The cattleman releasing his hold on Janet staggered back, at the same time thrusting a hand under his coat.
The colloquy resulted from a meeting between Janet and the cattleman while Weir was guiding the young physician, summoned from Bowenville, to Johnson's ranch.
He had never yet crossed swords with thecattleman and the others associated with him, because the occasion had never arisen.
Though Madden and he had seen no light in the office building, the cattleman nevertheless might have been within.
Towards him came Madden running, who in Weir's disappearance earlier in the night he had guessed a pursuit of the cattleman and had therefore returned to the jail.
Revolting as it was to Janet to put so fair a face on Ed Sorenson's conduct, nevertheless she had braced herself to go through with the part and presented to the cattleman a clear, natural countenance.
To-morrow we'll have another talk with him," the cattleman stated.
Beckoning Madden, he went swiftly through the door where the cattleman had leaped into the shadows.
Events might yet prove that it would have been much better for the cattleman to have given him the political nomination.
The tall cattleman clumped along in silence for a while, smiling over some untold weakness of his boss--then he looked down upon Hardy and chuckled to himself.
They rode on for some time in silence, save for the intermittent chuckling of the cattleman as visions of his companions' pale faces and scurrying forms rose before his mind.
The lean, leather-skinned, sandy-mustached cattleman uttered words not meet for print, but expressive of hearty pleasure.
All these brands are registered, and the cattleman who uses the same, or is found in possession of cattle with the brand of another, is subject to a severe penalty.
The old cattleman knew at once why Waring had come, but he had no inkling of what was to follow.
Bud was talking with a cattleman when they again accosted him.
A cattleman of the old order, a man not given to haste or excitement.
Then follows a locked struggle, and it is a serious matter for the cattleman if his hold slips.
Now and then we pass a cattleman or a sheepman riding with that easy give of the body which is so graceful and so characteristic of Western horsemen.
Sam Yesler, commenting on the situation to his friend Jack Roper, a fellow member of the legislature who had been a cattleman from the time he had given up driving a stage thirty years before, shook his head dejectedly over his blue points.
The ready sympathy of the cattleman had gone out to the politician who was down and out.
No, I can't do this, but I can help you to do it all," the cattleman made answer quietly.
This cattleman was one of the ugliest men that I have ever seen, but he was really so harmless, simple, and innocent, that we all liked him and fed him, and got him to sing.
One of the worst experiences I have ever heard of was of a young cattleman whom I knew in Baltimore.
It was a little after eleven o'clock next morning when the cattleman walked into an apartment house for bachelors, took the elevator, and rang the bell at Bromfield's door.
The young cattleman began to flatter himself that nobody could now tell he was a wild man from the hills who had never been curried.
He would be," said the cattleman dryly, in spite of the best intentions to be generous to his successful rival.
As the cattlemanclambered to his feet he caught one full view of the chauffeur's triumphant, vindictive face.
He knew that Clay was not now happy, though the cattleman gave no visible sign of it except a certain quiet withdrawal into himself.
The cattlemanexamined the first floor with an especial view to the exits.
At most the cattleman would have gone back unhurt to the Arizona desert he was always talking about.
The dead man was the same criminal "Slim" Jim Collins whom the cattleman had threatened in order to protect the Millikan girl.
He had followed Kerr far beyond his jurisdiction, pushing him a hard race through the hills, but the wily cattleman had evaded him in the end.
He looked at ease, every jaunty inch of him, but a big bronzed cattleman who had just pushed his way in noticed that the frosty blue eyes never released for an instant those of the enemy.
The cattleman offered O'Connor a cigar and lit one himself.
The cattleman waited a moment to steady his voice, and spoke through teeth set deep in his Havana.
The man confronting him was the big cattleman who had entered the Silver Dollar in time to see O'Connor's victory over the showman.
The cattleman got up and began to pace up and down the floor.
But the particular case which we wish to relate here, is that of the killing of a wealthy Mexican cattleman near Bernallilo, N.
