Richard Jonas, "Unto the most gracious, and in all goodnesse most excellent vertuous Lady Quene Katheryne, wyfe and most derely belovyd spouse unto the moste myghty sapient Christen prynce, Kynge Henry the VIII.
And fynysshed the viii day of Marche the same yere, and the xxi yere of the reign of the most crysten kynge, Kynge Edward the fourthe.
But the thre knyghtes of Gaule, one of them hyghte Claudyne, kynge Claudas sone / and the other two were grete gentylmen' (which should surely have given Dr.
My graunt sir Kynge Pelles / and my lord Petchere / (a manifest error).
He was my maister," said Litulle Johne, "That thou hase browzt in bale; Shalle thou neuer cum at our kynge For to telle hym tale.
And theKynge of Englande gave them and the chronyclers mete and drinke to dyner, and every person ii d.
The Kynge of Englande has layd siege to Calys and has sayd he will take the towne by famysshing.
The Cardinall sayd neither the Kynge of Englande nor the Frenche Kynge desire warre, but the honour of them and of their people saved, they wolde gladly fall to any reasonable way.
The Kynge of Englande and the French Kynge have ordayned all the business of a batayle.
The currours have brought worde home, the Kynge of Englande was on the see with a great army, and is now a lande in Normandy.
It throws great light on the gastrology of the olden time: 'Ys KYNGE for Sonday mornenge bade Hys cooke withoute delaie To have a greate bagge-puden made, For to dyne upon yt daie.
The cronikis old from kynge Arthur He could rehers, and of his founder Tell full many a whorthy story.
Thenne departed he fro the kynge so heuyly that many of them ermed,' i.
An order devysed by the Mayer and hys brethrern the aldremen by the Kynges commandment for a Tryumphe to be done in the Citie of London at the Request of the Right honorable ambassadors of the Kynge of Romayns.
They ete and dranke, and made them glad, And sange with notes hye; Than bespake our comly kynge 55 To syr Rycharde at the Lee.
Half a yere dwelled our comly kynge 45 In Notyngham, and well more; Coude he not here of Robyn Hode, In what countre that he were.
And many a buffet our kynge wan Of Robyn Hode that day; 30 And nothynge spared good Robyn Our kynge in his pay.
Styf botes our kynge had on, Forsoth as I you say; He rode syngynge to grene wode, The covent was clothed in graye.
The kynge was wonder wroth withall, And swore by the trynyte, "I wolde I had Robyn Hode, With eyen I myght hym se.
His male hors and his grete somers Folowed our kynge behynde, Tyll they came to grene wode, A myle under the lynde.
Ye shal be dead without mercy, As I amkynge of this lande.
Anone before our kyngewas set The fatte venyson, The good whyte brede, the good red wyne, And therto the fyne ale browne.
He was my maister," seid Litulle Johne, "That thou hase browzt in bale; 200 Shalle thou neuer cum at oure kynge For to telle hym tale.
The nynthe yere of y^e reygne of our souerayne lorde kynge Henry y^e VIII.
Sholde be at last vnto thyer destruccyon Examples hereof thou canst nat lacke nor want The great Medas somtymekynge tryumphant.
Of Phrygye By his owne folysshe desyre With paynfull hunger, his lyfe breth dyd expyre This kynge Mydas of whom I haue you tolde Of god desyred with prayer dylygent.
But if thou fortune to lye before a State As Kynge or Prince or Lordes great or smal.
And so confused with thys answere, he deperted wythoute seynge of the kynge for that tyme.
And for lytell moore then the Kynge axed hem for a lycence, they went thorgh with the sayd abbots.
The Kynge with all the Lordes come to London to Westmenstyr on Fryday, at vj.
And at nyght the frensshe kynge souped with our kynge and there was greate bankettynge.
And at after-noone the kyngeof Englande went to Staple hall to the frensshe kynge and there was bothe bere baytynge and bulbayting tyll nyght.
