The term pulsating exophthalmos is employed to embrace a number of pathological conditions, including aneurysm, in which the chief symptoms are pulsation in the orbit and protrusion of the eyeball.
In addition to the hideous deformity, the patient suffers from blocking of the nose, loss of smell, and protrusion of the eyes, sometimes followed by loss of sight.
It was suggested by Morrant Baker that cystic swellings may result from the hernial protrusion of the synovial membrane between the stretched fibres of the capsular ligament, and the name "Baker's cysts" has been applied to these.
It is often stated that a ganglion originates from a hernial protrusion of the synovial membrane of a joint or tendon sheath.
The straining that follows the operation may be checked by ounce doses of laudanum, and any risk of protrusion of the bowels may be obviated by applying the truss advised to prevent eversion of the womb.
A hernial protrusion of the wall of the vagina may be pressed back and emptied, so that the body of the fetus engaging in the passage may find no further obstacle.
The first symptoms which attract the attention of the owner is difficulty in chewing and swallowing, an extension of the head and protrusion over the inner part of the eye of the membrana nictitans, or haw.
This protrusion of the cartilage so as to cover the eye may be induced in the healthy eye by pressing the finger and thumb on the upper and lower lids, so as to cause retraction of the eyeball into the socket.
In this form of hernia theprotrusion is through some accidental opening or rupture of the abdominal wall.
In cervical choke (where the obstruction is situated at any point between the throatlatch and the shoulder) the protrusion caused by the object can be seen and the object can be felt.
These are attended with dangers similar to those belonging to rupture of the womb, and in addition by the risk of protrusion of the bladder, which appears through the lips of the vulva as a red, pyriform mass.
At the moment ofprotrusion the general health is not altered, but soon the inflammation and fever with the violent and continued straining induce exhaustion, and the cow lies down, making no attempt to rise.
Exposure and protrusion of some of the abdominal organs may also be occasioned by the incautious use of caustics in the treatment of umbilical or ventral hernia.
A profuse flow of tears, closure of the eyelids from intolerance of light, retraction of the eyeball and corresponding protrusion of the haw, disinclination to move, diminution of milk secretion, etc.
The protrusion of the bladder, however, through a laceration sustained in calving, in the floor of the vagina and its subsequent protrusion through the vulva, is sometimes met with.
Rupture of the floor of the vagina has been already referred to as allowing the protrusion of the bladder.
Her stall should not incline downward from shoulder to croup, lest the pressure of the abdominal organs should produce protrusion or abortion.
An assistant, whose hands, like those of the operator, have been dipped in the sublimate solution, may press his hands on the wound behind the knife to prevent the protrusion of the intestines.
The protrusion is of a rounded form and smooth, and if it embraces both sides of the canal it is double, with a passage between.
They may interfere with the protrusion of the organ from its sheath or with service, and always give rise to a bad-smelling discharge.
Apart from this, the trouble rarely appears after the calf has been some time on solid feed, as the paunch then extends down to the right immediately over the navel, and thus forms an internal pad, preventing the protrusion of intestine.
In stud bulls the frequent protrusion of the erect and enlarged penis and the retraction and dilation of the opening of the sheath serve to empty the pouch and prevent any accumulation of sebaceous matter or urine.
Defn: A protrusion of any part of the globe of the eye; as, a staphyloma of the cornea.
Defn: A sullen protrusion of the lips; a fit of sullenness.
Defn: The protrusionof the eyeball so that the eyelids will not cover it, in consequence of disease.
Defn: An enlargement or protrusion of the mucous membrane of the lachrymal passages, or dropsy of the lachrymal sac, dependent upon catarrhal inflammation of the latter.
In small recent herniƦ, the advance from bad to worse is usually very rapid, the aperture through which protrusion has taken place being small, and producing a great degree of constriction when distension and engorgement occur.
The astragalus is sometimes pushed out of its place; though it is difficult to conceive how, to a bone so hid and so firmly connected, such force should be applied as to cause protrusion of it from its natural situation.
By hernia is meant protrusion or escape of the contents of any cavity, but the term is most frequently applied in regard to the abdomen.
On extension of the incision, the nature of the case became more apparent, the stricture was relieved, and the protrusion reduced.
During exertion protrusion is almost certain to occur, and apt to be increased.
Slight protrusion is very common, and patients who have long laboured under it are in the habit of reducing the bowel after every stool, in the intervals wearing a supporting bandage.
Cysts form, often of a large size; some are caused by interlacement of the enlarged muscular fibres, others are produced by outward protrusion of the mucous coat.
The opening through which the protrusion had taken place was very small, and situated a good deal to the mesial line of the internal aperture of the canal.
When with eggs or young the approach of an enemy is greeted with a sort of hissing sound, and the protrusion of the hand into the nest meets with a sharp reception.
Many of the finest specimens have a "swine mouth," which is very objectionable, but it is not so great an objection as the protrusion of the under jaw.
Rupture of the wall of the belly and protrusion of the bowels, etc.
By a slight shoreward lift of crinoline, as against the seaward protrusion of poke bonnet, a grotesque balance was given to the unshapely shape of her.
