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Example sentences for "sauerkraut"

Lexicographically close words:
saucily; sauciness; saucy; saue; saued; saues; sauf; saugh; saughs; sauing
  1. He remembered the sauerkraut and the sausages which Bill had told him of, and he had not believed Bill's extravagant declaration that "at Schmitt's you could have all you want to eat.

  2. There was sauerkraut for supper that night, and the German actor certainly ate enough to ward off any possible illness.

  3. I had Sauerkraut for dinner, but still you did not come.

  4. Pour over the ribs the water in which the sauerkraut was boiled.

  5. Cook sauerkraut half an hour, drain and fill the ribs; tie or sew closely together and put in oven.

  6. Johannes' people were busy putting up sauerkraut in the front shed; the whole household was gathered there.

  7. In it Joggeli and Johannes were already sitting at the table, half hidden by smoking meat, both fresh and salted, sauerkraut and dried pears.

  8. Up came the Guard, every man of them Six Foot high, and for all they were Sauerkraut Soldiers, pestilent Veterans who knew what Fighting meant.

  9. Shall I who have brained an English Grenadier sneak off before a rabble-rout of Sauerkraut Soldiers?

  10. And if a pretty woman looked a little sour, she had either eaten sauerkraut or could read Klopstock in the original.

  11. Sauerkraut is the best breakfast food ever served to man.

  12. I'll back sauerkraut before any dietary commission ever organized on earth.

  13. I pledge you my word when he brings that big dish of steaming sauerkraut to our table it fogs the whole end of the dining-room.

  14. Is it possible," Norman inquired, "that there is a human being among us who eats sauerkraut for breakfast?

  15. I suggest to your honours that you make sauerkraut a standard breakfast diet as a health measure.

  16. I proclaim sauerkraut the only perfect health food for breakfast, and I suggest its compulsory use.

  17. Put the sauerkraut and the spareribs into a kettle and add the salt and water.

  18. In the cooking of sauerkraut for the table, pork in one form or another is generally added; in fact, one rarely thinks of sauerkraut except in combination with pork.

  19. Occasionally, when a supply of sauerkraut is taken from the crock for cooking, replace the cloth by a clean one, but always be sure to put the board and the weight back in place.

  20. That she may understand how to proceed with the making of sauerkraut and the proper cooking of it, the accompanying directions and recipes are given.

  21. Place a cover over the pan and allow the sauerkraut to sauté until it is slightly browned on the bottom.

  22. If an entirely different way of cooking sauerkraut is desired, it may be sautéd.

  23. Cut the pork into several large chunks, and put it with the sauerkraut into a baking dish that has a cover.

  24. Then melt the fat in an iron frying pan, add the sauerkraut and sprinkle with the salt.

  25. Steam the sauerkraut over boiling water for about 1 hour.

  26. Persons who are fond of sauerkraut find the combination of sauerkraut and spareribs very appetizing.

  27. As is well known, sauerkraut is a cabbage preparation that is made by salting finely cut cabbage, packing it tightly, and allowing it to ferment under pressure.

  28. Tonight," said Mr. Toymaker, "we shall have sausage and sauerkraut and other good things for supper.

  29. Mickey” Vickins ordered corned beef and cabbage, and threw the sauerkraut out with his own hands.

  30. One Sunday morning about three months after her arrival Hulda ordered her servant to prepare sauerkraut for dinner.

  31. Pigs feet and sauerkraut and dill pickles were the bane of his life.

  32. He even put a newly-printed sign over the sauerkraut barrel which read: "Liberty Cabbage.

  33. Add about a cup of the soup stock and as much sauerkraut as you desire.

  34. Sauerkraut is just as good warmed over as fresh, which may be done two or three times in succession without injury to its flavor.

  35. If I did kill him, it would be no great loss to mankind, for this baron of yours, who swears by sauerkraut and kirschwasser, gives me rather a poor idea of the company I shall meet to-morrow at your house.

  36. I fondly recall a dish of sauerkraut boiled in white wine and served in a pineapple.

  37. Is it a time to fly when the enemy is at our gates, and when the nation expects every man to stand forth and defend her, and scatter those miserable eaters of sauerkraut to the winds!

  38. Dalibouze were not realized; the eaters of sauerkraut held their ground, and provisions began to grow scarce at No.

  39. Why, up at Mis' Kenner's, where we was having a little party: frankfurters and sauerkraut and beer.

  40. Well, so anyway I go up on the stoop and knock, and when I get in the parlour there the piano guy is and the Judge and Eddie Pierce, too, Eddie helping the Jap around with frankfurters and sauerkraut and beer and one thing and another.

  41. He et pretty near as much of that sauerkraut and frankfurters as the piano guy himself did, and that's some tribute, believe me, Bill!

  42. Sausages, to be sure, have their place, and beer as well, but sauerkraut I have never been able to regard as an at all possible food for persons that really matter.

  43. We were just shipping a load of sauerkraut to the Kaiser," said one ear-hardened gunner.

  44. My dad told me that my grandfather and this cousin's grandfather had a business disagreement over a sauerkraut factory some time before the Civil War and my grandfather left Germany.

  45. Since then, there ain't been no love lost between the branches of the family, but we did hear that Cousin Hans had left the sauerkraut business and was packing a howitzer for the Kaiser.

  46. Add the sauerkraut making sure there is enough liquid in the pan to cover.

  47. He looked like an animated keg of sauerkraut with four pegs at the corners for him to stand on, so full was he of Carl's cherished and esculent cabbages.

  48. Carl laughed at the thought of how the boys would miss the sauerkraut which he was going to make.

  49. Sauerkraut has shared the fate of sour milk, and because of its acid bacteria has been accepted by Metchnikoff as an ally.

  50. Yet sauerkraut used to be thought quite out of the question for invalids, especially those suffering from digestive disturbances.

  51. He wanted her to have either roast duck or roast goose, but she said no, that they were too expensive, and she modestly took two "wienies" and some sauerkraut at sixty cents a plate.

  52. Been doing the heavy society act to-night, and on my way home found I needed some sauerkraut and beer to tone up my jaded system.

  53. But Seeley offered no more explanations and the vivacious intruder fell to his task of demolishing sauerkraut with great gusto, after which he nimbly vanished into a cruising hansom with a sense of having been rebuffed.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sauerkraut" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.