Much of his fates I know; but check'd by fear I stand; the hand of violence is here: Here boundless wrongs the starry skies invade, And injured suppliants seek in vain for aid.
Then it struck her that in the character of suppliantsthey were not behaving properly.
As they walked along, more like owners than suppliants for forgiveness, David pointed out to his sister the hiding-places they had found convenient.
The issue of the one is a tumult of fury and hate; that of the other, a crowd of suppliants and an eager desire to keep Him with them.
To-day, as then, the fountain of His pity and healing power is full, after thousands have drawn from it, and no crowd of suppliants bars our way to His heart or His hands.
There should have been no attempts at insurrection, because the cause was hopeless by force, and the royal ear was ever open to suppliants for justice, if timely submission were made.
It is recorded that the priests also, arrayed in the vestments of their office, went as suppliants to the enemy's camp, but that they did not influence his mind any more than the ambassadors.
Among the suppliantsand captives, Timur distinguished the doctors of the law, whom he invited to the dangerous honor of a personal conference.
May your excellency fear the wrath of heaven, for we are your suppliants, and Jove takes all respectable travellers under his protection, for he is the avenger of all suppliants and foreigners in distress.
Immediately after dinner I took a herald and one of my men and went straight to the house of Aeolus, where I found him feasting with his wife and family; so we sat down as suppliants on the threshold.
To thee, O Lord, thy suppliants pray To find some cure this plague to stay.
Though suppliants flock from every side The suit of none is e'er denied.
Jesus Christ once for all laid down the law when He said to one of the suppliants at His feet, 'According to your faith be it unto you.
O thou most impious of all impious mortals, Why hast thou dared defy me in my temple, And torn away the homes of those who trust me, Taken my suppliants from me for thy prey?
Then Aristodicus stood forth, and answered: "Lord, is it thus thy suppliants are succoured, What time thy Oracle bids men of Cyme To yield their suppliant to the Persian spears?
They went into the marble house of Circe, and as suppliants they seated themselves at the hearth.
Lady," he said, "I implore you by Hecate and by Zeus who helps all strangers and suppliants to be kind to me and to the men who have come to your country with me.
That Gregory should have had the gift to see, or believe that he saw, a shining angel upon Hadrian's tomb, pausing and sheathing his sword as the long line of suppliants drew near, is very soothing and human to think of.
When the young suppliants clasp their parent dear, Heave the deep sob, and pour the artless prayer, Ay!
The guards of the magistrates, seeing the suppliants about to expire from exhaustion, led them from the altar and put them to death.
Oedipus, the king, is introduced to us, powerful and beloved; to him whose wisdom had placed him on the throne, look up the priest and the suppliants for a remedy even amid the terrors of the plague.
It is recorded that the priests also, arrayed in their insignia, went as suppliants to the enemy's camp; and that they did not influence his mind more than the ambassadors.
We are not suppliants here, Invoking aid from our more potent friends.
Accordingly Cylon and his brother made their escape; but the rest being hard pressed, and some even dying of famine, seated themselves as suppliants at the altar in the Acropolis.
He had no sooner consented, than they began to enroll their enemies for the ships; and these, fearing that they might be sent off to Athens, seated themselves as suppliants in the temple of the Dioscuri.
The Lacedaemonians had once raised up some Helot suppliants from the temple of Poseidon at Taenarus, led them away and slain them; for which they believe the great earthquake at Sparta to have been a retribution.
These suppliants or priests were called purohita, i.
Like flies round a jar of honey, we are told in another place, do the suppliants sit round the bowl of the offering; as a man sets his foot in the chariot, so does the host of minstrels longing for treasure place their confidence in Indra.
In the Veda we are told that the suppliants "squeeze the soma with stones.
Yet this misfortune,” he wrote to Small, “might have fallen upon me when I had less ability to bear it, and my poor children might have been left suppliants to the mercy of the wide world.
But there were thousands of like suppliantsall over the kingdom, and redress came slowly.
Fear your covenant and your oaths, fear the Fury that avenges suppliants and the retribution of heaven, if I fall into Aeetes' hands and am slain with grievous outrage.
To Zeus belong both suppliantsand strangers; and his eye, methinks, beholdeth even us.
Oh, reverence suppliants and strangers for Zeus' sake, the god of strangers and suppliants.
And at once she asked them clearly of their business and their voyaging, and whence they had come to her land and palace, and had thus seated themselves as suppliants at her hearth.
Marion's course in regard to these suppliants may be inferred from his previous character.
Petitions were poured into the Legislature, sustained by such pleas and friends as the circumstances of the suppliants could procure--excusing their conduct, asserting their repentance, and imploring the restoration of their possessions.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suppliants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.