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Example sentences for "reaped"

Lexicographically close words:
reanimated; reanimation; reannexation; reap; reape; reaper; reapers; reapeth; reaping; reappear
  1. The Freedman's Bureau reaped a harvest in $2 marriage fees from negroes who were urged thus to make their children heirs of landed estates stocked with mules.

  2. The surveyors had reaped a rich harvest and passed on.

  3. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

  4. So in the rites of Demeter at Eleusis a reaped ear of corn was exhibited to the worshippers as the central mystery of their religion.

  5. At the dance in the evening the Ceres is set in the middle of the floor, and the reaper who reaped fastest dances round it with the prettiest girl for his partner.

  6. Moreover, the explanation is countenanced by a considerable body of opinion amongst the ancients themselves, who again and again interpreted the dying and reviving god as the reaped and sprouting grain.

  7. In Upper or Southern Egypt barley is reaped at the beginning of March, wheat at the beginning of April, and sorghum about the end of that month.

  8. This revelation of the reaped corn appears to have been the crowning act of the mysteries.

  9. After a time the hierophant reappeared, and in a blaze of light silently exhibited to the assembly a reaped ear of corn, the fruit of the divine marriage.

  10. Amongst the Burghers or Badagas, a tribe of the Neilgherry Hills in Southern India, the first handful of seed is sown and the first sheaf reaped by a Curumbar, a man of a different tribe, the members of which the Burghers regard as sorcerers.

  11. In some parts of Germany at harvest the men and women, who have reaped the corn, roll together on the field.

  12. It is reaped by the mistress herself, taken home and set in the place of honour near the holy pictures; afterwards it is threshed separately, and some of its grain is mixed with the next year's seed-corn.

  13. The rice that is planted round this spot is the last to be reaped at harvest.

  14. From the moment that they sowed the maize till the time that they reaped it, the Indians of Nicaragua lived chastely, keeping apart from their wives and sleeping in a separate place.

  15. The last sheaf is reaped by the farmer's wife, who carries it back to the house, where it is threshed and mixed with the Rice-soul.

  16. Yours is the truest splendor, and the most enduring fame; All the glory ever reaped Where the fiends of battle leaped, In harsh discord to the music of your undertoned acclaim.

  17. One of the settlers, from the planting of four quarts, reaped twelve and a half bushels.

  18. Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them who have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth.

  19. The seeds of despair were in the minds of those who accused Christ, and the terrible harvest was reaped within a generation.

  20. The women reaped in Cornwall, while the men bound, and whoever reaped the last lock of corn was proclaimed queen.

  21. Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

  22. Mrs Maple would have been inconsolable at a defence against which she had nothing positive to object, had she not reaped some comfort from finding that even Harleigh opposed including the stranger in the acting circle.

  23. The Democrats now reaped the unpopularity of Van Buren's upright neutrality in the Canadian troubles.

  24. In the hastening, however, Van Buren doubtless reaped some profit in Jackson's greater friendship.

  25. He had sown, as it were, his money in the earth, and reaped a golden harvest.

  26. In June of the same year the importunate Grand Prince resumed his attack upon Smolensk, and reaped the reward of perseverance.

  27. In Russia Ivan, who might have reaped splendid profit from the embarrassments of his rivals, seemed bent rather on warring upon his own subjects.

  28. Howe then bought the outstanding interest in his patent, established a factory in New York, and from the profits of his manufacture, and the royalties, he soon reaped a princely fortune of several million dollars.

  29. Many United States patents granted to foreign chemists are still in force, and the rich reward of their skill is reaped at our expense.

  30. But besides the benefit reaped by the issuers, or by others through them, at the expense of the public generally, there is another unjust gain obtained by a larger class—namely, by those who are under fixed pecuniary obligations.

  31. The fruits of this industry can not be reaped in a short period.

  32. Among the hill tribes near Rajamahall, in India, when the kosarane grain is being reaped in November or early in December, a festival is held as a thanksgiving before the new grain is eaten.

  33. When all the owners of the fields have thus partaken of the rice that was first planted and first reaped in their fields, the other villagers may help themselves to rice out of the pot.

  34. There were two harvests in the year; the barley was reaped in spring and the rice in autumn.

  35. When the new corn has been reaped and ground, a portion of it is made into porridge and carried to the quarters of the principal wife.

  36. When the crop is ripe, it may not be reaped until the household which was the first to sow its fields has gathered the first-fruits and offered them to its own domestic spirits (nats).

  37. When the crop is ripe, the rice which has sprouted from these six holes must be the first to be reaped and the first to be eaten by the owner at the common harvest-feast of the village.

  38. Finally, when the rice in "the field of secret tillage" is ripe, it has to be reaped before any of the rest.

  39. Our life is reaped like a ripe ear of corn; one is yet standing and another is down, &c.

  40. For where the fruit and benefit of an action well begun and prosecuted according to the proper constitution of man may be reaped and obtained, or is sure and certain, it is against reason that any damage should there be suspected.

  41. But this was only the beginning, and Borrow reaped much better remuneration from future editions of the volume.

  42. Make Mrs. McMurray's compliments and mine to Mrs. Falconer; we hope she has reaped much benefit from the saltwater bath.

  43. II They did as they were taught; not theirs the blame, If men who scattered firebrands reaped the flame: They trampled Peace beneath their savage feet, And by her golden tresses drew Mercy along the pavement of the street.

  44. He had, however, reaped no little advantage from his dissimulation.

  45. This I was very glad of, you may be sure; and about the latter end of December, which was our second harvest of the year, I reaped my corn.

  46. But these men would not believe their words, by which belief they might have reaped the advantage of escaping all those miseries; yet did they in earnest learn that what the prophets had told them was true.

  47. As for the reproaches thou hast laid upon Mundus, I value not the business of names; but I rejoice in the pleasure I reaped by what I did, while I took to myself the name of Anubis.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reaped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abbreviated; abridged; abstracted; capsule; clipped; compressed; condensed; cropped; curtailed; docked; elliptic; elliptical; mowed; nipped; pruned; shaved; sheared; shortened; snub; trimmed