A Sims’s speculum is passed and the cervix seized and drawn down with a volsella so as to straighten the cervical canal.
The conjunctiva over the sclerotic, well behind the ciliary body, is drawn down so that when released it shall form a valvular opening to the scleral wound.
The operation is difficult in a nullipara, where the vagina is narrow, and easier in a multipara, where the vagina is more capacious, and it is still easier if the cervix can be drawn down as far as the vaginal orifice.
The cervix is drawn down with a volsella and all visible growth is burnt away with the Paquelin cautery, until apparently healthy tissue only is left.
The exit tube from the phosphorus pentoxide should be drawn down to form a nozzle, from, say, half an inch to one-eighth of an inch in diameter, so as to easily fit almost any bit of rubber tube.
Supposing that the tube is now ready to be drawn down, the operator will remove it from the flame, and will gently pull the ends apart, interrupting his turning as little as possible.
The bowel should then be drawn down a little, the constricted point carefully examined, and then returned or not, according to its condition.
The left innominate vein crosses the artery in front from left to right, and must be drawn down.
The lids are separated by a speculum, and the eyeball is drawn down by forceps placed immediately below the cornea.
When, in the judgment of the cheese-maker, the curd has become sufficiently firmed in the whey, the whey is drawn down to the surface of the curd.
In doing this the surface of the whey should not be drawn down quite to the top of the curd.
When ready to "dip," the whey is drawn down to the surface of the curd in the vat, then the curd is dipped into the forms or hoops.
By these means the sliding ring E will be drawn down.
If the balls I are drawn outwards from the vertical axis, it is evident that the ends F of the levers will be drawn down, and therefore the pivots E likewise drawn down.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drawn down" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.