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Example sentences for "rated"

Lexicographically close words:
ratcatcher; ratchet; ratchets; rate; rateable; ratel; rately; ratepayer; ratepayers; raters
  1. At this point the Skipper could always cite in evidence the case of the 'floating' boathouse near by, which had been rated because it would not float.

  2. As Old Bill had been at sea ever since he was able to stand upon the deck of a ship, he had neglected this useful art; and though in every other respect an accomplished sailor--rated A.

  3. If I had liked her less, if I had rated lower the quality of her prose, I should have estimated coldly the possibilities of her verse.

  4. That was where I discovered I had over-rated her strength of construction.

  5. There is an ominous and almost monstrous parallel between the position of their over-rated philosophers and of their comparatively under-rated soldiers.

  6. Men of the first class are always rated at less than their true value of intellectual ability; those of the second class at a greatly over-estimated premium.

  7. Sidenote: And I have rated the Herrings, but at £10 the Last; which is with the least.

  8. Such accommodations as are usually offered with this position may be rated at $17.

  9. But she cried out and struggled to be free, and swift, a gloved hand thrust the yeoman's face aside, and a voice that had a twist of French in it rated him so that he shrank backward glowering.

  10. None the less, I was of the West, where, in common opinion, Spaniards are rated with the "varmints.

  11. Lafitte appeared highly amused at this discomfiture of his tars, and promptly declared in their hearing that I should be rated as third mate.

  12. It was necessary that I should ship before the mast, he explained, in order to avoid provoking the jealousy of the crew; but they both promised me that I should be rated as an officer as soon as a fair excuse offered itself for my promotion.

  13. Thereupon we were led into the fore part of the ship, to be rated according to our several abilities.

  14. In speaking of articles that are rated by counting, use few and many; in speaking of articles which are rated by measure, use little and much.

  15. The Babylonian Empire incorpo- | | |Palestine |rated with the Persian.

  16. He catches more mice than a cat; and in the realm of economic biology he should be rated as useful.

  17. He is also a most successful fisherman and is rated A1 in water.

  18. It is of just such people that our modern and immediate community is full; they take an intermediate position, a sort of betwixt and between; they are not out and out Christians, and still they wish to be rated as Christians.

  19. The stone is said to be abnormally rich, yielding seven ounces of gold to the ton; but I did not think it richer than its neighbours, and I suspect that it will have to be rated at one-seventh.

  20. The reduction-officer and the book-keeper are rated at 500l.

  21. His early consecration to such a purpose, the toil and sacrifice by which it had been achieved, came movingly before her; yet, mingled with her pride in him, something within her pleaded for the things which he rated so low.

  22. I am very sure if that is done Atlanta will not long be rated the second city of the South.

  23. But, on the other hand, when any issue of paper or coined dollars is, in buying and selling, rated at a less value than other paper or coined dollars, we have passed the limit of safe experiment in finance.

  24. The Constant Warwick had afterwards many more guns placed in her, so that she ultimately rated as a 46-gun ship, when, from being an incomparable sailer, she became a slug.

  25. Quite frankly if anybody had asked him about it, the Young Doctor would have rated Mrs. Tome Gallien as a disaster.

  26. And such a "pleasant familiar tune" he rated it delightedly.

  27. Those of the other provinces were rated at a quarter of an hundred weight of cotton.

  28. In the new tariff needs were rated almost as high as wants.

  29. The motley jumble of coins in use were rated in Halifax currency, a mere money of account or bookkeeping standard, with no actual coins to correspond, adapted to both English and United States currency systems.

  30. My lord, 'tis rated As those which sell would give; but you well know Things of like value, differing in the owners, Are prized by their masters.

  31. You make me marvel wherefore ere this time Had you not fully laid my state before me, That I might so have rated my expense As I had leave of means.

  32. The traffic there is rated and reduced to units in the following manner: A horse hauling a public vehicle or cart loaded with produce or merchandise is considered as the unit of traffic.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assessed; assorted; classified; filed; graded; grouped; hierarchic; indexed; placed; prized; ranked; rated; sorted; stratified; tabular; valued; worth