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Example sentences for "scarps"

Lexicographically close words:
scarlatinal; scarlet; scarlets; scarp; scarped; scarred; scarring; scars; scarse; scarselie
  1. Most fault scarps have been modified by erosion since the faulting.

  2. Renewed movements along this profound fault have very recently taken place as proved by the presence of fresh fault scarps in loose deposits which have accumulated across the mouths of some of the canyons, as, for example, near Ogden.

  3. The earth may be locally cracked and rent, small fault scarps may develop, landslides and avalanches may result from the shaking of the earth, buildings may be demolished, and sea waves may be rolled upon the land.

  4. A number of notable fault scarps developed, the movement on one having been thirty-five feet.

  5. All the afternoon was occupied with the wonders of the Creux-à-Vaches, with its bold scarps and rounded slopes draped with ferns and enamelled with flowers, and the crannies and indentations of the northern side of the island.

  6. This road was not protected; only a few scarps were made in it, and the pickets at night were only a short distance in advance.

  7. Judge of our astonishment when we found no scarps at all, and not a single gun on this point!

  8. A heavy gun had, however, been placed in position on the heights to command this road, and to sweep the three scarps effectually.

  9. We had left the macchia far below us, and the road wound between and around sheer scarps of grey granite on the edge of precipices echoing the trickle of waters far below.

  10. Salamgi is tremendously strong; it is a series of natural scarps, of great height; and upon the terrace formed by these scarps a great portion of Theodore's force is encamped.

  11. From the shoulder we climbed up the very winding road on the face of the natural scarps to Salamgi.

  12. The remaining portion must be attributed to a bodily displacement of the earth's crust within the epicentral area--a displacement of which the fault-scarps and other distortions of that region furnish ample evidence.

  13. In some other recent earthquakes, also, remarkable fault-scarps have been developed.

  14. In the next section, it will be seen that the most conspicuous fault-scarps known in the epicentral area pass close by Samin and along the Chedrang valley.

  15. It was a day on which we were to see one of the most picturesque ceremonies of the tour, and slipping through the high scarps of the mountains to the little valley in which Banff station stands, we were into that experience of colour at once.

  16. It is a valley ringed by an amphitheatre of mountains, up the harsh slopes of which spruce forests climb desperately until beaten by the height and rock on the scarps beneath crests which are often snow-capped.

  17. A further study of this interesting area is underway, and it is hoped that a more-detailed mapping of these scarps will be possible.

  18. Steps, on the contrary, are a succession of average levels separated by scarps or scarp zones and in general are not smooth except that a few basins may be filled.

  19. The southeast side of this feature rises to 445 fathoms, and southeastward of a few 5-fathom scarps the surface of the Blake Plateau becomes smooth.

  20. The northern part of the Madeira Plain is broken by a series of low scarps (Pl.

  21. These scarps or scarp zones break the ridge into a succession of units here called steps (Fig.

  22. Needless to say, dredging on these scarps should bring rich rewards in fossil sediments and igneous rocks which are undoubtedly exposed on these precipitous cliffs.

  23. The strips between successive scarps tend to shallow to the southeast and reach minimum depths just before the next scarp is reached.

  24. Small scarps of the kind observed in the Madeira Abyssal Plain have not been found.

  25. The flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are broken by scarps which seem to persist for relatively long distances parallel to the trend of the crest (Pl.

  26. Scarps have been seen on every recorded crossing.

  27. The Bermuda Plateau is broken along its eastern margin by a series of scarps (Pl.

  28. The colonnade was entered by a gateway, flanked by small towers, the scarps of which still remain.

  29. Of the Temple of Solomon little is known, though it is possible that the great scarps in the present British cemetery may be as old as the time of David, or the eleventh century before Christ.

  30. Beneath the Markagunt the southern scarps of the Kolob Plateau, into which flaming Zion Canyon is sunk, form noble cliffs of pure, reposeful white.

  31. The scarps are remarkable for their clean and smooth surfaces, the chalk presenting the appearance of having been cut with a huge knife.

  32. The scarps are in places very steep and 40 feet above the fosses.

  33. These rocks are much folded and the shales are locally cleaved into slates, while the sandstones and conglomerates form scarps and ridges.

  34. On each side of us uprose gradually converging and perpendicular scarps along whose base huddled a sparse foliage.

  35. Cutting up through the towering granite scarps was a rift.

  36. The roadway which had run so smoothly through the scarps was blocked by a thousand foot barrier.

  37. These scarps in loose unconsolidated gravel and similar material, even under an arid climate, could not be expected to preserve their freshness for many years.

  38. In places fault scarps a score or more feet in height cross the alluvial cones at the mouths of the small high-grade valleys in the mountains.

  39. The flat-topped hills and the peculiar scarps are due to the formation being greensand.

  40. These scarps may be observed in process of shaping at the head of every combe.

  41. Consolidation of the scarps of the ravines by grading and wattling and establishing barriers, sometimes of solid masonry, but generally of fascines or any other simple materials at hand, across the bed of the stream.

  42. This insect, I believe, has not yet appeared in Europe, where, since the so general employment of the Robinia to clothe and protect embankments and the scarps of deep cuts on railroads, it would do incalculable mischief.

  43. Eastward the faces of these ridges present abrupt scarps and terraces, rising from deep valleys, while the western declivities have gradual slopes.

  44. The defile promised a feasible means of ascent to the summit of the plateau, which rose upward in a series of scarps a thousand feet above the valley of Imrera.

  45. On the top of the mountain we planned the old church, the rock-cut scarps and stables, with other Crusading remains; but we found no Jewish tombs near the modern village.

  46. The rock has here been rudely hewn in two parallel scarps for over 400 feet, with a court between, seventy-seven feet wide, and sunk five feet below the outer surface.

  47. In the south-west angle there seems to have been a gateway flanked by small towers, the rock scarps of which remain.

  48. But that the trough is a true valley of fracture is proved by the fact that on either side it is bounded by fault scarps and monoclinal folds.

  49. Where a fault is so old that no abrupt scarps appear, its general course is sometimes marked by the line of division between highland and lowland or hill and plain.

  50. To the south the scarps and moorlands of the Carboniferous Limestone and Millstone Grit form the north-western rim of the South Wales coalfield.

  51. These scarps have been ploughed by the weather in long horizontal furrows, so that they lean over as though desirous of contemplating their dirty faces in the limpid water.

  52. The former are employed by the besiegers to overthrow the scarps and counterscarps of the place, to demolish barriers, palisades, walls, and other temporary means of defence, and to destroy the mines of the besieged.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scarps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.