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Example sentences for "hernia"

Lexicographically close words:
hermits; hermosas; hermoso; hermosura; hern; hernial; hernias; hero; heroe; heroes
  1. Moreover, a diseased liver, a diseased spleen or kidney, would be just as perceptible as hernia or calculus, if these parts could be brought into view or contact.

  2. No one dared attempt a bloody operation; the reduction of hernia was unknown; a cataract was regarded as beyond their resources; and even venesection was never practiced.

  3. Hernia and Scrotal Hernia are also treated upon in the chapter on the Farrowing Sow.

  4. Umbilical hernia is not generally of much importance, the navel opening gradually closes as the pig grows stronger and the enlargement disappears.

  5. He was bled in both arms; but, as the hernia remained unreduced, he was sent to town, in a state of considerable restlessness and suffering.

  6. During his journey, the hernia returned of its own accord.

  7. The hernia being fully reduced and the parts relaxed by position, an incision about an inch long should be made over the fundus of the tumour, and its edges raised so as to admit the finger fairly into the crural opening.

  8. He then transfixes this fold with a sharp straight bistoury, with its back towards the sac, and cuts outwards, thus at once making an incision along the axis of the hernia without any risk of wounding the sac or bowel.

  9. In cases where the hernia is chiefly omental, the sac should be opened, lest a knuckle of bowel be inclosed and strangulated in the omentum.

  10. The author after operating for the relief of strangulation in a case of very large femoral hernia in a girl aged 23, stitched up the neck of the sac, and also stitched it to Gimbernat's ligament.

  11. The author has now in many cases stitched with catgut the edges of the ring after the ordinary operation for hernia with the best effect.

  12. Only in certain very select cases, where the hernia is recent, the constricting parts lax, the general symptoms very mild, and where there is reason to believe the bowel has completely escaped injury by compression or the taxis.

  13. It is most likely to be found at the neck of the sac, just where it protrudes through the internal ring in an oblique hernia, or through the tendons of the transversalis and internal oblique, where the hernia is direct.

  14. Other forms of hernia are so rare, and the treatment of each case must necessarily vary so much in its circumstances, as not to require or admit of any detailed account of the operations requisite for their relief.

  15. The operation is practically the same, whether the hernia is a true umbilical one, or one which with more strict accuracy might be called ventral.

  16. If the hernia is small the sac should be slit up to its full extent; if large, only a sufficient portion of the neck should be opened.

  17. S O) no harm can possibly result; but in a few rare cases, perhaps 1 in every 60 of those operated on, the vessel winds round the hernia (Fig.

  18. The hernia may then be reduced without opening the sac, if recent; if of long standing, the sac must be opened.

  19. A few weeks later, the buried one awakes, transfigured but weak, having naught wherewith to unearth herself but the throbbing hernia of her open forehead.

  20. The frontal hernia that crumbles the sand with its impact has a tendency to make play for some time after the emergence from the ground.

  21. Enclosed in her pupa, the nascent fly begins by bursting the lid of her casket with a hernia which comes between her two eyes and doubles or trebles the size of her head.

  22. Then the hernia rises, blunt at the end and swollen into a great knob.

  23. Next, the forehead closes and the hernia retreats, leaving visible only a kind of shapeless muzzle.

  24. All through this operation, the hernia is still projecting.

  25. In the intervening space, a large, glassy hernia rises and disappears, disappears and rises.

  26. Once only has the writer known of real hernia in a day's row, and then the results were painfully serious.

  27. After a lengthy dissertation on the progress of an acute indigestion and the effects of a strangulated hernia M.

  28. In accordance with this the Madrid tribunal in 1690, orders for hernia cases the use of the seat provided for pregnant women.

  29. An irreducible hernia is one that can not be returned into the abdomen, and yet does not cause any pain or uneasiness.

  30. Ventral hernia is most common in pregnant mares, and is here due to the weight of the fetus or to some degenerative changes taking place in the abdominal coats.

