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Example sentences for "sauing"

Lexicographically close words:
sauerkraut; saues; sauf; saugh; saughs; sauld; saule; saules; saumon; saunt
  1. His Maister and he (sauing your worships reuerence) are scarce catercosins Lan.

  2. There is little left in writing of his doings, sauing that he vsed great tyrannie amongst his Britons: and therefore after he had ruled this land the tearme of 40.

  3. More I find not of this foresaid Brute, sauing that he ruled the land a certeine time, his father yet liuing, and after his decease the tearme of twelue yeares, and then died, and was buried at Caerbranke now called Yorke.

  4. Leucotion of Theophrast, sauing that it is longer, and hath in the middest thereof thrée chiues verie red and pleasant to behold.

  5. I doo not read that this custome of sauing by the booke is vsed anie where else than in England, neither doo I find (after much diligent inquirie) what Saxon prince ordeined that law.

  6. I thinke you would haue me say, sauing your reuerence a husband: and bad thinking doe not wrest true speaking, Ile offend no body, is there any harme in the heauier for a husband?

  7. Sauing your tale Petruchio, I pray let vs that are poore petitioners speake too?

  8. It is thy soule only thou maist saue by sauing mine honor.

  9. The first day of February in the morning we all came together againe sauing W.

  10. Then sent I captaine Grant with the boat, with leaue to vse his owne discretion in sauing of them.

  11. But (God be thanked) they all recouered sauing onely the foure which were slain out right.

  12. Skiffe to him with fiue men, and all without any weapon sauing their Oares.

  13. Here we made sale of all our cloth, sauing two or three packes.

  14. The Portugales most of them departed, sauing those that were left to watch and to receiue the note, which about foure or five a clocke in the afternoone was sent, and it was receiued.

  15. And the meate being set vpon the table, and he required to sit down, he perceiued a woman comming forth behind the hanging, which was so beautifull as might be seene, sauing that her head was all shauen, and apparelled in Almaine blacke.

  16. This part of the countrey is most part wood, sauing here and there pasture and arable ground, many riuers and diuers Islands vnhabited, as the most part of the countrey is, for the coldnesse in Winter.

  17. The people are rude in maners, and in apparell homely, sauing vpon their festiuall, and marriage dayes.

  18. These Setes do vse to shaue their heads all ouer, sauing on the sides a litle aboue the temples, the which they leaue vnshauen, and vse to braid the same as women do their haire, and to weare it as long as it will grow.

  19. Their religion is all one with the Turkes, sauing that they differ who was the right successor of Mahumet.

  20. Yet sauing for a womans extreeme crueltie, He might haue lyued yet a moneth or two or three, But in spite of Custance which hath him weried, His mashyp shall be worshipfully buried.

  21. Truce, hold your hands, truce for a pissing while or twaine: Nay how say you Custance, for sauing of your life, Will ye yelde and graunt to be this gentmans wife?

  22. In which respect it is to be wished, that none Ambassadour speake his principall commandements but in his own language or in another as naturall to him as his owne, and so it is vsed in all places of the world sauing in England.

  23. I find not of this proportion, vsed by any of the Greeke or Latine Poets, or in any vulgar writer, sauing of that one forme which they cal Anacreens egge.

  24. Sidenote: Brachiologa, or the Cutted comma] We vse sometimes to proceede all by single words, without any close or coupling, sauing that a little pause or comma is geuen to euery word.

  25. Thy hay being caried, though carters had sworne: the cartes bottome borded, is sauing of corne.

  26. For sauing of al thing, get home with the rest, the snow frozen hardest, thy cart may goe best.

  27. Be sauing and thankfull, for that god hath sent: he sendeth it thee, for the selfe same entent.

  28. Is this then all the thankes that I shall haue, For sauing him from Snakes and Serpents stings, That would haue kild him sleeping as he lay?

  29. All which things these dukes wist well were doone for good purposes and necessarie, by the whole councell at London, sauing that somewhat they must saie.

  30. And vndoubtedlie the protector loued him well, and loth was to haue lost him, sauing for feare least his life should haue quailed their purpose.

  31. And in that point, which in good faith I am sorie to speake of, sauing that it is in vaine to keepe in counsell that thing that all men know, the kings greedie appetite was insatiable, and euerie where ouer all the realme intollerable.

  32. These be all the articles of anie effect, which were laid against him, sauing foure other, which touched onelie the archbishops matter, whose working wroong king Richard at length from his crowne.

  33. But in the end they brought little or nothing to passe, sauing that they agréed to haue the truce to indure for twelue moneths longer: both kings sware to obserue the same, afore such as were appointed to sée their othes receiued.

  34. They returned as he willed them, and had the charters confirmed according to their requests, sauing that this addition was put in the latter end of the same, Saluo iure coronae nostrae.

  35. They are like vnto our oxen, sauing that they haue long haire like a lion, and short hornes, and they haue upon their shoulders a bunch like a camell, which is higher then the rest of their body.

  36. All the other armes containe likewise sixteene leagues in length, sauing one small or narrow arme, which is called The riuer de los Beguaes; for this containeth fortie leagues in length.

  37. The vppermost part is made almost like to a womans smocke, sauing that it is as broade aboue as beneath, and hath no sleeues, but holes on eche side one to put out their armes.

  38. Of our ships none escaped sauing the Minion and the Iudith: and all such of our men as were not in them were inforced to abide the tyrannous cruelty of the Spaniards.

  39. First in the Port of Saint John de Vllua, where being on shore, with many other of our company, which were all slaine sauing I, and two other that by swimming got aboord the Jesus of Lubek.

  40. The bishop answered but few words sauing that when he were returned to the king his maister, he would doo the best in the matter that he could.

  41. The prisoners as well capteins as other, were pardoned, sauing the cheefe capteins and first beginners, to whome he shewed no mercie at all.

  42. Certes, all these, sauing the first and second, are within your lordships towne aforesaid.

  43. That of Cambridge is distant from London about fortie and six miles north and by east, and standeth verie well, sauing that it is somewhat neere vnto the fens, whereby the wholesomenesse of the aire there is not a little corrupted.

  44. After this, about the twentith daie after Christmasse, there was a parlement called at London, in the which the king required to haue the aduise of the lords, how he might worke for sauing of the duchie of Guien, sore molested by the French.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sauing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.