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Example sentences for "certayn"

Lexicographically close words:
certamen; certamine; certane; certare; certatim; certayne; certaynly; certe; certein; certeine
  1. Conscience may be salved by the reflection that it is as difficult to find a woman without some stray claim to beauty as it is to light upon a dame of sixty without a grey hair.

  2. I fought my way straight home with my stick; at others I was forced to fly down some cross and narrow path or street, leaving the rats undisturbed masters of the field.

  3. Wherfore in nombre certayn this werk of my besy leudenesse I thinke to ende and parfourme.

  4. For in sothnesse the certayn quantite of that planet is unknowen to erthly dwellers; and yet by opinion of some men it is holden for more than midle-erth.

  5. Conninge is whan a thing by certayn reson is conceyved.

  6. And also my lorde abbot of Westmynster ded do shewe to me late certayn euydences wryton in olde englysshe for to reduce it in to our englysshe now vsid.

  7. In so much that in my days happened that certayn marchauntes were in a shipe in tamyse, for to haue sayled ouer the sea into zelande, and for lacke of wynde thei taryed atte forlond, and wente to lande for to refreshe them.

  8. And as for the Lordes that were with the Kyng, they and her men wer pilled and spoyled out of all their harneys and horses; and as for what rule we shall have yit I wote nett, save only ther be made newe certayn officers.

  9. In the seler, certayn vessell whiche John Ouresby is chargid withe by an endenture, wherof the copy is annexed to this lese.

  10. Item, the Kyng cometh to London ward, and, as it is seyd, rereth the pepyll as he come; but it is certayn ther be comyssyons made in to dyvers schyres that every man be redy in his best aray to com whan the Kyng send for hem.

  11. Item, certayn pecys of napre, accordyng to a bylle endentyd annexed to this lese.

  12. As he walked off with Mr. Drew, I observed Cecy turn soe pale, that I whispered Father I was certayn she was guilty.

  13. Certayn common sentences manifest to sence, and acknowledged of all men.

  14. THE arte of makyng of Dials, bothe for the daie and the nyght, with certayn new formes of fixed dialles for the moon and other for the sterres, whiche may bee sette in glasse windowes to serue by daie and by night.

  15. And when maister Thorello sawe them come, thinckinge that they were certayn Gentlemen straungers, he desired to do them honour.

  16. Yet sithe it is so, I beseche you by preferring pitie and mercy before the rigor of your iustice, you will permit that I may liue yet certayn dayes to make a view of my life past, and to prouide for the scruple of my conscience.

  17. The sede is blak and groweth about the stalk, certayn places goyng betwene, as we se in horehound.

  18. And than went I faster than i wold certayn ¶ Thus he hath me dryuen ayen myn entente ¶ And contrary to my course naturall.

  19. Ther were in the tyme of the Apostles certayn witty disputars which reasoned that it was lawful for Christians to eate meates offered vnto Idols.

  20. They do obiect also certayn wordes out of the Epistle of Ieremie / which is ẽtitled Baruch.

  21. For I will playnly proue / that the papists are Heretikes / and do mayntayne Heresie againste certayn principall doctrines of our faithe.

  22. But it is most certayn that christe our sauiour in his administration / and after him all his apostles and disciples which wer hebrues / vsed theyr vulgare hebrue tongue / the Grecians also their greke tonge.

  23. Thincke what thow lust of doing and dissemblinge for thy commoditie: Yeat this Rule / and certayn Canon of the holy ghost must now either rule the / [[Roma.

  24. For that same Rule doth stonde certayn which gyueth leaue to no mã to do euell that goode maye comme theron.

  25. For they do take the approuinge of their doctrine / to be the condemnynge of the religion of the gospell: And they do take the communion in the Masse to be a certayn confession and approbation of their religion.

  26. Paul / therfor / doth not simply permitt this going / but with certayn circumstances.

  27. Of the Iues]] As concerninge the Iues / there be certayn reasons why they are to be borne withall and suffered.

  28. Yea ãd sum other ther are / which dare affirme / that the papistes do differ from vs only in certayn abuses of ceremonies / and not in the doctrine of faith.

  29. A certayn prest there was that dwellyd in the cuntry which was not very well lernyd.

  30. There was a certayn riche man on a tyme, whiche felle sycke, to the whose curynge came many phisitians (for flyes by heapes flee to honye).

  31. A certayn wise man called Piso, to auoyde greuous ianglynge, commaunded that his seruauntes shulde saye nothinge, but answere to that that thei were demaunded, and no more.

  32. A certayn artificer in London there was, whyche was sore seke and coulde not well dysgest his meat.

  33. A certayn weddyd man there was whyche, whan he was dede, cam to heuen gates to seynt Peter, and sayd he cam to clayme hys bad heretage whyche he had deseruyd.

  34. There was a certayn plowmans son of the contrey of the age of xvi yeres, that neuer coming moche amonge company but alway went to plough and husbandry.

  35. It fortunyd so, that when he cam to a certayn lodgyng he comaunded one Turpyn hys seruant to se that he used good husbondry[41] and to saue suche thynges as were left and to cary it wyth hym to serue hym at the nexte baytynge.

  36. For needfully bihoveth it not to be That thilke thinges fallen in certayn 1005 That ben purveyed; but nedely, as they seyn, Bihoveth it that thinges, whiche that falle, That they in certayn ben purveyed alle.

  37. And if he wolde ought by his sort it preve If that I lye, in certayn I shal fonde Distorben him, and plukke him by the sleve, Makinge his sort, and beren him on honde, He hath not wel the goddes understonde.

  38. The leves grow in litle branches even from the roote of certayn ioyntes by equall spaces one devyded from an other.

  39. It groweth not under galloses [gallows] as a certayn doting doctor of Colon in his physick lecture dyd teach hys auditors.

  40. Item to Appoint certayn other Ladies the whiche with thear attendaunce gevyng uppon the said Ladie Maistres.

  41. A gown of crymesyn cloth of golde of Damaske with a border of black velvet Inbrodred to be made a Vestment & the border of the same to serve to the same Vestment takyng certayn lettres owt of the same.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certayn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.