The question now is one of exchange value, that is, for how much of other commodities a given commodity will exchange.
Money is a commodity, and its value is determined like that of other commodities, temporarily by demand and supply, permanently and on the average by cost of production.
The doctrine, then, is as true of gold, or the precious metals, as it is of other commodities.
You are of opinion that a bad harvest will raise the price of corn, but will lower in some degree the prices of other commodities.
If we double the quantity, or rather double the facility of making stockings, we diminish their value one half, as compared with all other commodities.
A rise in the price of corn will not be followed by a rise in the price of other commodities, but by a fall in profits (XXXI, XXXIV, XXXV).
But as other commodities would be raised in price in proportion as raw produce entered into their composition, he would have more to pay for some of them.
In proportion as raw produce entered into the composition of other commodities, would their value also be raised, unless the tax were countervailed by other causes.
A2-2-1] We part with no capital when we export the precious metals and import other commodities instead; we simply exchange thereby one form of capital for another.
Thus, for instance, people gave wheat, other commodities, and even uncoined gold and silver as loans, and had what interest they pleased promised them.
Every commodity, besides, Is more frequently exchanged for, and thereby compared with, other commodities, than with labour.
Every commodity, besides, is more frequently exchanged for, and thereby compared with, other commodities, than with labour.
The simple taking of an inventory of most private resources which possess so much greater value inother commodities than in money is enough to demonstrate the error of Davanzati’s doctrine.
In the case ofother commodities a decline of prices leads only probably to an absolutely greater demand; in the case of money, it leads to a demand necessarily greater.
In durability, the precious metals surpass almost all other commodities.
It is here, of course, that gold has failed because, as we have seen, the process has been a fairly steady one of depreciation in the buying power of the alleged standard and a rise in the prices of other commodities.
This is no less true of gold than of other commodities, for gold will never move from one country to another except it be of lower value in the exporting than in the importing country, no matter how much the one may be owing the other.
It is, in fact, but a particular case of the more general law that any commodity will seek the market where it is worth the most, where it will exchange for the most of other commodities.
The gold which thus flows from one country to another does not go, of course, without a return of other commodities in exchange.
But the length of the series of equations in which its exchange value is realized does depend upon the greater or less variety of other commodities.
But a commodity as such is a direct combination of use-value and exchange value; and it is a commodity only in relation to other commodities.
But, as the embodiment universal social labor-time, the use-value of one commodity bears a certain ratio to the use-values of other commodities.
Thus, the exchange value of one commodity is manifested in the use-values of other commodities.
Price, then, is the expression of value in terms of some other commodity, which, generally used for that purpose of expressing the value of other commodities, we call money.
As commodities, the precious metals are subject to the same laws as other commodities.
And just as the value of other commodities is determined by the amount of social labor necessary on an average for their reproduction, so the value of labor-power is likewise determined.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other commodities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.