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Example sentences for "vppon"

Lexicographically close words:
vpone; vpoun; vppe; vpper; vppermost; vpright; vpward; vrai; vraie; vraiment
  1. There was another God, who hadde a greate Image placed vppon the toppe of the Chappell of Idols, and hée was estéemed for a speciall and singular God aboue all the rest.

  2. He hadde long heare on hys heade, sixe little heares vppon him, as though they hadde bin put in with a bodkin.

  3. But when he came home, the Gouernoure hauing hearde of his procéedings, would not looke vppon him, whiche was hys iust reward.

  4. And after all this spéech, euery one of them called vppon the name of his owne Towne with a loude voyce, setting fire vppon their houses.

  5. The chiefest knotte of marriage vsed in Michuacan was, that the Bride doe looke directly vppon hir spouse, for otherwise the Matrimony was not perfite nor auaylable.

  6. And being open in the backe part and shoulders, they vsed to lace them, in such sorte that they came fitte vppon the bodies of those that ware them, and being in this order attired, they came to daunce among many others.

  7. Cortez commaunded Proclamation to be made, that none of his company shoulde take any thyng away, vppon payne of deathe (onely victuals excepted) to the intente to obtayne the good will and friendship among the Indians.

  8. But when I sawe him mounte vppon the bed after her, I stepped forth and tooke him betwene her armes, and with my dagger immediatly did kill him.

  9. The stoutnesse also of a noble matron named Megistona in defence of hir husbande and the common wealth from the tyranny of the said Aristotimvs: and of other actes done by the subiectes vppon that Tyrant.

  10. The Gentlewoman chaunging her talke, caused him to lye downe vppon a fayre bedde, where he lay the space of XV.

  11. And as he was thus pensife in complaintes his spaniells sprong a Partrich, wherat he let flee his Hauke, and the Partrich flying into sir Stricca his garden, his Hauke pursued and seassed vppon the same.

  12. The gentleman when hee was within, hearde tell of the dilligence which his wife had vsed vppon his commaundemente, and thanked her very hartelie.

  13. I beleeue then thou wouldest not bee so hard hearted, but haue pitty vppon the griefe whereof thou shouldest haue proued the vehemence.

  14. Erthe oute of erth ys wondurly wroght, Erth hath gotyn vppon erth a dygnyte of noght, Erth ypon erth hath sett[1] all hys thowht How erth apon erth may be hey browght.

  15. Erthe vppon erthe wolde be a kynge; Howe erthe shalle vnto erthe thynkythe he noo thynge.

  16. And the lorde spake vn to the fish: and it cast out Ionas agayne vppon [the] drie lande.

  17. God/ & wax not wild and fall to vanities ād so synne ād prouoke God and bringe wrath vppon vs.

  18. For a Schisme / is a stryfe which risith vppon diuersitie of sentẽces.

  19. And thus it semeth that the lorde hathe sett vppon them a signe / as he dyd vppon Cain / which slewe his brother Abell.

  20. That same gret prophet of Godd Helias was ones of that mynde that he only of all the true worshippers of Godd was lefte alyue vppon the earthe.

  21. Iesus our Sauiour in his own parson made of hymself vppon the crosse.

  22. Heliseus / saye they / that he might be suffred to kneele in the temple of Rymmon that Idoll / whẽ the kinge did worshipp / and leane vppon his arme.

  23. That therfore he is made giltie of all / bicause he synneth against charitie / vppon which the obseruacion of the whole lawe is grownded.

  24. But Godd will thincke vppon them / if it be true that either a man must satisfice / or go to pugatorie / if Godd wil so sharply punishe them by such paynes as they saye are in purgatorie.

  25. Iupiter descends in Thunder and Lightning, sitting vppon an Eagle: hee throwes a Thunder-bolt.

  26. For me, I will make shift for one, and so Gods Cursse light vppon you all All.

  27. She asks after her "Syr, howe faryth my swete spouse husband That hewyth vppon your̛ tre?

  28. And if you aske them what they can doe, they wil saye that they can kepe two or three geldinges, and waite vppon a gentleman.

