There were kas-kas mats on the foursquare floors, and each of these, when lifted, disclosed a swarm of scorpions that had to be exterminated before a man dared move his possessions in.
Those locks which stung like scorpions along her cheeks were bent, and her neck was bowed in blandishment, and her hips quivered as she went.
Footnote 318: In other copies of these verses the fourth couplet swears "by the scorpions of his brow" i.
Apollonius of Tyana is said to have cleared Antioch of scorpions by making a bronze image of a scorpion and burying it under a small pillar in the middle of the city.
The Kekchi Indians of Guatemala will not throw serpents or scorpions into the fire, lest the other creatures of the same species should punish them for the outrage.
It is reported that a mosque at Fez used to be protected against scorpions by an image of a bird holding a scorpion in its beak.
Scorpions and serpents have not bitten us yet, but there are very malicious wasps, which have often stung us.
Then the most ferocious animals will submit to man; scorpions will lose their stings, and serpents their poison.
On the opposite side of the river and separated from it by a mile of swamp lay Camp Belknap, a spot fit only for the snakes, tarantulas, centipedes, fleas, scorpions and ants that infested it.
I was the only person of that small company who could have a suspicion that his moustache was dyed, that his hair was toupee, or that hints of his real age were scorpions and adders to him.
Antonio, unmistakably stung with the scorpions I had set upon him, sprang to the door, the palest yellow man I have ever beheld, and let the ladies pass before him.
At Santa Magdalena thescorpions are not very dangerous.
The scorpion's sting is the most common complaint hereabout, and children frequently die from it, though not all kinds of scorpions are dangerous.
The scorpions of Mexico seem to have an unaccountable preference for certain localities, where they may be found in great numbers.
The Cura of Santa Magdalena, State of Jalisco, assured me that he had known the sting of such scorpions to cause the death of full-grown people within two hours.
In the city of Durango the hotels advertise, as an attraction, that there are no scorpions ill them.
The cura quoted above thinks that there is a zone of scorpions extending from the mining-place of Bramador, near Talpa, Territory of Tepic, as far north as the city of Durango, though he could not outline its lateral extent.
Bale after bale was whisked aboard; the Englishmen worked as only English sailors can, and the Scorpions excelled themselves under the influence of fear and black wine.
Three of the Scorpions had stayed aboard, and Captain Hindhaugh noticed that they earned their knives.
Scorpions are common in hot countries: they are very bold and watchful: when any thing approaches, they erect their tails, and stand ready to inflict the direful sting.
In the time of the children of Israel, scorpions were a plague in Egypt and Canaan, as appears by the sacred writings.
Galen prescribesScorpions for jaundice, and Kiranides the same for the several kinds of ague.
If they run into spiders, they give signs of higher putrefaction, as plenty of vipers and scorpions are confessed to do; the putrefying materials producing animals of higher mischief according to the advance and higher strain of corruption.
The Ethiopians that dwell near the River Hydaspis commonly eat Scorpions and serpents without the slightest harm, "which certainly proceeds from no other thing than a secret and wonderful constitution of the body!
Duo," the pronouncing of, to prevent Scorpions stinging, 325.
And therefore it is reported by AElianus that about Estamenus, in India, there are abundance of Scorpions generated only by corrupt rain-water standing in that place.
Which may be Englished thus: To you by Scorpions death the omnipotent Ruines the crocodil in nature's life extinct.
Plutarch recommends to fasten small nuts to the feet of the bed, thatScorpions may not approach it.
Samonicus commends Scorpions against pains in the eyes, in these verses: If that some grievous pain perplex thy sight, Wool wet in oyl is good bound on all night.
Now, therefore, we will first of all speak of the generation of Scorpions by putrefaction, and afterward by propagation.
Naude tells us that there is a species of Scorpions in Italy, which are so domesticated as to be put between sheets to cool the beds during the heat of summer.
A suffumigation of sandarach[1100] with galbanum, or goat's fat, will drive away Scorpions and every other reptile.
The Persians believe that Scorpions may be deprived of the power of stinging, by means of a certain prayer which they make use of for that purpose.
Men with the bodies of scorpions guarded the gateway of the sun, the horror of whose aspect was "awesome," and whose look "was death.
The winged bull with his human head defended the approach to a temple or house; men with the bodies of scorpions guarded the gateways of the sun.
We did not fail to examine our shoes before putting them on in the morning, lest the scorpionsshould have established a squatter's right therein.
Antelope horn, when powdered and burnt, is said to drive away mosquitoes, and keep scorpions away.
As long as the god remains in the mantapam, the scorpions do not sting, but, directly he leaves it, they resume their poisonous propensities.
There is a belief that scorpions have the power of reviving, even after being completely crushed into pulp.
There are to be found spiders andscorpions of large size, the latter so similar to existing scorpions that it requires the practiced eye of the naturalist to distinguish them.
Scorpions are found in this period both in Europe and in America.
Eurypterids are common; stinging scorpions are abundant; and here occur the first-known spiders.
The family of Cole bear: "Argent, a chevron gules between three scorpions reversed sable," a coat of arms which is sometimes quoted with the chevron and the scorpions both gules or both sable.
For safety during hibernation and moulting, book-scorpions spin a small spherical cocoon.
Occurring in all temperate and tropical countries, book-scorpions live for the most part under stones, beneath the bark of trees or in vegetable detritus.
Inconceivable tortures were inflicted on them and they were flung half-dead into a pit full of live scorpions and cobras.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scorpions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.