I may here remark that on revisiting Lucknow I did not see a single tablet or grave to show that any of the Ninety-Third are buried there.
Before entering on my reminiscences I may mention that I never previously had an opportunity of revisiting any of the scenes of which I am about to write since I had been an actor in them.
So it happened that it was not till two years after that she had the chance of revisiting Monkey Island.
I turned away so that I might not spy on Kitty revisiting her dead.
He breakfasted at about nine o'clock, and appeared perfectly composed; and on the sheriffs revisiting him, accompanied by several gentlemen, he was found to be unaltered in his demeanour.
Do you know that, Sir Edwin Landseer, who have it in the background of your picture of Wellington revisiting the field?
To one like myself, to whom it has fallen to visit almost every country on the face of the globe, there is always a tinge of melancholy in revisiting the familiar High Street of Harrow.
I swear I have not noticed that it was gone till now; I am like one who revisiting his school feels suddenly for his old knife.
I was somewhat anxious about revisiting an island called Tikopia.
We feared, moreover, that unless the spirit of Jean Bouchon were satisfied, he might continue revisiting the cafe and go on sweeping away the tips.
Another pioneer, after revisiting Norway, writes: I was often surprised to find that persons who had never seen me before took me at once for an American.
I have unfolded to you so much of my history, that I may now further inform you there is hope of once more revisiting the friends I left whilst in trouble and disgrace.
The money his noble friend had just now conferred upon him gave him a nearer prospect of revisiting Stratford be thought.
From this extreme desire of revisiting their friends, it often happens that the soldiers, whilst striving with each other in haste, desert their leader.
In the end of May the Prince started for a short visit to Germany, with the double intention of getting a glimpse of his daughter, and revisiting his country for the first time after thirteen years absence.
Her Majesty could not quit Germany without revisiting Coburg, hard as the visit must have been to her.
The negro's story of our trick aroused the ire of her commander, and the poor "Maria" was obliged to pay the forfeit by revisiting Sierra Leone in custody of an officer.
What are the points of contrast in the economy of the Commons' House of Parliament and its precincts to-day which would most strike the shadowy observerrevisiting the place by the glimpses of the moon after half a century's absence.
Social transformations which would most strike one revisiting the London West End in 1897.
What will really strike the eye of one revisiting Oxford after a long interval is less the signs of the latest developments of domestic life than the appearance of greater youthfulness in the undergraduates.
This last day was to be devoted to revisiting several museums, and would end with a walk to San Miniato.
The joys of revisiting our own country were thus most cruelly damped.
It was this revisiting of old scenes that caused him to write the book which we have here reprinted.
I have not great expectations of revisiting this country soon; but I hope it will not be impossible but we may meet abroad, which will be a great satisfaction to me.
Another may have been self-gratification by revisiting well-known scenes; and yet another, beneficence to man by opening for his use a new source of knowledge and wisdom.
When one learns that issuers from the vailed realms of spirit-land are only earth's emancipated children revisiting their former homes, the cry that devils are coming lacks any startling power.
Few of the events of our life afford us greater pride than revisiting a well-known and celebrated city after many years' absence.
I enjoyed all the delights and regrets which mere local associations can call up, a few months ago, on revisiting Athens after many years' absence.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revisiting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.