His counsels were faithful and judicious; his admonitions paternal and discriminating; his rebukes seldom administered, butscathingly severe.
This "card" the Enquirer reproduced, together with the item from the Marylander, commenting scathinglyupon the methods of Adams's supporters.
In reviewing Sketches of America by Henry Bradshaw Fearon, an Englishman who traveled through the United States, the Quarterly Review of London scathingly denounced the frauds perpetrated by means of insolvent laws.
Jefferson himself had not denounced Marshall so scathingly as had Adams in his report to the Senate on the proposed expulsion of Senator John Smith of Ohio.
It mounted into an indictment against the cramping evils of intolerance, it scathingly denounced the goodness of the strait-jacket until the old minister saw every effort of his life assailed and vilified.
The women differed with Mr. Stirling and scathingly told him so, to his immense delight.
They attacked scathingly transgressions of the laws of righteousness and purity, the true sins against God, because these originate in dullness of heart, unbridled passion, and overbearing pride, all so hateful to Him.
On his replying in the negative she would rebuke him scathingly and demand a bill of sizable denomination; and when her watch was over she would sally forth to purchase four sets of men's winter underwear.
No critic in bone-rimmed glasses and evening clothes was more scathingly severe than she.
Vanity Scathingly Reproved= Burns was dining with Maxwell of Terraughty, when one of the guests chose to talk of the dukes and earls with whom he had drank or dined, till the host and others got tired of him.
Straightforwardness and genuine honesty are demanded; and all cant, hypocrisy, double dealing, shirking, and unreality are scathingly condemned.
Cowardice is scathingly condemned, and the man who starts to run away on the battlefield is unhesitatingly shot down by his comrades to preserve the morale of the fighting body.
Mason thereafter scathingly referred to Randolph as "young A[rno]ld.
In the State Convention, the foes of the Constitution scathingly denounced to the very last the jamming-through conduct of its friends; and just before the final vote, Smilie dared them to adjourn that the sense of the people might be taken.
Whittier himself, in a later poem, recognized the patriotic service of the man whom, in the heat of conflict, he had so scathingly denounced.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scathingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.