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Example sentences for "rideth"

Lexicographically close words:
riderless; riders; rides; ridest; ridet; ridge; ridged; ridgepole; ridges; ridging
  1. And what saddle soever he rideth upon that hath the issue shall be unclean.

  2. Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.

  3. There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky.

  4. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.

  5. Here rideth King Lot's fair son, Undaunted his heart--Now know ye where the helm hath its fastening won?

  6. For the Turkowit rideth with her, and unconquered shall he be still.

  7. Then a Templar tidings brought him, 'E'en as doth her rank beseem Full many a knight so courteous rideth hither beside the queen.

  8. He is dressed in long robes of gray which, methinks, are of poor seeming; but the horse he rideth upon hath the richest coursing that ever I saw.

  9. So they talked among themselves merrily, until after a while quoth Little John, "Who rideth those two nags yonder?

  10. He rideth now disguised as a lady, and the serving-man rideth as his esquire.

  11. The false priest rideth a gray, and the young lord a black.

  12. See how he sitteth and rideth in triumph.

  13. Perchance Hugo rideth in the bridle-path beyond, since it was from that part the dog came.

  14. And the priest rideth a gray and the novice a black," mused Humphrey, "which is a wonderful thing, and not to be accounted for except by chance.

  15. Sigurd rideth with the Niblungs, and wooeth Brynhild for King Gunnar.

  16. Lord Hafbur all his clothes let shape In such wise as maidens do, And thus he rideth over the land King Siward's daughter to woo.

  17. Well learned and wise is Sir Rafe's good sword, And straight the arrows fly, And they find the coat of many a lord, And the crest that rideth high.

  18. Lord Hafbur lets his hair wax long, And will have the gear of mays, And he rideth to King Siward's house And will well learn weaving ways.

  19. The King rideth presently from the Savoy to the Tower.

  20. He rideth a white horse, and hath a scarlet footcloth, all powdered over with ostrich feathers in gold.

  21. The tall, comely man who rideth behind him, on yon brown horse, and who hath eyes like to an eagle, is the Duke of Lancaster.

  22. I pray you," interposed a third squire, "wit you who is yon youth that rideth by the King's left hand?

  23. Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: Cast up a highway for him that rideth through the deserts; His name is the Lord; and exult ye before him.

  24. Thou whom I looked to deliver from the shame and the torment of Utterbol, never didst thou free thyself without my helping, and meet me in the dark wood, and lead me to the Sage who rideth yonder behind us!

  25. And in any case, here is a good horse that we will give thee, since thou hast lost thy steed; and Roger who rideth with thee, he also is well horsed.

  26. Who is this fair woman that rideth with thee?

  27. Said Clement: "It is most like, lord; for we be a rich prey, and it is but seldom that such a company rideth this road.

  28. Then said Ralph: "The Queen rideth well and hardily.

  29. And he rideth until he cometh one day as evening was about to draw on, to the house of a hermit, and the house was so low that his horse might not enter therein.

  30. King Arthur smiteth with his spurs like a good knight and overthroweth two knights in his onset, and Messire Gawain rideth a bandon betwixt two fellowships to be the better known.

  31. And he entereth into the forest and rideth a long league Welsh and findeth two knights sitting by a narrow path in the forest.

  32. Lancelot hath set him forth again upon his way, and rideth by the high forests and findeth holds and hermitages enough, but the story maketh not remembrance of all the hostels wherein he harboured him.

  33. Lancelot rideth right amidst the forest until it is day, and cometh at the right hour of noon to the Castle Perilous, where Meliot of Logres lay.

  34. He rideth until he hath left the castle far behind and entereth the forest, and is in right great desire to see Perceval, but the tidings of him were right far away.

  35. He rideth all the plain, and looketh toward the city and seeth great plenty of folk issuing forth thereof.

  36. Lancelot goeth back right amidst the forest and rideth the day long, and meeteth a knight that was coming, groaning sore.

  37. He rideth until he is come toward evening to a great valley where was forest on the one side and the other, and the valley stretched onward half a score great leagues Welsh.

  38. He departeth from the damsel and rideth until the sun was set.

  39. He taketh leave, and goeth his way and rideth until the valley appeareth wherein the castle is seated garnished of all things good, and he seeth appear the most holy chapel.

  40. Perceval departeth from the place where the knight lieth dead, and rideth until that he draweth nigh to Cardoil where King Arthur was, and findeth the country round in sore terror and dismay.

  41. He rideth until he cometh one eventide nigh to a castle that was of right fair seeming.

  42. Perceval rideth on until he cometh before the master hall, and is alighted on the mounting-stage.

  43. While the soul rideth on so lame or dull a horse as the body is, it must not go the pace which it desireth, but which the body can bear; or else it may quickly be dismounted, or like one that rideth on a tired horse.

  44. By the good lord, said Sir Tristram, he is a good knight that beareth the shield of Cornwall, and meseemeth he rideth in the best manner that ever I saw knight ride.

  45. They know him not, said the damosel, and for because he rideth with me, they ween that he be some man of worship born.

  46. Alas, said the knight, I am slain by this traitor knight that rideth invisible.

  47. Lo, said Sir Dinadan, here may a man prove, be a man never so good yet may he have a fall, and he was never so wise but he might be overseen, and he rideth well that never fell.

  48. Then he rideth into Tuscany, and winneth towns and castles, and wasted all in his way that to him will not obey, and so to Spolute and Viterbe, and from thence he rode into the Vale of Vicecount among the vines.

  49. Margaris rideth unhurt withal, Sounding his trumpet, his men to call.

  50. The Emperor rideth in wrathful mood, The Franks in grievous solicitude; Nor one among them can stint to weep, Beseeching God that He Roland keep, Till they stand beside him upon the field, To the death together their arms to wield.

  51. XCIV Roland rideth the passes through, On Veillantif, his charger true; Girt in his harness that shone full fair, And baron-like his lance he bare.

  52. Nevertheless, when he rideth in battle, and spears fly from the hands of heroes, I tremble lest I lose him.

  53. Who rideth thither hath death at his hand.

  54. Then said Hagen the stark man, "It may well irk thy knights that he rideth hither as a foeman.

  55. Musicians following with great barony And jesters through the land his state have brought, With dames and damsels whereso rideth he.

  56. If it be for their turne, then the gentleman peraduenture is asked which waie he trauelleth, and whether it please him to haue another ghest to beare him companie at supper, who rideth the same waie in the morning that he doth, or not.

  57. Canst thou not see that he doth not ride on the solid ground, but flieth through the air, and that, although he rideth on what seemeth a mortal steed, he is really craried by mighty pinions, which cleave the air like those of a bird?

  58. When he rideth on horsebacke to the warres, or any iourney, he hath a sword of the Turkish fashion, and his bowe and arrowes of the same maner.

  59. There are a great number of such monasteries in the Realm, and the Emperors maiesty rideth oftentimes from one to another of them, and lieth at them 3.

  60. Ought to be clothed with the king's apparel, and to be set upon the horse that the king rideth upon, and to have the royal crown upon his head, 6:9.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rideth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.