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Example sentences for "chylde"

Lexicographically close words:
chutes; chutney; chwang; chyde; chyld; chyldren; chyle; chylopoietic; chylous; chyme
  1. Illustration: That fole that suffreth his Chylde for to offende Wythout rebukynge, blame, and correccion.

  2. If it were graunted to me to shewe my thought Ye follysshe faders Caytifes I myght you cal Whiche gather riches to brynge your chylde to nought.

  3. For both States, comons, man, woman, and chylde Ar vtterly inclyed to this inconuenyence.

  4. Shal it sore repent: god wote howe sone For oft the faders foly, fauour, and neglygence Causeth the Chylde for to fall to great offence] A myserable Fole euermore shal he be.

  5. Saying so, he wepte and syghed so piteously as a litle chylde threated by his mother the nourice.

  6. The sending awaye of the chylde to an other Nourice is not muche inferiour to the forgetfulnesse that chaunceth when death dothe take it awaye.

  7. And so as it is euidently seene in them that be put foorth, the chylde taketh no knoweledge, or desire of the owne mother, that brought it forth.

  8. At Bedlem that blyssid pas, The chylde of blysse born he was, Hym to serve, go ȝeve us gras, O lux beata trinitas.

  9. A mayde hath borne a chylde full ȝong, The weche causeth ȝew for to syng, Nowell.

  10. The seruaunt with this commaundment did departe, and Massinissa lyke a Chylde beaten with the rodde, wept and cried.

  11. Then euery of the Standers by began to say his minde touchinge the resemblaunce of the Chylde to hys Father, hardily protesting the same without doubt to be his owne.

  12. And when he had bestowed the gentlewoman, and the chylde in the fathers armes, he returned to his place agayne.

  13. Or in the prees right manerly to daunce Whan men se a chyld of suche gouernance They saye / glad may this chyldis frendis be To haue a chylde / so manerly as is he 308 THE ORIEL TEXT.

  14. Oh woeful woeful was that daye, To chylde and wydowe dreare!

  15. Laden with deathe's unpitying arme, Swordes fell and arrowes flewe; The wydow'd wyfe and fatherlesse chylde That day of dole sall rue.

  16. A chylde wyth hys swerde dyuydynge in two.

  17. Then this tormentour began fyrst to complayne, he wrote to hys father to take awaye hys sonne as sone as could be, and that he had bestowed as much phisicke vpon him as he coulde, but in vayne vpon the chylde that was paste remedye.

  18. The chylde naked was hanged vp wyth cordes by y^e armeholes, as though he hadde bene a stronge thyefe, and there is amonge to Germanes no kynde of punishement more abhorred then thys.

  19. But moste of all shall profite, if the chylde accustume to loue and reuerence hys master, to loue and make muche of learnyng, to feare rebuke, and delyght in prayse.

  20. Finally if these thynges be so taught, that imaginaciõ of labour be awaye, and that the chylde do thynk al thinges be done in playe.

  21. Shulde not euerye manne as wel loue hys chylde as if he wer a kynges sonne?

  22. He that played thys playe was a chylde borne to all myschiefe, whiche by other vngracious deedes afterwardes, made men beleue the other to be true that were done before.

  23. Shuld it be to the verye father more pleasaunt if the chylde folowe an euyll deede, or expresse a leude worde, thẽ if wyth his lytle stuttyng tonge, he spake a good sentence, or folowe any deede that is wel done?

  24. Also how lytle soeuer it be that the former age doth bringe, yet shal the chylde lerne greater thynges, euen in the same yeres, when smaller shuld haue ben lerned, if he had not lerned them before.

  25. Lucrecius faith, the brimmes of their cuppes with honye, that the chylde entised by pleasure of the swetenes shuld not feare the wholesome bytternes, or else put suger into y^e medicine it selfe, or some other swete sauoryng thynge.

  26. Fabels and tales wyll the chylde lerne so muche the more gladly, and remember the better, if he maye see before his eyes the argumentes properly paynted, and what soeuer is tolde in the oracion be shewed him in a table.

  27. The nexte is, that when the husbande dothe hys duetye to get chyldren, he do it neither beyng moued wyth anger, nor yet drunken, for these affeccions go into the chylde by a secrete infeccion.

