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Example sentences for "quantitie"

Lexicographically close words:
quantitate; quantitatem; quantitative; quantitatively; quantite; quantities; quantity; quanto; quantum; quantus
  1. Michael, to the Eastwards: of whom we had for our reliefe some small quantitie of wine (viz.

  2. There is also fleshe and fishe rosted, boyled and baked, Pies and Custardes made of diuers sortes of egges, the great quantitie of bread is without number.

  3. Euery Lorde and Seignior payde the quantitie appointed & taxed by Mutezuma, in golde, plate, iewels, stones and pearles.

  4. The cause that the one part of the lake is brackishe or saltish, is, that the bottome or ground is all salte, and of that water greate quantitie of salt is dayly made.

  5. And he himselfe wente with his companye to Macaca, and boughte there greate quantitie of bread, and some Hogges, of one Taymaio.

  6. Neverthelesse I may advise, that at the first it be moderately taken, increasing the quantitie daily by degrees, untill they shall come at last to the full height of the proportion appointed, and thought to be meet and necessary.

  7. Of the manner of drinking this water, and the quantitie thereof.

  8. There is great quantitie of sugar, honie, and waxe, and verie good cheape as aforesaide.

  9. According vnto the common opinion, at this day there is conuerted and baptised more then foure hundred thousand soules, which is a great number: yet in respect of the quantitie that are not as yet conuerted, there are but a few.

  10. Who, after that hee had fully certified himselfe of the riches aboue said, and of the great quantitie of good metals that were there, he departed out of this prouince with his companions, and trauelled towardes the northwest.

  11. Also they vsed to prepare for themselues a certeine kind of meate, of the which if they receiued but so much as amounted to the quantitie of a beane, they would thinke themselues satisfied, and féele neither hunger nor thirst.

  12. I can impute this generall enlargement of saleable things, to no cause sooner, then the Cornish mans want of vent and money, who therethrough, to equall others in quality of price, is driuen to exceed them in quantitie of measure.

  13. Also, there was found a great quantitie of treasure in the new temple at London, which they had gathered & hoorded vp there, which also was seized to the kings vse.

  14. And this skole of fish continued with our ship for the space of fiue or sixe weekes, all which while we tooke to the quantitie aforesayd, which was no small refreshing to vs.

  15. The nineteenth day wee went a shore euery man for himselfe, and tooke a good quantitie of gold, and I for my part tooke foure pound and two ounces and a halfe of gold, and our Hartes boate tooke one and twentie ounces.

  16. They would bring our men earthen pottes of the quantitie of two gallons, full of hony and hony combes for 100 shelles.

  17. Marginal note: Some small quantitie hereof may be caried to pleasure those kings.

  18. We had only two or three of these hornes which are of the colour of a browne gray, and some reasonable quantitie of Amber-griese.

  19. How to cause that the same quantitie both of powder and shot discharged out of the same peece shall carry closer, or more scattering.

  20. Here you must provide one thing more then you did before: that is, a Pallet (so called by Artists) whereupon you must put a small quantitie of euery such colour you are to use, the forme whereof followeth.

  21. Take the quantitie of a pease of Opium, and charge it amongst the shot; and this will make the shot to flie closer together then otherwise it would.

  22. TThis is likewise a compounded colour, and it is made by mixing a good quantitie of Cinaper with a little blacke.

  23. This is a compounded colour, and it is made either by mixing a quantitie of Azure, and a portion of Turnsole: or else by mixing a quantitie of cusset, and a quantitie of Azure.

  24. Take of this at any time, but specially in the morning fasting, as also at night when you go to bed, or two houres after supper, the quantitie of a Wallnut or Nutmeg.

  25. Pardon sir, error: He is not quantitie enough for that Worthies thumb, hee is not so big as the end of his Club Peda.

  26. I lou'd Ophelia; fortie thousand Brothers Could not (with all there quantitie of Loue) Make vp my summe.

  27. Asaph, and in fertilitie of soile, and breed of cattell, nothing inferiour vnto Anglesei hir mother: although that for quantitie of ground it come infinitelie short thereof, and be nothing comparable vnto it.

  28. For of the other two rilles that lie by south hereof, and haue their issue also into the same, I make but small accompt, bicause their quantitie is not [Sidenote: Farles.

  29. Their cheefe paiments consist of a great quantitie of meale, which is verie plentifull among them, sowed vp in sheepes skins.

  30. Of the position, circuit, forme, and quantitie of the Ile of Britaine.

  31. Magnus bole, who first preached Christ vnto them) of farre greater quantitie than common boles are, and so great, that it may seeme to be reserued since the Lapithane banket, onelie to quaffe and drinke in.

  32. This sand occupieth now a great quantitie of the ground betweene the hauen where the sand riseth, and Teignmouth towne, which towne (surnamed Regis) hath in time past beene sore defaced by the Danes, and of late time by the French.

  33. Beyond these and toward the coast of southwales lie two other Ilands, larger in quantitie than the Holmes, of which the one is [Sidenote: Caldee.

  34. Besides these, it is miraculous in the procuring of vrine, being mightily stopped, and helpeth also stitches and paine in the loynes, by drinking the like quantitie of the Oyle aboue taughte in white wine.

  35. The quantitie of a pease in waxe swallowed downe of Nurses, or such women as giue sucke, both dissolue the milke courded in the pappes.

  36. The Honny being drawen from the combes, although some Bées hang on them deade, yet putte all togither into a fayre panne or cauldron, into whiche poure so muche water or more, as the quantitie of the combes be.

  37. From this place we discovered a bay very deepe, where a river empties its selfe with a noise for the quantitie & dept of the water.

  38. There is a great distance from one another, & a quantitie of all sorts of fruits, but small.

  39. By reason of the great quantitie of it, the men of that countrey doe pitch their boates two or three inches thicke on the outside, so that no water doth enter into them.

  40. Bizze and an halfe, there was such quantitie came in that ship; so that I was glad to stay two yeres in Pegu vnlesse I would haue giuen away my commoditie: and at the end of two yeres of my 2100.

  41. The streetes of the citie are not paued, which maketh it with the quantitie of the gardens, to seeme but a rurall habitation.

  42. In this small quantitie I made good profite.

  43. This day walking to see the towne, we chanced to see in the market place, a great quantitie of certaine vermine called in the Italian tongue Caualette.

  44. And in some parts of the Indies, the greatest quantitie of peper groweth amongst wilde bushes, without any maner of labour: sauing, that when it is ripe they goe and gather it.

  45. Likewise there be plentie of stags, but farre lesse in quantitie than ours: and in the north part of the Iland also is a riuer which greatlie aboundeth with salmons.

  46. The continuance of the drinke is alwaie determined after the quantitie of the hops, so that being well hopped it lasteth longer.

  47. YOu must get a double Tunnell, that is, two Tunnels sodered one within the other, so that you may at the little end poure a quantitie of wine, water, or any liquor.

  48. But other things were wanted, and "our men sought all meanes to recover rosen in the woodes, wherein they cut the pine trees round about, out of which they drew sufficient reasonable quantitie to bray the vessel.

  49. He bestowed upon myselfe a great jarre of oyle, a jarre of vinegar, a barell of olives, a great quantitie of rice, and a barell of white biscuit.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quantitie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.