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Example sentences for "narcissism"

Lexicographically close words:
napped; napping; naps; naptha; narcissi; narcissistic; narcosis; narcotic; narcotics; narcotine
  1. Thus, by being born we have made the step from an absolutely self-sufficient narcissism to the perception of a changing outer world and to the beginnings of the discovery of objects.

  2. This objection may be met by the reply that nevertheless no lasting limitation of narcissism is effected in this way, since this tolerance does not persist longer than the immediate advantage gained from the other people's collaboration.

  3. Such a limitation of narcissism can, according to our theoretical views, only be produced by one factor, a libidinal tie with other people.

  4. Owner of the Narcissism Revisited Announcement and Study List (more than 830 members) and the After the Rain CEE and Balkans Announcement and Study List.

  5. Narcissism is a result of stunted growth and of childhood abuse.

  6. This identity disturbance, which is at the psychodynamic root of both pathological narcissism and rapacious psychopathy, is all-pervasive.

  7. This view may be said to assume a bisexual constitution as normal, and homosexuality arises by the suppression, owing to some accident, of the heterosexual component, and the path through an autoerotic process of Narcissism to homosexuality.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "narcissism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    conceit; consequence; egotism; exhibitionism; fetishism; greed; homosexuality; incest; individualism; interest; masochism; narcissism; sadism; smugness; snobbery; vainglory; vanity