On each side of this ridgepole screw in four stout staples or eyes, one at three inches from each end, and the others at equal distances between; to these the rafters are to be attached.
To the underside of the upper end is fastened a strong curved hook, which hangs in the staples on the ridgepole (fig.
It was like riding blindfolded along the ridgepole of a church, and, had my pony slipped, the results would have been the same.
Nor does head-hunting end with marriage, for the standing of both the man and his wife in the community depends upon the number of grinning skulls which swing from the ridgepole of their hut.
The poles of the tent are arranged as follows: Two pairs of poles are joined near the ends with stout thongs and erected with the lower ends spread to the proper width, forming the ends of the tent, on which the ridgepole is laid.
Near the middle of the ridgepole is a pair of shorter poles leaning against it to prevent the weight of the sides from bending the ridgepole.
The ridgepole of yellow cypress was two feet in diameter, forty feet long, and as round and true as if it had been turned in a lathe; and, though lying in the damp weeds, it was still perfectly sound.
When the ladder had reached to the eaves, he and his companions dragged the squirting, writhing hose up with them, chopped footholds in the roof, and lay flat to look over the ridgepole as over a breastwork.
At the other end of the ridgepole Keith made out the dark forms of two men from another company.
Along the ridgepole cautiously sidled the two men of the other company, dragging their hose.
The loops at the four corners of the tent were likewise made fast to stakes, the pins of the uprights were slipped through the ridgepole ends, and Grant announced that everything was ready for the raising.
The tent had been unpacked, shaken out and spread on the ground with the ridgepole lying in position beneath it.
Of quite similar construction were the larger oval wigwams, where two groups of poles were arranged at the ends in the form of semicircles, with a ridgepole extending between the tops of the two groups.
Other poles rested against the ridgepoleand so formed the sloping supports upon which the strips of bark were placed.
The ridgepole runs across the house and the roof slopes toward each end.
For example, the tents in Greenland have the front nearly vertical,[N167] while at Cumberland Gulf two sets of poles connected by a ridgepole are used, those for the front being the shorter.
I knew a girl in Marysville who could walk theridgepole of a roof.
I dare you to climb up there and walk the ridgepole of Mr. Barry's kitchen roof.
The straw roof along the ridgepole extended over all, even for a part of the way over the small, boxlike quarters of the two boatmen.
At Mr. Reid's request, Mr. Kit-ze had rigged up a new and a more substantial roof along the ridgepole and its supporting framework.
When the walls of the sod house were completed the hardest part of the work was to come, and Joshua Peniman puzzled long as to how he was going to get the ridgepole in place without another man to help him.
It was a strenuous piece of work, but with much puffing and panting and laughter they kept doggedly at it, and before dusk had come they got the ridgepole in place, and the most difficult part of building the house was accomplished.
When I put my head out, like a turtle out of his shell, in the early morning to look at the weather, Killooleet would look down from the projecting end of the ridgepole and sing good-morning.
Drive a stout iron pin[22] seven or eight inches long into the centre of the top until it projects only about three and a half or four inches, or enough to go through the ridgepole and an inch beyond.
Next spread the tent on the ground, and put the ridgepolein its place in the top of the tent, and the two upright poles in their places.
It will save strain upon any tent, to stay it in windy weather with ropes running from the iron pins of the upright poles (which should project through the ridgepole and top of the tent) to the ground in front and rear of the tent.
The ridgepoleshould be well rounded on the edges, and be about two and a half inches wide and two inches thick.
If he had told me to dance a jig on the ridgepole of our barn, I would have tried it.
Immediately beneath both ends of the ridgepole there is a small opening in the grass through which the smoke of the cooking fires is supposed to escape.
The 5-foot ridgepole of the steep, heavy, grass roof is supported by two posts rising from the basal timbers of the third story.
The roof falls away sharply from the ridgepole not only at the sides but at the ends, so that, except at the ridge, the roof appears square.
A ridgepole may then be nailed to the upper ends of the uprights.
If the slope of the roof is long enough to allow the cardboard to sag, light strips of wood extending from the ridgepole to the outer edge of the box may be added.
Occasionally a long strip or two of bark is placed as a hood on the ridgepoleto help prevent the entrance of the rain during the northwest monsoon, when it comes down in indescribable torrents.
There is always an extra layer of leaves over the ridgepole as a protection against the rain.
Numerous light rafters of wood or of bamboo extend from the ridgepole in parallel rows at intervals of 30 to 40 centimeters.