The cattleman replied that such a looking man, named Ed.
He drew out his pad and very methodically began to set down figures as the cattleman talked.
She knew all along that her father was planning some sort of birthday surprise for her, and now she could not but wonder what it was that had called the cattleman in to Longstreet's aid.
It struck the cattleman as strange that a man should have ridden out of Las Palmas, taking the Quigley trail, and not have come to Quigley.
I smell somebody's coffee boiling,' said thecattleman abruptly.
The cattleman threw himself forward and across the table almost with his last word.
Longstreet, while Helen was dismounting, tipped the cattleman a sly wink.
To the south, a ranch at Willow Spring, where a stubborn cattleman hung on in spite of growing barrenness due to the hated sheep, was forty miles away.
Although Wallace was a cattleman with an enmity toward Brandon's fraternity, it did not extend to Ike himself, and he was made welcome by the rancher and his wife.
He was a cattleman and they hated the sheepmen, you know, and used to fight them.
A cattleman passing them on his way to the bank recalled afterward that the low voice of the Brown's Park man was deadly serious.
The cattleman led the procession through the side door into the street.
Think I'll put you at the reins, Dud," the cattleman said.
No monkey business," snarled Houck after he had stood up against the opposite wall the cattleman and the depositor who chanced to be in the bank.
The cattleman who stuck to the old ways would not survive.
The attention of the cattleman drifted from the business in hand.
We better carry him to the hotel," the cattleman said to the justice.
He was partially screened from Bob's view by one of the broncos and by a freight wagon, but the young cattleman had a fleeting impression that he was Bandy Walker.
Against the back of the cattleman he pushed the end of the revolver barrel.
The cattleman smiled as the doctor outlined his position, and owned that he did love the country of his adoption.
A subtle change in expression made the cattleman aware that all his visitor's remarks had been preliminary to this one.
The oldcattleman glanced at her in surprise: "Yes, my foreman.
The cattleman forged ahead, and in the telegraph office, got the immediate attention of the operator, who took Bartley's message.
Bartley noticed that the proprietor of the place addressed the big cattlemanas "Senator.
Two railroad men, a red-eyed Eastern tourist who looked as though he had not slept for a week, a saturnine cattleman in from the mesas, and two visiting ladies from an adjacent town comprised the tale of guests that morning.
Well," laughed Bartley, "I took you for a cattleman the minute I saw you.
They strode down the street and stopped in at a saloon where the cattleman called for cigars.
As it was, Frances could hear the heavy cattleman breathing like a mad bull.
From a sheltered thicket in the foothills the cattleman had watched the homesteader through his field glasses, making certain that he was returning Thorn to the scene of his latest crimes, instead of risking the long road to the Meander jail.
Mark treated the mighty cattleman as if he had become a stranger to him, along with the rest of the world in that place, and Chadron turned and went his way.
Major King saluted his superior officer and followed the cattleman into the hall, closing the sacred door behind him on the wrathful little old soldier standing beside his desk.
He turned from Chadron, something in his act of going that told the cattleman he was above so mean suspicion on his part.
She wondered what could have brought the cattleman to the post so early--he must have left long before dawn--and in such haste to see her father, all buckled about with his arms.
The big cattleman was "white to the gills," as his kind expressed that state.
The cattleman had attempted no defense, had said no word.
Again the Old Cattleman relapsed into silence and the smoke of the principe.
After this abrupt, not to say ambiguous reminiscence, the Old Cattleman puffed contentedly a moment.
After another season of silence and smoke, the Old Cattleman struck in again.
The Old Cattleman had just thrown down his paper; the half-light of the waning sun was a bit too dim for his eyes of seventy years.
Well, if you find Tevis, just do as he says about it," the cattleman answered.
He ran to where the cattleman had fallen from his horse.
The sheriff reported that the Texas cattleman had carried more than fifty thousand dollars in currency behind his saddle.
Judge Thayer took him for a cattleman seeking legal counsel, and invited him in.