In the light of the discovery he revises his whole career.
Finished the correction of revises before one, discussing the text with Lord Granville and making various alterations of phrase which he recommended.
By midnight I had the revises ready with the corrections.
But would you like for me to send the last and perfect revises of the sheets as I correct them?
Manuscript, proofs, and revises of additional matter for First Impression.
Manuscript, proofs, andrevises of additional matter for Second Impression.
These lines must have been altered in proof, for all the revises accord with the text.
For thee in those bright isles," and being the first draft of the addition as printed in the Revises of November 13, etc.
Between November 13 and November 25 no less than tenrevises of the Bride were submitted to Lord Byron.
The text passed through five revises and remained unaltered till November 21, when eighteen lines were added to the forty, viz.
The present work was set up in slips, but the corrections have been unusually large, and the revises frequent.
When some sweet thoughtrevises The half-forgotten tune That opened "Exercises" On "Friday Afternoon.
When some sweet thought revises The half-forgotten tune That opened "Exercises," On "Friday Afternoon.
Finally, more than anything else, as the author puts last touches to his scenario, or revises the play he has written from it, he scans its details in relation to the probable attitude toward them of his public.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.