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Example sentences for "ryche"

Lexicographically close words:
ryall; ryals; ryas; rybody; rych; rychely; ryches; rychesse; rycht; rydand
  1. A ryght good arowe he shall have, The shaft of sylver whyte, The hede and feders of ryche rede golde, In Englond is none lyke.

  2. My londes beth sette to wedde, Robyn, Untyll a certayn day, To a ryche abbot here besyde Of Seynt Mari Abbey.

  3. I pretermyt also the ryche apparell of the Pryncesse, the straunge fasshion of the Spanishe nacion, the beauty of the Englishe ladyes, the goodly demeanoure of the young damoselles, the amourous countenaunce of the lusty bachelers.

  4. Whom to folwe wetyn[39] I ne may, I stonde in stodye and gynne to rave: I wolde be ryche in gret aray, And fayn I wolde my sowle save.

  5. Where as all good comyth by wysdome and prudence A wyse man onely as we often fynde Is to be named moste ryche and of most myght Here thou his wordes and plant them in thy mynde And folowe the same for they ar sure and right.

  6. Some dayly pray with marueylous besynes Cryeng and syghynge to god omnypotent For to haue plenty of welth ioy and ryches And to be made ryche myghty and excellent.

  7. In to the hale he hyme browght, Ryche met spare they nowght, 895 Be-fore Torrent fore to bryng.

  8. Martyrs then followed, right manifolde;" Confessors "fressely embrodred in ryche tyshewe and fyne.

  9. The Kyng of Cysyle answered than, So ryche a jewell ys ther non In all Crystyante.

  10. The cloth was displayed sone, The Emperoer lokede therupone, And myght hyt not se, For glysteryng of the ryche ston Redy syght had he non, And sayde, How may thys be?

  11. On fat londe and ful of donge Foulest wedes groweth, Right so, for sothe, Suche that ben bysshopes, Erles and archdekenes, And other ryche clerkes.

  12. Then havest thow londes to lyve by,' Quath Reson, 'other lynage ryche That fynden the thy fode?

  13. Ac eremites that enhabiten hem By the heye weyes, And in borwes among brewesters, And beggen in churches Al that holy eremytes Hateden and despisede, As rychesses and reverences And ryche mennes almesse.

  14. And in hope of his heele Good herte he hente, And rood forth to a revel, A ryche place and a murye; {436} The compaignye of confort Men cleped it som tyme.

  15. Who being verie ryche in readie money and possessions, continued their life without gouernement at their owne pleasures, and without brydle or stay they began to consume their goodes.

  16. And after that ryche and royall mariage was ended, he gaue them leaue to departe.

  17. The kyng of that yle is fulle ryche and fulle myghty: and natheles he holt his lond of the grete Chane, and is obeyssant to hym.

  18. And the ryche men drynken mylk of mares or of camaylles or of asses or of other bestes.

  19. Lakkyt the eyther gold or fe, or ony ryche wede?

  20. Lakyt me neyther gold ne fe, ne non ryche wede; Ther is a chyld in Bedlem born, schal helpyn us at our nede.

  21. What chylde that day is borne, Gret and ryche he shal be of Corne.

  22. A ryche Frankelyn in the contrey hauynge by his wyfe but one chylde and no mo, for the great affeccyon that he had to his sayd chylde founde hym at Oxforde to schole by the space of ii or iii yere.

  23. A ryche couetous marchant there was that dwellid in London, which euer gaderyd mony and could neuer fynd in hys hert to spend ought vpon hym selfe nor vpon no man els.

  24. So they shewed and mustred, both horse men and fote men; of whose ryche and sumptuous armour and apparaile al the felde glistred and shone.

  25. The wyse answere of Haniball to kynge Antiochus concerninge his ryche army.

  26. A ryche marchant of London here was, that had one sonne that was somewhat vnthryfty.

  27. Of the ryche man that was sycke and wolde not receyue a glyster.

  28. There was a frere lymyttour whyche wente a lymyttynge to a certayne towne, wherin dwellyd a certayne ryche man of whome he neuer coulde gette the value of an hal[f]peny: yet he thought he wolde go thyder and assaye hem.

  29. Wherby ye may se, that euermore amonge The ryche hath his wyll, the pore taketh wronge.

  30. There was a ryche man whiche lay sore sycke in his bedde to deth.

  31. The wyse answere of Hanibal to kynge Antiochus, concerninge his ryche armye.

  32. Of the ryche man that wolde not haue a glyster.

  33. A ryche juelle yt ys at neede for all the cuntre yn tyme of werre; and my Maister F.

  34. My londes beth set to wedde, Robyn, Untyll a certayne daye, To a ryche abbot here besyde, 215 Of Saynt Mary abbay.

  35. Elegantly sayde Aristippus when a certen ryche man axed him what profite learnyng shuld brynge to a yong man: & it be no more but this quod he, y^t in the playing place one stone sytte not vpon an other.

  36. What payne refuse we to leaue vnto oure chyldren a ryche patrimonye and well stablished: and to get that for them whiche is better then all this, shulde it yrke vs to take laboure?

  37. We do shewe the beste waye of teachynge, we be not able to geue fortune: Saue that here also the liberalitie of ryche men ought to helpe good wyttes, whych can not shewe forthe the strength of naturall inclinacion because of pouertye.

  38. Than folowed four ryche charyottes with ladyes of honour after than folowed xxx.

  39. And so y{e} quenes grace in her ryche barge amonge her nobles the cytezyns accompanyed her to London unto the toure wharfe.

  40. The barons of y{e} fyve portes bare a ryche canopy of cloth of golde with stanes of golde and four belles of syluer and gylt.

  41. Ancus Marcius beynge the fourthe king (after Romulus the first builder of that Cittye) there came to dwell in Rome one Lucumo, a lusty gentleman, ryche and desirous of honour, who determined to continue his habitation there.

  42. Throrowe ryche male and myneyeple, Many sterne the stroke downe streght; Many a freyke, that was full fre, Ther undar foot dyd lyght.

  43. For as well shail dye the ryche as the poure/ deth maketh alle thynge lyke and putteth alle to an ende/ And therof made a noble versifier two versis whiche folowe Forma.

  44. Al were it so þat a ryche couetous man hadde riuer 1960 fletynge alle of golde [gh]itte sholde it neuer staunche hys couetise.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ryche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.