  29. He addresses this noble lady as a person of extreme benevolence, and "as also aboundantly powrynge out dayly [her] ardent and bountifull charytie vppon all such as commeth for reliefe.

  30. No, no, looke vppon Endymion, the Moones Minion, who slept threescore and fifteene yeares, and was not a haire the worse for it.

  31. Oh fie, vppon any man that carries that vngodly minde!

  32. Ye[a] and they loke so narowly vppon theyre proufittes that the poore wyues must be countable to theym of euery tenth eg or elles she gettith not her ryghtes at ester shalbe taken as an heretike.

  33. Ye[a] who is abill to nombre the greate and brode botomles occean see full of euilles that this mischeuous and sinful generacion may laufully bring vppon vs vnponisshed.

  34. Sixthly, he putteth a white garment vppon it.

  35. But whan it began to be skant well kepte vppon the Sonday neither: then was it commaunded that euery manne should receiue it thrise in the yere, or ones at the leaste, at euery Easter.

  36. And aftre what time the priest hath sensed the corps, throwen holy water vppon it, and said certeine prayers, to laye it into the graue with the face vpwarde, and the heade into the Weaste.

  37. He hath the Gospelle booke deliuered hym, and a towell hanged vppon his one shouldre, like a yoke.

  38. And that thei should receiue the sacrament of the aulter cleane from the filthe of sinne, vppon the whiche consideracion at this daye it endeth with confiteor, or an open confession.

  39. THere is a kind of grasse in the countrey vppon the blades where of there groweth very good silke in forme of a thin glittering skin to bee stript of.

  40. And vppon the lefte hande of the quene satte the Kynge of Scottes in hys estate, the wyche was served wythe covered messe, like vnto the forenamed byshoppes, but after them.

  41. The like you may make of the foure knaues, putting vppon them the foure fiues, and so of the rest of the Cardes: But this can not be well shewed you without demonstration.

  42. Remember that a Iugler must set a good face vppon that matter he goeth about, for a good grace and carriage is very requisite to make the art more authenticall.

  43. To the which in a glorious bragging humour he aunswered, that hee was a gentleman, a captaine commander, a chiefe leacjer, that came away from the king of England vppon discontentment.

  44. Thirdly and lastly (hauing done this), hee should praye to God feruently neuer to haue mercie vppon him, or pardon him.

  45. The purblinde Doctour put on his spectacles and lookt vppon mee: and when he had throughly viewd my face, he caused mee to bee stript naked, to feele and grope whether each lim were sound, and my skin not infected.

  46. From my master by her fulhand prouokement I parted without leaue, the state of an Earle hee had thrust vppon me before, and nowe I woulde not bate him an inch of it.

  47. In the dayes of Nero there was an odde fellowe that had found out an exquisite waie to make glasse as hammer proofe as golde: shall I saie, that the like experiment he made vppon glasse, we haue practised on the Gospell?

  48. In this consideration neither citizen nor stranger, gentleman, knight, marques, or any may weare anie weapon endamageable vppon paine of the strappado.

  49. It is not so naturall for me to epitomize his impietie, as to heare him in his owne person speake vppon the wheele where he was to suffer.

  50. God had no greater curse to lay vppon the Israelites, than by leading them out of their owne countrey to liue as slaues in a strange land.

  51. A fourth, who being a person of suspected religion, was continually hanted with intelligencers and spies that thought to praie vppon him for that hee had, he could not deuise which waie to shape them off, but by making away that he had.

  52. At the sight thereof hee coulde in no wise refrayne, though hee had tooke vppon him the condition of a seruant, but hee must forthwith frame this extemporall Dittie.

  53. Fie vppon it, a mans breath to bee let out a backe-doore, what a villanie it is?

  54. Vppon these woordes you saye, this maye seme strange bothe in respecte that yt is not in the frenche, as also for that there was no lorde Windsore at those dayes.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vppon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.