There was time given to the Ambassadours of Swedeland to resolve themselves, and make their Answer.
Also it was concluded, that the earle of Kent, and the archbishop of Dubline should go ouer as ambassadours into France, to excuse the king for his not comming in person to the French king, to doo his homage for the lands he held in France.
After that the safe conducts were deliuered on both parts, the ambassadours met at a village beside Amiens.
The Romans were certainly jealous of such a design, when they sent ambassadours to Hannibal, to inform him, that if he passed the Iberus, and attacked the Saguntines, they should look upon it as a declaration of war.
He concluded by seconding the motion of Menenius for sending ambassadours to put a speedy end to the sedition upon the best terms they should be able to obtain.
The which was granted, and two ordinarie ambassadours were chosen for them; one Nicholas Vergotie, and the other Piero of saint Cretice, and the foresayd Passin should returne with them for to make the sayd answere.
For not long since, when the king of the Frankes sent certaine of his subiects ambassadours to Constantinople vnto Iustinian the Emperour, he sent English men also, ambitiously boasting, as though the sayd Isle had bene vnder his iurisdiction.
How one of the ambassadours made answere of his message, and how the Commons would not agree to yeeld the towne.
How the ambassadours of Rhodes spake with the great Turke, and what answere they had.
And when they were within the Turkes pauillion, and had done him reuerence as appertained, our ambassadours sayd that the great master had heard and seen his demaund to yeeld the towne.
After this done, the ambassadours were well cherished, and diuers times resorted to the court, and had great cheere and good rewards, and so the third day of May next following, they tooke their leaue and departed homeward.
Sidenote: The entertainment at dinner of the Ambassadours men.
The sayd Acmek led the three ambassadours toward the great Turke.
The ambassadours were glad to vse a shift by briberie.
Thus you heare what successe our ambassadours had in this voiage.
About this time king Henrie sentambassadours vnto the French king, as Walter the archbishop of Rouen, John bishop of Eureux, and William Marshall, to require restitution for the damages doone to him and his people.
There were also sent thither ambassadoursfrom the empire, from Spaine, from Denmarke, & from Hungarie; to be mediatours betwixt the two princes.
This offer seemed so profitable and also honorable to king Henrie and the realme, that the ambassadours were well heard, honorablie receiued, and with rewards sent home into their countrie.
When one of the ambassadours was about to haue made answer somewhat roundlie, and also nippinglie vnto this speech vttered by the king of Almaine, he was staied by one of his associats.
And so the ambassadours vnderstanding his mind, returned with all conuenient speed.
The Ambassadours of Poland, and for the state of Venice are not Ligiers as these two abouesaid.
A Voyage of three Ambassadours who in the time of Edward the Confessor, were sent vnto Constantinople, and from thence to Ephesus, recorded by William of Malmesburie.
But after his comming into Gallia, when the Britains sent to him certeine ambassadours to treat with him of peace, he staied there to settle the state of things among the Galles, for that they were not in verie good order.
The kings ambassadours hearing this, were somwhat troubled in their minds: [Sidenote: Eadmerus.
The ambassadours in like maner declaring the effect of their message, opened vnto the pope the ground of the controuersie begun betweene the king and Anselme, & with good arguments went about to prooue the kings cause to be lawfull.
Now after he had finished his businesse on that side, he returned into England, where he met with ambassadourssent to him from the emperour Henrie.
One of the ambassadours that was sent vnto the said Charles (as is reported) was that famous [Sidenote: Alcwine an Englishman.
The Britains greatlie amazed with this sudden arriuall of the emperour, and hearing that such preparation was made against them, sent ambassadours to him to intreat of peace, and to excuse their rebellious dooings.
After that king Ethelfred was informed that the foresaid Redwald had receiued Edwin, he ceased not by his ambassadours to moue Redwald either to deliuer Edwin into his hands, or to make him awaie.
She demanded to be heard, in person, by Elizabeth, before the nobles of England and the ambassadours of other princes, and was refused.
She thundered on the coasts of Africa, and received ambassadours from Siam.
The oration of the Scythian Ambassadoursto Alexander the great, reprouing his ambicion, and desire of Empire.
Sulpitius Camerinus, were sent Ambassadours to Athenes, and commaunded to wryte out the noble Lawes of Solon, and to learne the Institutions, orders, and Lawes of other Greeke cities.
Cluilius, from whence and from Rome, Ambassadours were sent to redemaunde the thinges stollen.
The Senate depeached Ambassadours to the king commaunding them to saye nothing of Timochares, but to giue the kinge warning circumspectly to loke wel about him, to preuent such treason, as by those that were nerest him might be attempted.
Which answere the Albane Ambassadours retourned to their maister.
Hee receiued the Alban Ambassadours in verie courteous manner, and they as courteously celebrated his honourable and sumptuous intertaignement.
M403) For when the time drew neere of the celebrating their feasts of Toya, which are ceremonies most strange to recite, he sent Ambassadours to our men to request them on his behalfe to be there present.
Fourthly, the charges of all Ambassadours betweene that Prince and her Maiesty, are alwayes borne by the merchants stocke.
The popes ambassadours receiuing Iohn Balioll at king Edwards hands, tooke him ouer with him into France, and there left him in the custodie of the bishop of Cambrie, the popes deputie in that behalfe, where shortlie after he died.
Before whose holynes one of the sayde ambassadours had a longe and a tedious oration, that he had deuysed by the way; the whiche, er it was ended, ryght sore anoyed the popes holynesse.
At whiche sayenge the pope laughed, and caused the ambassadoursto be spedde incontinent.
Out of the towne of Parusyn were sente vpon a tyme thre ambassadours vnto our holye father Pope Urban, whom they founde sycke in his bed.
Immediatly after this consultation the king sent ambassadours to all the multitude of the English men, requiring them not to remoue their campe nor fleet from the city of Iaphet, but quietly to attend the kings further commandement.
Of theambassadours of the Emperour of Moscovie Sub-section V.
These ambassadours were appointed lodging and enterteinement by the Moscouie company at their house then in Seething Lane, and were sundrie times after permitted to be in presence.
So soone as the Kinges of Aegypte of Persia, and the Greekes, were aduertized of the death of Odenatus, they sent theyr Ambassadours to Zenobia, aswell to visite and comfort hir, as to bee her confederats and frendes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ambassadours" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.