In one, the treason so pernicious, which prouoked you to soile and imbrue your handes (not without cause till this daye proued contrarie) in the bloud of your faithfull and dere beloued wife.
A gentleman of Perche suspecting iniurie done vnto him by his friend, prouoked him to execute and put in proufe the cause of his suspicion.
What hath prouoked the to sutch augury to this our most happy and ioyfull family?
Suetonius sheweth that Titus the father prouoked a scoffer, that stode iesting with euery body, that he shulde lyke wyse saye somewhat to hym.
He prouoked the yonge manne so moche, that he gaue hym money for the oblygation, and before the mayre he required the duetie.
And that God might shew how[n] much Manasses had prouoked him to wrath, through his transcendent and outragious sinnes in the Catalogue thereof, his conspiring with Diuels is mentioned 1.
Entred into Iudas, prouoked him to betray his maister, dispaire and hang himselfe, Math.
King Alured aduertised hereof, hasted thither, and lodging with his armie néere to the enimies, prouoked them to battell.
Nay do not pause: For I did kill King Henrie, But 'twas thy Beauty that prouoked me.
Thou was't prouoked by thy bloody minde, That neuer dream'st on ought but Butcheries: Did'st thou not kill this King?
I was prouoked by her sland'rous tongue, That laid their guilt, vpon my guiltlesse Shoulders An.
The king who laughed (with displayed throte,) hearing his hoste so merily disposed, could haue been contented to haue heard him still had not his appetite prouoked him, and the time of the Night very late.
He thought againe that it was the Gentlewoman his Neighboure, whych sometymes had done hir endeuor to helpe him, and that nowe she had prouoked Zilia to absolue him of his faith, and requite him of hys promise.
Iohn Whitneye, a yong ientleman, was my bedfeloe, who willyng by good nature and prouoked by mine aduise, began to learne the Latin tong, after the order declared in this booke.
Yf younge menne woulde weygh these thynges, that bee quyckly prouoked and entised with pleasure as it were wyth the cuppe of Circes, whiche in steade of theyr greatest pleasures receiue poysone myxte with honye.
Now would God all suche men would reduce ageyn their heartes vnto ye gospell of Christ, would god they would bee prouoked by some meane to desire knowledge.
For his brother Manlius vpon an ambitious mind prouoked the Britons to rebell against him, so that sore and deadly warre continued long [Sidenote: Fabian.
This Octauius then beginning his reigne ouer the Britains in the yéere of our Lord 329, prouoked Constantine to send against him one of his mothers vncles, the foresaid Traherne.
Lord 329, prouoked Constantine to send against him one of his mothers vncles, the foresaid Traherne.
Sidenote: wits, with] Oh wicked Wit, and Gifts, that haue the power So to seduce?
Footnote 6: He turns from baiting woman in her to condemn himself.
Footnote 3: They do not seem to have been intimate before, though we know from Hamlet's speech (134) that he had had the greatest respect for Horatio.
That's an ill Phrase, a vilde Phrase, beautified is a vilde Phrase: but you shall heare these in her thus in her excellent white bosome, these.
Both your Maiesties Might by the Soueraigne power you haue of vs, Put your dread pleasures, more into Command Then to Entreatie, Guil.
And by what meanes so euer we thinke in our conscience we haue prouoked the wrathe of God against us all the wieke afore: that, this daie to amende, to sette cliere, and aske pardone for.
For his brother Manlius vpon an ambitious mind prouoked the Britons to rebell against him, so that sore and deadly warre continued long betweene them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prouoked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.