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Example sentences for "recouered"

Lexicographically close words:
recordeth; recording; recordings; records; recouer; recouerie; recouering; recouery; recount; recounted
  1. And passing from thence into Maine, he recouered that countrie latelie before through feare alienated.

  2. As this day came the goods, out of Scotland that were recouered out of the Edward Bonauenture: and nowe we doe preceiue that the caske that the trayne oyle came in, is verie good, and much better then ours.

  3. The Dutch nation are free of this: notwithstanding for certaine offences, they had lost their priuiledges which they haue recouered this Summer to their great charge.

  4. But when he was seazed agayne, the Lady saw full wel, that hir recouered friend was not so hard to please, as the other was, and that wyth him she liued at greater liberty.

  5. This victory recouered sutch corage and boldnes to the French, as from that tyme forth the Englishmen began with their places and forts to lose also theyr hartes to defend themselues.

  6. For enioying hir former request, she recouered another, also hauing brought to passe that not onely in the Citty, but also in the countrey, hir children should attend vppon theyr Father.

  7. The Wyddow by magike arte what so euer it cost, would fayne haue recouered hir lost Louer.

  8. Whereof king Henrie being aduertised, passed ouer into Normandie, recouered the said citie, punished the offenders, reuenged himselfe of the earle, and returned into England.

  9. Also bicause Edilred king of Mercia recouered the countrie of Lindsey, and [Sidenote: The church of Rippon.

  10. For had not twenty men beene taken out of a Barque of sir George Careys, his being commaunded to be sunke, and those appointed to her, she had hardly euer recouered England.

  11. But the Englishmen hauing lesser and nimbler Ships, recouered againe the vantage of the winde from the Spaniards, whereat the Spaniards seemed to bee more incensed to fight then before.

  12. The Admirall of the Hulkes and the Ascension of Siuil were both sunke by the side of the Reuenge; one other recouered the rode of Saint Michael, and sunke also there; a fourth ranne her self with the shore to saue her men.

  13. M419) Incontinently they recouered their naturall courages, and declared vnto him at large all their navigation.

  14. But as the Galley was going toward Sicillie, beeing taken by the Turkeys, ledde away to Rhodes, and thence to Constantinople, it was shortly afterwarde recouered by Romeguas, commaunder ouer the Armie of Malta.

  15. Yet notwithstanding it pleased our mercifull God so to prouide by his prouidence, that all our men recouered their health without the losse of any one of them.

  16. How by the grace of God we had notice of a certaine tree, whereby we all recouered our health: and the maner how to vse it.

  17. Shortlie after that Charles de Valois was departed and gone out of the countrie, the towne of saint Seuere was recouered by the Englishmen.

  18. Yet at length it brake vp, and the element recouered hir accustomed cleerenesse.

  19. The earle of Arthois being sent of the French king with an armie into Gascoine, incountred with the Englishmen, and chased them with the slaughter of a great number, and after recouered diuers townes and fortresses in the countrie.

  20. They might also haue recouered Bruges, as was thought, if the Englishmen and Flemings had not fallen at strife, & fought togither about diuiding of the preie.

  21. The duke of Bedford then without any great resistance recouered againe the towne of saint Denis, with diuerse other fortresses.

  22. And beside these townes surrendred in Normandie, the duke of Britaine recouered againe Fougiers, saint Iames de Beuuron, and diuerse other.

  23. Thus by little and little the Englishmen recouered manie townes which before they had lost.

  24. For which opertunitie and advantage, the deuill watching; and noe doubt compasing, he then recouered her, and now dwelleth there: whose last estat with Katherine Wrights and Will.

  25. This wounded the minds of many with an inward grudge, as well enough perceiuing that the king would looke so néere to his owne commoditie, that nothing should be left for them that might any way be recouered and gotten to his vse.

  26. Sidenote: Agenois recouered out of the Frenchmens hands.

  27. Alfred besieged the citie of London, the Danes that were within fled from thence, and the Englishmen that were inhabitants thereof [Sidenote: London recouered out of the hands of the Danes.

