The Isle of Island being seuered from other countreys an infinite distance, standeth farre into the Ocean, and is scarse knowen vnto Sailers.
Crocus Metallorum will scarse turn the Stomack more effectually.
When the Players can revel with the Rich Man's purse, And the Poor have scarse enough to keep Life and Soul together.
Scarse has she learn't to lisp the name 15 Of martyr; yet she thinks it shame Life should so long play with that breath Which spent can buy so braue a death.
I took from reading thee: 'tis to thy wrong I know, that in my weak and worthlesse song Thou here art sett to shine where thy full day 5 Scarse dawnes.
Scarse has she blood enough to make 25 A guilty sword blush for her sake; Yet has she a heart dares hope to proue How much lesse strong is Death then Love.
She scarcely pulled an herb, an herb, She scarse pulled two or three, Till up starts there Thomas Upon this Lady Margret's knee.
His leg was scarse a shaftmont lang, Both thick and nimble was his knee; Between his eyes there was a span, Betwixt his shoulders were ells three.
She scarsely pulled a rose, a rose, She scarse pulled two or three, Till up there starts Thomas On the Lady Margaret's knee.
XIV With loftie eyes, halfe loth to looke so low, She thanked them in her disdainefull wise; Ne other grace vouchsafed them to show 120 Of Princesse worthy, scarse them bad arise.
Good morrow Sir, you lay out too much paines For purchasing but trouble: the thankes I giue, Is telling you that I am poore of thankes, And scarse can spare them Clot.
Being scarse made vp, I meane to man; he had not apprehension Of roaring terrors: For defect of iudgement Is oft the cause of Feare.
The Moore already changes with my poyson: Dangerous conceites, are in their Natures poysons, Which at the first are scarse found to distaste: But with a little acte vpon the blood, Burne like the Mines of Sulphure.
And they say that their skinnes are so thicke that a pellet of an harquebush willscarse pearce them, except it be in some tender place.
Scarse had he said, when hard at hand they spy 6 That quicksand nigh with water couered; But by the checked waue they did descry 8 It plaine, and by the sea discoloured: It called was the quicksand of Vnthriftyhed.
With loftie eyes, halfe loth to looke so low, 2 She thanked them in her disdainefull wise, Ne other grace vouchsafed them to show 4 Of Princesse worthy, scarse them bad arise.
I belive in a few days that I will take a private start to London, tho I am still so weake after my leate Illness at Paris {181} that I am scarse yet able to undergo much fatigue.
Heer's learning for the nonce that stands on ioynts; For all his cunning Ile scarse give two poynts.
His Royall Grace (Whom God preserue better then you would wish) Cannot be quietscarse a breathing while, But you must trouble him with lewd complaints Qu.
Our Brother is imprison'd by your meanes, My selfe disgrac'd, and the Nobilitie Held in contempt, while great Promotions Are daily giuen to ennoble those That scarse some two dayes since were worth a Noble Qu.
Fyrst the vse of tonges whych commeth to them without any greate studye, ther as olde folkes can scarse be hable to learne them wyth great labour.
But scarse is there any age so tender that is not able to receyue learnyng.
And if this come to passe in a barbarous and vnruled tonge, whych wryteth other wyse then it speaketh, and the whych hathe hys schriches and wordes scarse of a man, howe muche more easely wyl it be done in the Greeke or Latine tonge?
Thou wylt saye: what shall poore men do which can scarse fynd their chyldren, muche lesse hyre a master to teache them?
Three great oathes wouldscarse make that be beleeued Par.
He found that Colledge spending scarse two hundred markes by yeare: he left it spending a thousand markes and more.
I beleue, the best Grammarien in England can scarse giue a good reule, why quisque the nominatiue case, without any verbe, is so thrust vp amongest so many oblique cases.
He is verie well-fauour'd, and he speakes verie shrewishly: One would thinke his mothers milke were scarse out of him Ol.
I but he will not now be pacified, Fabian can scarse hold him yonder An.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scarse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.