Indies, that "the Scorpion is sometimes so pestered with the pismires, that he stings himself to death in the head with his tail, and so becomes a prey to the pismires.

  22. The Scorpion was an emblem of the Egyptian goddess Selk; and she is usually found represented with this animal bound upon her head.

  23. The following Asiatic fable of the Scorpion and the Tortoise is from the Beharistan of Jamy: A Scorpion, armed with pernicious sting and filthy poison, undertook a journey.

  24. A curious modification of this eye is seen in another Sea Dayak scorpion design figured by E.

  25. Another contrast with the relatively harmless scorpion is a saying applied to rash and foolish persons, "Doesn't even know the spell for a scorpion, but must stick his finger in a snake's mouth.

  26. Suddenly, as a last resort, Joe sprang to his feet and dodged to one side, just as the scorpion left the ground.

  27. Then his heart sank as he saw the gun whiz past the scorpion and roll across the hard ground.

  28. After watching the remains of the scorpion for a moment, Joe turned about, to find Dr.

  29. The youth viewed the hideous scorpion with a terrible awe, fearing to move lest it become angered and charge.

  30. The scorpion was slowly crawling toward the entrance to the tent when Joe took careful aim and fired.

  31. Bob and I happened to have our rifles and would have taken a shot at the scorpion if you had missed.

  32. And again I took the scorpion for the sake of the Phenomenon.

  33. When a scorpion nursed at my bosom sneers at me, I leave it to its own reflections.

  34. But I don't speak of the years in which that scorpion has been enjoying a salary and smoking canaster at my expense.

  35. This insect is called the water-scorpion because it has a long spike at the end of its body, which looks something like a scorpion's sting.

  36. And the poison which is introduced into the wound is so powerful that the sting of a large scorpion is almost as severe as the bite of an adder.

  37. When the scorpion fly, standing still, raises above its head that pair of pincers which forms its tail, it seems almost like some two-headed monstrosity.

  38. Although little is yet known about it, the scorpion fly appears, like a hyena, to live chiefly on dead animal matter, although it has been seen to attack injured or helpless insects.

  39. Remember that scorpion the skipper tried to squash?

  40. I just can't imagine a scorpion doing all that," Recetich said.

  41. A yellowish scorpion had crept under the inch of clearance between the door and the floor.

  42. In astrology the zodiacal sign of the scorpion is the "night house" of the planet Mars.

  43. One morning, while he was sitting on a rock having his breakfast, a large scorpion dropped down at his feet, and he took a stone and killed it, fearing it would sting him.

  44. Then suddenly the thought darted into his head, 'This scorpion must have come from somewhere!

  45. Now the literal translation of these words is "The Ascent of Scorpions," or The Scorpion Pass.

  46. The prevalence of the Scorpion in Palestine and its neighbourhood may be inferred from the fact that a wady or pass between the south end of the Dead Sea and Zion was named after it.

  47. The Arachnida are represented in Scripture by the Scorpion and Spider.

  48. This dreadful instrument of torture could kill a man by a few blows, and it was even used in combats in the amphitheatre, a gladiator armed with a Scorpion being matched against one armed with a spear.

  49. The appearance of the Scorpion is too well known to need description, every one being aware that it is in reality a kind of spider that has the venom claw at the end of its body, and not in its jaw.

  50. Those passages which mention the venom of the Scorpion are numerous, though most, if not all, of them occur in the New Testament.

  51. Sailors also say that after a week at sea the poison of the Scorpion loses its power, and that they care nothing for the Scorpions which are sure to come on board inside the bundles of firewood.

  52. There is another reference to the Scorpion in the Old Testament, which requires an explanation.

  53. The venom of the Scorpion is indirectly mentioned in other passages.

  54. Now had the season returned, when the nights grow colder and longer, And the retreating sun the sign of the Scorpion enters.

  55. At all events, come--to the garden As far as the wall; See me tap with a hoe on the plaster Till out there shall fall A scorpion with wide angry nippers!

  56. Let a scorpion nip, And never mind till he contorts his tail!

  57. While, in the house, forever crumbles Some fragment of the frescoed walls, From blisters where a scorpion sprawls.

  58. A woman who was stung by a scorpion went nearly mad, and, rushing into the river, tried to drown herself.

  59. When the logs get shipped frequently the scorpion gets shipped too, and subsequently comes out in the hold and bites the resident rats.

  60. The Princess of the town picked out the sting of the scorpion with a needle, and gave the woman some herbs, which acted as a strong purge, and cured her.

  61. From the female scorpion we acquire fresh veneration for the possibilities of maternal devotion.

  62. The young scorpions depart leaving the mother scorpion simply an empty shell.

  63. The study of the ant and the bee, the spider and the scorpion should fill us with hope.

  64. But their devotion shrinks to nothing when compared with that of any poor mother scorpion of Mexico's sandy tracts.

  65. May thy tongue turn into a scorpion and bite thee!

  66. Just as we did so the scorpion darted from between the end of the sofa and the wardrobe, and the chief officer put his foot upon it.

  67. You know the old saying: 'A scorpion lurks under every stone.

  68. She shuddered, as if a snake or a scorpion were creeping towards her.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scorpion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beetle; bug; caterpillar; centipede; fly; insect; larva; maggot; mite; nymph; scorpion; spider; tarantula; tick