Those who either maliciously reiect the Gospell offered vnto them: or receiuing and vnderstanding the same, do but coldly respect, and carelessly taste it, without making any due estimation, or hauing any reuerent regard therof.
Pardon old father my mistaking eies, That haue bin so bedazled with the sunne, That euery thing I looke on seemeth greene: Now I perceiue thou art a reuerent Father: Pardon I pray thee for my mad mistaking Petr.
Which reuerent Matron, with her right arme naked poynted to the heauens.
They stoode thus on eyther hande and before the Queene with a singular and reuerent regarde, attending and readilie perfourming that charge whereunto they were appoynted.
The King of the white men, his musicke sounding, commaunded her forward that stoode before the Queene, and the same with lyke reuerent behauiour marched forward her continent, and stoode still.
For which cause, my collour red and blushing, with reuerent admiration, being grieued at my basenesse, I setled my selfe to followe her.
Sutch hath ben the sacred vse and reuerent care of auncient tyme.
You stubborne ancient Knaue, you reuerent Bragart, Wee'l teach you Kent.
The reuerent care I beare vnto my Lord, Made me collect these dangers in the Duke.
Your Graces find me heere part of a Houswife, (I would be all) against the worst may happen: What are your pleasures with me, reuerent Lords?
To see a reuerent Siracusian Merchant, Who put vnluckily into this Bay Against the Lawes and Statutes of this Towne, Beheaded publikely for his offence Gold.
I did my Lord, Yet let me be their baile, For by my Fathers reuerent Tombe I vow They shall be ready at your Highnes will, To answere their suspition with their liues King.
Of very reuerent reputation sir, Of credit infinite, highly belou'd, Second to none that liues heere in the Citie: His word might beare my wealth at any time Mar.
A very reuerent body: I such a one, as a man may not speake of, without he say sir reuerence, I haue but leane lucke in the match, and yet is she a wondrous fat marriage Anti.
Come come, thou reuerentman of Rome, And bring our Emperour gently in thy hand, Lucius our Emperour: for well I know, The common voyce do cry it shall be so Mar.
Wherunto the good father without any great difficultie, consented, aswell for respect of his good zeale, as for his reuerent duty to the nobility of the stock whereof he came.
And as they sate laughynge and sporting, one asked whiche was the most reuerent part of mans bodye?
One sayd the eie, an other the nose; but Antony, bycause he knew his enuyer wolde name the clene contrarye, sayde the mouth was the most reuerent parte.
By my hopes 20 Of Charaloys acquitall, I lament That reuerent old mans fortune.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reuerent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.