  28. But after that they had recouered themselues togither, and [Sidenote: Agnerus and Hubba.

  29. Herevpon therefore he returned southward, and comming vpon his enimies, recouered out of their hands diuers of those places which they held, as Hereford, and the castle of Shrewesburie.

  30. When the Englishmen had thus recouered the castell, they entred into Scotland, in hope to find the Scots, and to fight with them whom they knew to be assembled.

  31. Berwike castell recouered by the earle of Northumberland.

  32. Thus was the castell recouered the ninth daie after the Scots had entered the same, so that they enioied not long that victorious exploit.

  33. After that the Englishmen had raised the Frenchmen from the siege of Mortaigne, they returned to Burdeaux, and after recouered sundrie castels and fortresses in the marches of |717| Burdelois, and about Baionne.

  34. Sidenote: Marke castell recouered by sir Hugh Caluerlie, the same daie it was lost.

  35. Berwike castel recouered by the earle of Northumberland.

  36. And likewise other some remayned lame and halt, which was no small griefe and losse: but the most parte recouered healthe, as I haue declared.

  37. All hys company was pleased and contente with this comfortable exhortation, and those that were faynt harted recouered strength.

  38. And hys valiaunt Souldiers recouered double courage, & those who hated him began to honour him: and in conclusion he departed from thence excéeding welbeloued of all his company.

  39. With this victory the Spaniardes recouered great fame, for they were thought to haue bene slayne.

  40. At length he recouered his speech, and perceiuing himselfe in a strange place which he knew not, he willed to knowe if the chamber had any particular name, whereunto answere was made, that it was called Ierusalem.

  41. So afterward being driuen to disgest many iniuries by the way, at length he recouered S.

  42. Russe in better order, and recouered Polotzko againe in the yere 1579.

  43. Ducket well recouered of his sicknesse, whom he had left ill at Ardouil.

  44. Here two of our men, whereof the one was diseased with the skuruie, and the other had bene nine moneths sicke of the fluxe, in short time while they were on the Iland, recouered their perfect health.

  45. But (God be thanked) they all recouered sauing onely the foure which were slain out right.

  46. Androwes that was last of all hurt, lay lame not able to helpe himselfe: onely two recouered of their hurts.

  47. The sayd banner was recouered by one of our men.

  48. And thus the sayde bulwarke was gotten and recouered againe, and with all diligence were made new repaires and strengths to the sayd place.

  49. I thought ye would neuer haue giuen out these Armes til you had recouered your ancient Freedome.

  50. Call vp the right master Constable, we haue here recouered the most dangerous peece of lechery, that euer was knowne in the Common-wealth Watch.

  51. Lost, and recouered in a day againe, This is a double Honor, Burgonie: Yet Heauens haue glory for this Victorie Burg.

  52. Well, wee cannot greatly condemne our successe: some dishonor wee had in the losse of that drum, but it is not to be recouered Par.

  53. At the last he came before Paris, where Philip King of France did then abide: to whom he sent word, that he had recouered to be on foote, and was walking about, and would be glad likewise to find him abroad.

  54. These deteined the French King in some tariance in France, whilest the King of England either recouered or reuenged his losses against the Earle of Aniou.

  55. The Earle they recouered againe to horse, and so left the Duke master of the field.

  56. Henry after a bloody chase, recouered Nice; and with great triumph returned to Roan.

  57. Hereupon they presently went to horse, and their spurres claimed so good haste, as they recouered Pontoise, albeit they were sharpely pursued by the French.

  58. Of the Bees newe settled in a swarme togyther, and taken or recouered agayne.

  59. How Bees lost, may be recouered and found againe.

  60. Here learne a farther instruction, that if the swarme of Bées cannot be gathered and recouered togither all at one time then may you gather the swarme at two or more times togither, and alwaies put eche part gathered vnder the hiue.

  61. How Bees, may be recouered and founde againe.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recouered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.