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Example sentences for "several things"

  • Coventry alone in his chamber, and sat and talked with him more than I have done a great while of several things of the Navy, how our debts and wants do unfit us for doing any thing.

  • In which petition I shall take notice of several things.

  • To right confession of sin, several things must go.

  • Several things no doubt influenced them to make this request.

  • Several things are of importance and should be remembered.

  • Several things must be set down as contributory causes of the division of the nation.

  • Noor ad Deen, who had already obliged him in several things of more consequence, was so complaisant as to relate the whole story to him.

  • Talking of several things, at last she asked her what she thought of the house, and how she liked it.

  • They discoursed of several things, but the conversation fell insensibly, I know not how, upon the subject of travelling.

  • To White Hall, where the Duke of York met the office, and there discoursed of several things, particularly the Instructions of Commanders of ships.

  • Logic) Defn: One of several things signified by a common term.

  • Secondly, one thing is made up of several things, perfect but changed, as a mixture is made up of its elements; and in this way some have said that the union of the Incarnation was brought about by manner of combination.

  • Therefore it seems that a sacrament is not a sign of several things.

  • The sacramental power is in several things, and not merely in one: thus the power of Baptism lies both in the words and in the water.

  • Now the perfection of Penance is composed of several things, viz.

  • Several things I shall say to you, both to further your convictions, and to caution you from staying anywhere below or short of saving grace.

  • This then teaches us several things, some of which I will mention.

  • The glory of which is set forth by several things--1.

  • The richness of mercy is seen in several things.

  • He acknowledged that I convinced him of several things; and thus leaving him I returned home.

  • They also spoke about Theunis, and we disabused them of several things.

  • He has examined himself in several things, and corrected them, and was disposed to do more, as we had persuaded him.

  • So home, and put up several things to carry to Woolwich, and upon serious thoughts I am advised by W.

  • Twenty years before it had been a center of several things.

  • On the whole, it was a pleasant evening, though Helen was not a little puzzled by several things in Mr. Warfield's demeanor, and his resolutely keeping to his opinion that she would have been better off at the High School.

  • There had been a second crop of several things, which betokened thrift on Joe's part.

  • But the successes must be able to do several things well, and to bring knowledge into action, not have a lot of useless matter stored up in the brain waiting for the time to make it serviceable, and then it is not fresh, often not useful.

  • To right confession of sin, several things must go: as, 1.

  • This is, I say, the first thing, the first posture of his with which we are acquainted, and it informeth us of several things.

  • We now, therefore, come to his repentance in the whole and in the parts of it; concerning which I shall take notice of several things, some more remote, and some more near to the matter and life of it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "several things" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after long; follow nature; nearly uniform; need for; only surviving; sensuous perception; several authors; several churches; several cities; several generations; several hundred; several important; several islands; several letters; several minutes; several places; several respects; several sorts; several species; several thousands; several times; several towns; several tribes; several varieties; several weeks; written language