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Example sentences for "quieten"

Lexicographically close words:
quiet; quieta; quiete; quieted; quietem; quietened; quieter; quietest; quieti; quieting
  1. All bad things quieten in the night time, and the ugly thing itself will put on some sort of a decent face!

  2. First Hag: Quieten yourself now where it was the will of God.

  3. But th' cheerman saw her comin, an' managed to stop it, but it wor noa easy job to quieten her.

  4. But nowt could quieten him till he gate his fingers rubb'd wi sooap an' they gave ovver smartin, soa as th' oven door wor hot they had to practice another pairt.

  5. All night Mysie tossed and raved in a high fever and delirium, while Mrs. Ramsay sat by her bedside, trying to soothe and quieten the stricken girl.

  6. It needed all Mrs. Ramsay's tact and patience to quieten and allay her fears; but gradually the girl was prevailed upon to go to bed, and Mrs. Ramsay retired to the next room.

  7. It took them quite a time to quieten me down again.

  8. After some time spent in a fruitless endeavour to quieten me, Bekir went off alone and brought as much of the lighter luggage as he could manage, while Moïse and Sabit stood guard over us.

  9. On both these occasions the doctors drugged me, with trional and morphia, to quieten my nerves and put me to sleep.

  10. After about half an hour, when Hill and I had begun to quieten down, Moïse questioned us for the benefit of the crowd as the Spook had previously ordered him to do.

  11. The Second Quest At length the father, in order to quieten them, said: "Go once more into the world, and he who brings back a chain long enough to encircle our house nine times shall have my permission to marry first!

  12. Since you think that I may use violence, I may tell you, to quieten your minds, that the police are coming, after all.

  13. I shall quieten him," said the negro quickly; "get out, you!

  14. And Bella, in the seclusion of her own room, was trying to quieten her fears.

  15. His calmness, and the steadiness of his voice seemed to quieten her.

  16. Lucy put her hand on his arm to quieten him.

  17. Some were for a slight concession, just a sugar-plum to quieten the naughty child, a sacrifice to peace and quietness.

  18. To quieten th' gruff husband, and stop him if he rated her, I could na help slipping another sixpence under th' loaf, and then we set off again.

  19. Oh, he'll quieten down again in a day or two.

  20. The sounds of the outside world grew fewer and fainter, and I heard the beating of my heart quieten down into a little murmur of weary contentment.

  21. Still, we might try a little of it now, to quieten them.

  22. He attempted to quieten his fears, and tried to reassure himself, and, having succeeded in some degree in doing this, he fell asleep again.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quieten" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    allay; balm; calm; cease; choke; dwindle; ease; ebb; gag; halt; hush; lower; lull; molder; muffle; muzzle; pacify; quiet; settle; shut; silence; soften; soothe; squash; squelch; stifle; still; stop; subside; throttle; tone; tranquilize; wane