Nothing can be more essential to art-perception than receptiveness, and receptiveness implies a change in the receptive attitude of mind with each variety of art.
Indeed, his authoritative note in criticism was the less beguiling to her who could be outspoken herself, on high occasion, than some personal quality of sensitive receptiveness to life.
Whether big or small, however, I am sure of one thing: I ascribe it entirely to this sharper and more extended sensitiveness to Beauty, this new and exquisite receptiveness that has established itself as a motive-power in my life.
Now, this new sensitiveness to Beauty I have mentioned has opened me to thatreceptiveness which is aware of subtlety and owns to sharp surprise.
And a certain degree of tolerance and receptivenesshas come to be the result.
There need be no specially arduous training, no great weight of knowledge, either of affairs or the human heart, no receptiveness to new ideas, no outlook into reality.
And to be a girl, with a woman's broader vision and receptivenessof soul, with knowledge of evil, and winging to ethereal happiness, this was a revelation of our human powers.
One thing at least was certain, if those records which the priest had examined this morning were to be believed, that no receptiveness of temperament, no subjective expectancy of cure, guaranteed that the cure would take place.
These, I say, given the right temperament and receptiveness to suggestion, can be cured instantaneously.
The true life of the soul lies in that listening receptiveness which takes for one's own God's great gift of Christ, and yields glad obedience to His every word.