And the protrusionthat had seemed to be that of a wind-blown crinoline was caused, I thought, by the king having his left hand thrust well out to grasp the hilt of his inclined sword.
The experience of later years proves decidedly that three intelligent assistants are necessary, "two to prevent the protrusion of the intestines, and a third to remove the placenta and foetus.
A slight protrusionof the abdomen may be sometimes observed above the pubes; the os uteri is not reached so easily as in the preceding month.
Keeping the table quiet, and watching the result, was soon rewarded by a further protrusion of the feeler, accompanied by a portion of the body of the inmate of the tube.
Is it possible that the object as it lay in the blanket passed "C" but with a protrusion at "C"?
That is as to protrusion of scale, absence of cortical fusi, chaining together to some extent of pigments, and so forth?
The scales exhibited a very smallprotrusion on the outside.
I can line the hairs up longitudinally and see that the tips of the scales match equally as far as protrusion and distance goes.
The chance of finding firm ground in that direction was also better, as the rivers were only likely to continue separate by the protrusion of some remote offset of ground between them, from the salient feature B.
The chance of finding firm ground in that direction was also better as the rivers were only likely to continue separate by the protrusion of some remote offset of ground between them, from the salient feature B.
His jaws were small with a protrusion of the lower.
A protrusion every day or so, as happens with most trusses, would undo all the beneficial effects of the massage.
After the reduction of the rupture, a truss should be properly adapted, applied, and constantly worn, to prevent the protrusion of the intestine.
Protrusion of the eye, sometimes with loss of sight.
A mechanical appliance for preventingprotrusion or strangulation.
It was on the right side and the protrusion sufficient to extend into the scrotum.
The protrusion follows the spermatic vessels and hence it usually appears low down in the abdomen and on one or both sides of the pubic bone.
Frequently during the protrusion one of the hemorrhoidal veins gives away, and this is followed by a free escape of blood, and ulceration may ensue.
The protrusion was the size of a man's head, and could not be replaced.
Perhaps I have blundered about Primula; but certainly not about mere protrusion of pollen-tubes.
Cruger attributes protrusion of tubes to ants carrying stigmatic secretion to pollen (639/4.
The sub-varieties are differentiated by their greater breadth and length, by the form and protrusion of the occiput, and also by the height of the cranium measured vertically.
It sometimes manages to swallow a fish larger than itself, which causes an extraordinary protrusion of the stomach.
The lower photograph shows the sudden protrusion of the very long tongue on a fly.
The protrusion of the eyeball so that the eyelids will not cover it, in consequence of disease.
A sullenprotrusion of the lips; a fit of sullenness.
An enlargement or protrusion of the mucous membrane of the lachrymal passages, or dropsy of the lachrymal sac, dependent upon catarrhal inflammation of the latter.
With the protrusion into view of the vascular system, the veins are chiefly developed along with their principal organ, the liver, as being the bond of union between the circulation and the intestine.
All embryos have originally umbilical herniƦ, which do not originate through protrusion of the intestines out of the abdominal cavity, but through their entrance into the latter being retarded.
The necessity of such a motion is built only on the supposition that the world is full; but not on the distinct IDEAS of space and solidity, which are as different as resistance and not resistance, protrusion and not protrusion.
If so, then the place it deserted gives us the idea of pure space without solidity; whereinto any other body may enter, without either resistance or protrusion of anything.
The more severe forms of spina bifida only call for palliative treatment, which consists in protecting the protrusionagainst infection and applying a sterilised dressing and a supporting bandage.
While the protrusion varies much in size, there is no constant ratio between the dimensions of the swelling and the extent of the defect in the neural arches.
It generally occurs before the age of four, is associated with increased intra-ocular tension, protrusion of the eyeball, and dilatation of the pupil, and soon produces blindness.
This term is applied to a protrusion of brain substance through an acquired opening in the skull and dura mater, such as may result from a compound fracture or a gun-shot wound.
When the whole thickness of the skull is lost, there may be a protrusion of the contents of the skull--hernia cerebri; should the patient survive, the gap becomes filled in by a dense fibrous membrane which is fused with the dura mater.
In these three forms the protrusion may be covered by healthy skin, or by a thin, smooth, translucent membrane through which the contents are visible.
The protrusion is due to increased intra-cranial tension, and is almost invariably associated with infection of the brain and its membranes, and with the presence of a foreign body or fragments of bone.
A diverticulum consists in the protrusion of the mucous and submucous coats through a defect or weak part in the muscular tunic; it is therefore of the nature of a hernia and not a localised dilatation of the tube as a whole.
The term #spina bifida occulta# is applied to a condition in which there is no protrusion of the contents of the vertebral canal, although the vertebral arches are deficient.
Spina bifida is a congenital defect in certain of the vertebral arches, which permits of a protrusion of the contents of the vertebral canal.
The protrusion of brain resulting after a decompression operation deliberately performed for the relief of intra-cranial tension, unless it becomes infected, has nothing in common with a hernia cerebri.
Usually, however, the mantle flaps not only unite posteriorly to form true siphons, but are capable at that point of varying degrees of protrusion from the shell, and when extended the siphons appear as two tubes.