And what a grand life it would be to give receptions herself--not only in great London, but in the Fifth Avenue, New York!
The girls in the club all liked her, and their young men friends at the receptions showed at once how attractive they found this girl.
One of the young men who had been frequently a guest at the club receptions worked in an office near the girl's home.
Thanksgiving and Christmas receptionsbelonged to the children.
Her dress no longer astonished; her mother came to the club receptions comfortably and suitably dressed.
The officialreceptions were interesting that year, as one still saw a few costumes.
The dinners and receptions at the Elysee and at all the ministries those first weeks of the exposition were interesting but so fatiguing.
When I saw him some years later in London, he was changed, looked older, had lost his gaiety, was evidently bored with the official entertaining, and used to escape from all the dinners and receptions as soon as he could.
Their big dinners and receptionswere always extremely well done.
The marshal had a series of dinners and receptions which were most brilliant.
There are always a certain number of people at the big official receptions whose principal object in coming seems to be to make a comfortable meal.
We often had big receptionswith music and comedie.
I don't think the marshal enjoyed the receptions very much.
The receptions finished early--every one had gone by eleven o'clock except a few loiterers at the buffet.
Thiers, M; superseded as President of Republic by MacMahon; receptions at house of; comment of Prince Gortschakoff upon; condition in 1877 and sudden death of.
I liked our dinners and receptions at the ministry.
The receptions and visits were not always easy nor pleasant, even though I was a stranger and had no ties with any former government.
They had a good deal to say to each other, and momentarily evidently serious things, and at receptions Jack had interrupted their glances of intelligence.
Splendid receptions and parades followed; costly presents were showered upon him.
There werereceptions and illuminations, but what pleased the spectators most was the great parade.
These occasions were followed up by regular receptions when theatrical performances frequently attracted the members.
When these Galleries of the "Greenery Yallery" period closed their doors, we removed to the rooms of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours where the receptions were held.
What will be the effect of the enthusiastic receptions that are being given to General Grant?
I went to one of his receptions at the Studio in Holland Park Road, at the time he was showing his pictures for the Academy.
He not only attended the State banquets and entertainments to which he was summoned, but was frequently the guest at receptions of a private and a more intimate character at Marlborough House and elsewhere.
There were vivid receptions and splendid dances at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and the big and comfortable Hotel Windsor.
He also toured the districts where the working man lives, holding informal receptions there.
Whoever is worth one million dollars, no matter how acquired, honestly or dishonestly, is welcome everywhere, and his soirees and receptions are attended by the best society.
The fourteen apartments, at the receptions of ambassadors are full to overflowing with seigniors and richly dressed women.
The grand receptions taking place at the dressing hour.
Garrison, Phillips, and William Henry Channing disapproved of the bloomer costume, but Gerrit Smith continued to champion it and his daughter wore it at fashionable receptions in Washington during his term in Congress.
The Turks, even those who live in Shishli, have neither the means nor the heart to entertain elaborately, and big dinners or official receptions or dances are much too elaborate affairs for them to undertake.
But this is not the case at the receptions given by the other Embassies, especially the American Embassy.
The Crown Prince was on his way to France and was to stay only a few days in Constantinople so that the Ambassador could not possibly give several receptions to which he could have separately asked the different warring nations.
My body went to parties and receptions and dinners, and received people and drove and paid calls, while my soul waited with intense longing for the telegram, "Edwards is better.
Cards for receptionsare a necessary convenience in this era of lengthy visiting lists.
Informal receptions and full-dress occasions of the same kind are announced somewhat differently.
Full-dress receptions are frequently given both afternoon and evening, sometimes in the evening only.
If a series of receptions are planned the form would be: MRS.
For months together, he had been in the country as its guest, and the character of the receptions varied in every respect save one--the cordiality of the people which was unbounded.
Fortunate for Governor Pickens was the delay of LaFayette, as this enabled him to execute more to his satisfaction the vast and difficult plans relating to the series of receptions along the triumphal march of LaFayette through Alabama.
Receptions were held, en route, at the townships of Feilding and Palmerston-North.
On the way civic receptions were held in his honour at a number of centres.
Another place visited was Bathurst, where a procession through the town took place, and where the decorations and receptions were on a very extensive scale.
Local committees were organized; pamphlets and handbills were put into circulation; receptions and public dinners were exploited, whenever possible, in the interest of the cause.
Yet it was only the public receptions that presented such scenes of disorder.
Three clerks had already been deceived by the Book, and three real "receptions of welcome," were recorded on this imposing register.
Twenty-seven reports of receptions of neophytes followed, the last in the fatal year of 1792.
The headquarters were kept open for two months, the weekly receptions were largely attended and the rooms each day crowded with visitors.
They spoke in a number of cities en route and attended numerous handsome receptionsheld in their honor.
Yet the conversation at their receptions was so brilliant that the most elegantly served refreshments would have been an unwelcome interruption.
The history of these was that of many which had preceded them, large crowds and much enthusiasm in some places, small audiences and chilling receptions at others.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "receptions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.