October the frensshe kynge departed fro Caleys to Parys ward and our kynge brought hym as ferre as Morgyson which is fro Caleys.
And that daye there was a greate wrastelynge betwene englysshe men and frensshe men before bothe the kynges the frensshe kynge had none but preestes that wrasteled which were bygge men and stronge they were bretherne but they had moost falles.
The Noble Tryumphaunt Coronacyon of Quene Anne, Wyfe unto the Moost Noble Kynge Henry the VIII.
Imprynted by Wynkyn de Worde vnder the grace and preuylege of our moost royall and redoubted prynce Kynge Henry the viii.
Also the same daye that the kynges came from Bulleyn the frensshe kynge made the duke of Norffolke and the duke of Suffolke of the ordre of saynt Mighill.
He schal hym drawyn to the werdes[36] servyse, To dwelle with caysere, kynge and knyth, That in londe be hym non lyche.
Indeed, Kynge Johan is the only play before 1580 which can claim to rival it in this respect.
But Kynge Johan was written solely for the purpose of religious satire, being an attack upon the priesthood and Church abuses.
If one wolde praise kynge Charles / he shulde kepe in his oracion this order.
For fere whereof the kynge furthwith fell at a pointement with the Romaines / and departed.
This Tarquin[us] went for aide and socour to the kynge of Tuscaye / whiche whan he [C.
For yf an yll tree can brynge furthe no good fruite / what shall we suppose of this noblekynge Charles / of whome cam so vertuouse and so holy a son?
Baldouine of Flaunders, did not he a Noble enterprise when he carried away Iudith the daughter of the French kynge, as she was passing vpon the Seas into England, to be married to the kynge of that Countrey?
His plays are doggerel, but he is a figure of some dramatic importance as the author of Kynge Johan (c.
King John is represented as the champion of English rites against the Roman see:-- "This noble Kynge Johan, as a faythfull Moses Withstode proude Pharao for his poore Israel.
The Kynge departythe thys daye, and wille nott be heer tyll Frydaye, whyche lettyth me, or ellys by thatt daye I wolde have hopyd to have comen homeward, and erst per aventure.
Item, as for tydynges heer, the Kynge rydeth fresselye thys daye to Northamton warde, there to be thys Esterne, and after Esterne he purposythe to be moche at Leysettre, and in Leysettre shyre.
Item, my Lord Chamberleyn is comyn hyddr ffro Caleys, and redyn with the Kynge to Wyndeshor, and the Kyng will be here ageyn on Mondaye.
Yevin undir our signet and signmanuell the xxvj^ti day of Septembre, the ix^th yere of Kynge Edward iiij^t.
Ferthermoor men seye that the Frenshe Kynge is with hys ost uppon the water off Some a lx.
Also the schalle be a convocacion off the Clergye in all haste, whyche men deeme will avayle the Kynge a dyme and an halffe, some seye.
Hogan the prophet is in the Tower; he wolde fayne speke with the Kyng, but the Kynge seythe he shall not avaunt that evyr he spake with hym.
And soom seye that the Kynge sholde come ageyn to London, and that in haste, and as it is sayde Cortenayes be londyd in Devenschyr, and ther rewle.
CXX ‘Ye shal be dead without mercỳ, As I am Kynge of this lande.
And the Kynge sent to Parys, commandynge that the journey and batayle bytwene the squyer and the knight sholde be relonged tyl his comynge to Parys: and so his commaundement was obeyed.
The duke understoode well those words, and cheryshed the grayhounde, who would never after followe Kynge Richarde, but followed the Duke of Lancaster.
For whenever the kynge did ryde, he that kept the grayhounde did let him lose, and he wolde streyght runne to the kynge and fawne upon him, and leape with his fore-fete upon the kynge's shoulders.
The Duke, who knew not the grayhounde, demanded of the kynge what the grayhounde would do.
Bale afterwards alludes thus to this burning question:— “A trayterouse knave ye can set upp for a saynte, And a ryghteouse kynge lyke an odyouse tyrant paynte.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kynge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.