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Example sentences for "sexual perversion"

  • It has even been suggested that dreams may exercise a similar influence to that of post-hypnotic suggestion; that is to say, that a dream may be the actual originating cause of sexual perversion.

  • It is, naturally, an important question, whether signs exist pointing to an abnormal development of the sexual life, and more especially to the growth of a sexual perversion.

  • The semi-human creatures were invented or imagined, and cited as the results of bestiality and allied forms of sexual perversion prevalent in those times.

  • There is a form of sexual perversion in which the pervert takes delight in being subjected to degrading, humiliating, and cruel acts on the part of his or her associate.

  • In this way prostitution becomes the high-school for all the refinements of sexual perversion.

  • The term masochism is applied by Krafft-Ebing to a form of sexual perversion described by Sacher-Masoch in several of his romances.

  • The birds of this family appear to be specially liable to sexual perversion.

  • Savage first described a case of "Sexual Perversion" in the Journal of Mental Science, vol.

  • His Psychopathia Sexualis contained over two hundred histories, not only of sexual inversion but of all other forms of sexual perversion.

  • But a sexual perversion is quite commonly constituted by the selection and magnification of a single moment in the normal sexual process.

  • Kiernan, "Responsibility in Sexual Perversion," American Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1882.

  • In part, also, we have a sexual perversion of tactile sensibility, for in a considerable proportion of these cases it is the touch sensations which are potent in arousing the erotic sensations.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sexual perversion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another large; cavalry expedition; good customer; hand side; hundred sequins; mother would; sexual abstinence; sexual attraction; sexual desire; sexual differences; sexual excesses; sexual exploitation; sexual hygiene; sexual instinct; sexual matters; sexual morality; sexual perversion; sexual perversions; sexual propagation; sexual reproduction; sexual selection; sexual union; sexually mature; small boys; when all; when made