Milford hauen in Penbrokshire, with all such prouision and furniture as was thought necessarie for such a iournie.
Milford hauenaforesaid the sixtéenth daie of October, [Sidenote: King Henrie landeth in Ireland.
The state full meane inhauen hath Ancre caste, in surgyng seas, full ofte in vaine to saue the maste, the shippe Ancre casteth.
Whereupon they all agreed that it should be so done according to the king's commandement; and answered that they would attend his directions in the Hauen of Iaphet, and would in all points be obedient vnto him vnto the death.
Dartmouth hauen foure sailes, to wit, the Mermaid, the Sunshine, the Mooneshine, and the Northstarre.
Sidenote: Sir Humfrey Gilbert did arriue at Saint Iohn's Hauen in Newfound land, the 3.
September we fell with the lands end of England, and so sailed to Milford Hauen, from whence our Generall rode to the Court for order, to what Port or Hauen to conduct the ship.
If the soyles adioyning to such conuenient Hauen and setling places be found marshie and boggie, then men skilful in drayning are to be caryed thither.
If we be driuen backe by contrary winds that we can not passe the coast of Ireland, then the place of our assembly to be at Beare hauen or Baltimore hauen.
But because of the great store of the ice that was alongst the sayd land, we were constrayned to enter into an hauen called S.
They are very liberall, for they giue that which they haue: wee became great friends with these, and one day we entred into the Hauen with our ship, whereas before we rode a league off at Sea by reason of the contrary weather.
M50) In your returne to the East, as you come from the hauen of Cape du Chapt vnto the sayde hauen are sandes and sholds.
And within the sayde hauen there is nothing to hurt you, for you are free from all winds.
Iago his Nephew Don Carlos with the ships in company of Donna Isabella to tarrie for him at Hauana, which is an hauen in the west part toward the head of the Island, 180.
Part of the Flemish fléet escaping (as before ye haue heard) was pursued vnto the hauen of Sluis and Blankerke.
The other two that were taken were of such mold, that they could not enter into the hauen at Calis, and therefore were sent to Sandwich, the one of them being a new ship, which the lord Clisson had bought at Scluis, paieng for hir 3000 franks.
Laurence eeuen, they arriued in the hauen of Groigne, otherwise called Coron, and there they vnshipped all their prouisions, determining to inuade the countrie on that side.
I am most glad You thinke of other place: Th' Ambassador, Lucius the Romane comes to Milford-Hauen To morrow.
The Northwest side of the hauen is flat sand, and the Southeast side thereof is like an Island, and a bare plot without any trees, and so is it not in any other place.
The first port wee entered into was the hauen of Plimmouth, from whence within short time wee came into the Thames, and landed our marchandise at London, about the ende of the moneth of October, 1552.
Amongst other Iles in the Asian sea betwixt Canton a Chinish hauen in Cathaio and the Moluccas, much spoken of in the Indian histories and painted out in Maps, Ainan and Santianum are very famous.
And at the entring into the hauen are fiue or sixe trees that beare no leaues.
The Frenchmen of Diepe and New-hauen haue traded thither aboue thirty yeres: and commonly with four or five ships a yere, whereof two small barks go into the riuer of Senega.
And thus peace being betweene them concluded the 28 day of the sayd moneth of March, the French king launching out of the hauen of Messana, the 22 day after in the Easter weeke, came with his armie to the siege of Achon.
The king with a few ships was driuen to the Ile of Creta, and there before the hauen of Rhodes cast anker.
August at night wee did embarke our selues vpon the Frigate of Cattaro, anhauen neere Ragusa.
On the morrow they came out of the gulfe by plaine day, and sailing along by the coasts, they entered into a hauen on maine land called Malfata, where they abode three dayes.
And when as the foresaid ships (whereof the greater part besieged the hauen of Dunkerke) were driuen by tempest into Zeland, Iustin, of Nassau the Admiral of Zeland supplied that squadron with 35.
And vpon Thursday at night, being driuen some three or foure leagues from Tercera, we saw fifteene saile of the West-Indian Fleete comming into the Hauen at Angra in Tercera.
Licentiat de Escober, my Corigidor of my Signorie of Biskay, I haue caused a great fleete to be put in readinesse in the hauen of Lisbone, and the riuer of Siuill.
Michael a Portugall ship out of the hauen of Phernambuck in Brasile, which brought newes that the Admirall of the Portugall Fleet that came from India, hauing missed the Iland of S.
In the meaane while the Spanish Armada set saile out of the hauen of Lisbon vpon the 19.
The hauen it selfe also, if a man should measure it by the circuit, wanteth little of twentie miles, as I did gesse by the view.
Into this hauen also the Sture or Stoure hath readie passage, which remaineth in this treatise next of all to be described.
Two miles from Arse is the Olue, an Iland fiue miles in length, and sufficientlie stored with corne and grasse, & not without a good hauen for ships to lie and harbor in.
Peace being thus established after the fourth day of the Romans arriuall in Britaine, the 18 ships which (as ye haue heard) were appointed to conuey the horssemen ouer, loosed from the further hauen with a soft wind.
In that part of Gallia there was in those daies an hauen called Itius Portus (which some take to be Calice) and so the word importeth, an harbourgh as then able to receiue a great number of ships.
Into Peuenseie hauen diuerse waters doo resort, and of these, that which entereth into the same on the east side riseth out from two [Sidenote: Ash.
As for the hauen which in times past as I haue heard, hath béene at [Sidenote: Sidde.
On the west side of this hauen is Budeleie almost directly against Otterton.
Then vnto Waie or Wilemouth, by kings Welcombe, which is twentie miles from Pole, and whose head is not full foure miles aboue the hauen by northwest at Vphill in the side of a great hill.
Now come we to the hauen of Southhampton, by Ptolomie called Magnus portus, which I will briefelie describe so néere as I can possiblie.
Sidmouth hauen is the next, and thither commeth a fresh water by S.
A frier of late daies tooke vpon him to make anhauen at this place, but in vaine.
A cooling card it was also vnto them, still to see ships arriued in the hauen out of England, openlie before their faces, laden with vittels, munition and men.
But whether God would not that the hauen should be destroied, either the conueiers of the hulkes knew not the verie chanell; these foure great ships, at the low water, laie openlie vpon the sands, without hurting the rode or chanell.
Now though this hauen thus bound both shires, yet doth the iurisdiction of the water wholly appertayne to the Duchy of Cornwall, and may therefore bee claymed as a part of that County.
The same day also the kings sisters and the ladie Berengaria with the residue of the kings nauie entred the hauen of Limezun.
We command you that if the elect of Yorke shall arriue at any port or hauen within your bailiwicke, or any messenger of his, that you cause them to be arested and kept, till you haue commandement from vs therein.
There were two strong towers standing on the hauen side at Harflue, which looking for aid, did not yeeld, till ten daies after the towne was rendered.
This place is right commodiously situate, as being an hauen for the Persians and Medes, and other countreis beyonde the sea.
Three score and tenne miles from Chaul, towards the Indies, is the port of Dabul, an hauen of the king Zamalluco: from thence to Goa is an hundred and fifty miles.
It is certeine, that this hauen of Alexandria is one of the chiefest hauens in the world: for hither come to traffique people of euery Nation, and all sorts of vessels which goe round about the citie.
The 25 day being the Natiuity of Christ, we came to an anker betweene Old hauen and Tilberie hope.
At lengthe the storme seaced / and the shyp came safe into the hauen / bote & all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hauen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.