  28. Your chylde shal, on Chyldermas daye, wayte vpon the boy byshop at Powles, and offer there.

  29. How the heart of my Saccharissa throbbed at the thought of bearing the elevated name of Chylde and being admitted to the sacred circles of fashion, as peer of the most elevated in social position!

  30. The Chylde family is of sublime antiquity, and I am its head in America.

  31. This begane on a Monday at morn, in Cheviat the hillys so he; The chylde may rue that ys vn-born, it wos the mor pittë.

  32. But all wear slayne Cheviat within; the hade no strengthe to stand on hy; The chylde may rue that ys unborne, it was the mor pittë.

  33. Thys chylde ys comyn of gentylle blode, Where that ever that he was tane.

  34. Be the XV yerys were comyn and gone, The chylde that the grype hath tane, Waxe bothe bold and stronge.

  35. This chylde is come of gentiAEsAEs teme, Where euer this beest hym~ ffond.

  36. And Plotinus sayth that thys chylde was estemit to be Cupido, and so was called in hys daies.

  37. And the lyttel chylde had hys duellynge there, lyke unto an byrdis neste, and dyde synge rychte swetely, so that manie cam from afar to see the wonder.

  38. But the chylde sayd, 'Ye will curse the tyme ye put me forth;' and with those wordes vanyshed the chylde away, and was neuer sene a geyne.

  39. How be it, the man knew not the tonge wherein the lyttel chylde did synge.

  40. There, in defaulte of anie cage, he did putte the chylde into an olde Cabynett, that afore tyme stode longe there, and dyd give hym mete and drynke.

  41. Soe one daye, heryng the chylde synge euer, he wox angery, and did command hym to holde his pees.

  42. Yet the chylde waxed not, but sange contynuously, soe that al the pepill of Athens maruyled at hys mynstrelsye.

  43. And many hath to foule > Till him Chylde Thopas to 1590.

  44. I had adoe with that witch Janet Cock, for shoe has been at my bed syd all this night standing, and I could not get red of her: and behold the fruit of it--my chylde is dead!

  45. She bent her ear only to listen to the song of affection from the lips of the Chylde Wynde--even to Chylde Wynde of the sharp sword and the unerring bow, who was her own kinsman, the son of her father's brother.

  46. The warrior Chylde drew near where the princess sat.

  47. Great was the Chylde Wynde among the heroes of Bernicia.

  48. Then did the Chylde Wynde withdraw from before the anger of the great king, in the presence of whom, in his wrath, the life even of his kindred was as a spider's thread.

  49. Now, the people of the land where the Chylde and his warriors landed, were stricken with terror at their approach.

  50. As a great wave rolleth in majesty to the shore, so advanced the warrior ships of Chylde Wynde, the subduer of heroes.

  51. In the bay of Budle lay the vessels of the Chylde Wynde, and the weapons of his warriors flashed in the sunbeams and upon the sea.

  52. What chylde that day is borne is his Fortune to be doughty and wys, Discrete al-so and sleeghe of deede, To fynde feel[56] folkes mete and weede.

  53. What woman that of chylde travayle, They shoule bee boothe in gret parayle.

  54. What chylde that day is borne, Gret and ryche he shal be of Corne.

  55. A woman demaunded a questyon of a little chylde, sonne unto a man of lawe, of what crafte his father was; whiche chylde sayde, his father was a craftye man of lawe.

  56. The chylde answered, hit oughte nat to be tolde.

  57. Whan this chylde came home, his mother asked him what the counsaile was.

  58. So on a tyme he caryed a lyttell boye his sonne on his shulder with him, and whan the chylde fell a slepe about ix of the clocke, the ale wyfe brought him to bed with her chyldren.

  59. A ryche Frankelyn in the contrey hauynge by his wyfe but one chylde and no mo, for the great affeccyon that he had to his sayd chylde founde hym at Oxforde to schole by the space of ii or iii yere.

  60. The chylde answered: father, seynge ye gyue to these prestes money to synge at my mothers buryenge, why be ye angry with me, that aske you nothynge for my syngynge?

  61. Of the frere that had hys chylde make a laten xxxv.

  62. The statutes of Dean Colet for the government of his school enjoin that "all the children shall every Childermas Day come to Paule's Churche, and heare the chylde bishop sermon, and after be at hygh masse and each of them offer 1d.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chylde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.