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Example sentences for "saddlers"

Lexicographically close words:
saddle; saddlebag; saddlebags; saddled; saddler; saddlery; saddles; saddling; sadism; sadist
  1. There was a street fight on a large scale in 1327 between the saddlers and a coalition of joiners, painters, and lorimers (makers of metal work of saddles).

  2. And so greatly did the townsfolk love these saddles, that no others were bought throughout the whole of Hereford, till the saddlers banded together and resolved to slay Manawyddan and his companions.

  3. And so greatly did they prosper that no man in the town bought a shield except they had made it, till at length the shield-makers banded together as the saddlers had done, and resolved to slay them.

  4. The spur with one point and a spring sheath is commonly sold by saddlers for ladies' use, but is liable to break or get out of order, and is always discarded in favour of the one with a five-pointed rowel by ladies who have tried the latter.

  5. Another little innovation by the same experienced saddlers in riding bridles, an adaptation of my favourite double-ring snaffle.

  6. Two negro lads were holding a pair of rawboned nags, that resembled saddlers about as much as a cigar-store Indian does a sonata.

  7. In 1320, however, the saddlers contrived to have the lorimers’ ordinances annulled and publicly burnt in Cheapside.

  8. The story of the saddlers was (1) that the three trades had organized a union for strike purposes, in case any one of them should have a quarrel with any saddler.

  9. The London Saddlers who sold to the public formed as early as the twelfth century a guild of employers and middlemen.

  10. The nine chief offenders among the saddlers were driven out of the trade, and the saddlers bound in a heavy penalty never again to take them back, to sustain them, or to help them, till they had made peace with the crafts.

  11. That the saddlers make old saddles into new, thus cheating the workmen of trade that ought to come to them.

  12. The serving-men of the saddlers tried another plan, and formed in 1383 a religious fraternity whose ostensible duties were perfectly harmless.

  13. That when the workmen come to ask for payment due to them they are so bandied about among the said saddlers with offensive words, beaten, and otherwise maltreated, that they have no longer the daring to demand their just debts.

  14. Vivian immediately dispatched a messenger to the saddlers to the Ordnance, to procure a pair of stirrups to replace the broken one.

  15. This deed, within one hundred years of the Conquest, makes mention of ancient statutes then existing between the two bodies; there is consequently little doubt that the origin of the Guild of Saddlers belongs to Anglo-Saxon times.

  16. The master saddlers of Blois (1593) asked the king to grant them statutes "similar to those of Tours and other free towns of this kingdom.

  17. The complication is here increased because the speziali, among whom Dante was enrolled, included as subordinate membri the painters combined with the colour merchants, while the saddlers were coupled with the haberdashers.

  18. One half of the saddlers were gone; my Angel had taken wings and flown away.

  19. So late as 1832 the Saddlers inflict a fine on their steward for attending meetings in a state of intoxication.

  20. The Saddlers have the same sort of complaint in 1740.

  21. The Saddlers divided at once the funds which remained in the treasurer's hands, and which amounted to L1.

  22. The early colony of saddlers settled near the church of St. Martin-le-Grand, and they have never strayed far from there, their present hall being in Foster Lane.

  23. Where saddlers do not know their trade, it only remains to try finished saddles until the horse and the man are suited.

  24. Saddlers and harness-makers have appeared, whose labors have proved eminently valuable; their materials, and their work, being alike excellent.

  25. Within the last thirty years, numbers of persons, both European and native, have established themselves as saddlers and harness-makers.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "saddlers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.