  31. For a long time this form of hernia may not cause the least uneasiness or distress.

  32. A hernia is reducible when the displaced organ can be returned to its natural location.

  33. Accidents may cause umbilical hernia in adults in the same manner as ventral hernia is produced, though this is very rare.

  34. For the full description of this and of the operation for hernia for geldings, see remarks on hernia.

  35. In this form of hernia the protrusion is through some accidental opening or rupture of the abdominal wall.

  36. In the treatment of umbilical hernia it should be remembered that congenital hernias are often removed with age, but probably congenital umbilical hernias less frequently than others.

  37. Probably one of the most frequent causes of umbilical hernia in foals is the practice of keeping them too long from their dams, causing them to fret and worry, and to neigh, or cry, by the hour.

  38. Bearing in mind that scrotal hernia is seen only in entire horses, we may proceed to detail the symptoms of strangulated, inguinal, and scrotal hernia at the same time.

  39. If this fails, a veterinarian must be called to reduce the hernia by means of incising the inguinal ring, replacing the intestines, and to castrate, using clamps and performing the "covered operation.

  40. Inguinal hernia is seen mostly in stallions, next in geldings, and very rarely in the mare.

  41. It is not at all improbable that many cases of hernia and uterine displacement may be due to this hitherto unsuspected cause.

  42. A complete and incomplete external inguinal hernia existing in the one groin, is recorded by Mr. Aston Key in his edition of Sir Astley Cooper's work on Hernia.

  43. If the cord lie towards the pubes, apart from the vessel, the hernia may enter the fibrous tube between the cord, 10, and artery, 9.

  44. In the male, the direct hernia is found to occur much less frequently than the oblique, and this we might, a priori, expect, from the anatomical disposition of the parts.

  45. Whilst operating for the reduction of inguinal hernia by the "taxis" or the bistoury, who is there that feels anxiety concerning the origin or the distinctiveness of the "spermatic fascia?

  46. But when an external inguinal hernia occurs in the female body, the bowel during its descent carries before it a cremasteric covering at the expense of the muscles E F, just in the same way as the testicle does in the foetus.

  47. If the hernia enter the canal, as represented in Fig.

  48. The hernia in question cannot enter the tunica vaginalis.

  49. Such a form of hernia may occur at the adult age for the first time, but it is still the consequence of original default.

  50. Internal inguinal hernia considered in reference to the same points.

  51. The part which occupies the canal is also very much compressed; and again, where the hernia turns over the falciform process, this structure likewise must cause considerable compression on the bowel in the sac.

  52. The swelling is greatest in the cases of hernia which are situated on the lower part of the abdomen.

  53. In an intestinal hernia the swelling is usually not painful, of a doughy consistence or elastic, according as the intestine does or does not contain alimentary matter.

  54. If the hernia is large a radical operation will be necessary, and this is also true when the symptoms indicate that a hernia is strangulated.

  55. Section at right angles through the abdominal wall, showing a hernia or rupture.

  56. A hernia containing a portion of bowel gurgles when handled and can be completely effaced by pressure, the gut passing into the abdomen.

  57. If the hernia is old and small it may be treated by injecting a strong solution of common salt about the edges of the tear.

  58. In old cows what is termed spontaneous hernia may sometimes take place without any direct injury.

  59. In cases of umbilical hernia in which there are no indications that a spontaneous cure will take place, the calf should be laid on its back; immediately on this being done the hernia will often disappear into the abdomen.

  60. Hernia of the rumen is generally situated on the left side of the abdomen, on account of the situation of the rumen.

  61. If it does not, its reduction may be brought about by gentle handling, endeavoring, if need be, to empty the organs forming the hernia before returning them into the abdomen.

  62. The only exception in the case of the hernia is when the walls of the sac have become greatly thickened.

  63. In no one was the hernia congenital, its earliest occurrence being at three weeks.

  64. I am firmly of opinion that there are a great number of patients laboring under hernia which has been produced by no other cause.

  65. A diverticulum consists in the protrusion of the mucous and submucous coats through a defect or weak part in the muscular tunic; it is therefore of the nature of a hernia and not a localised dilatation of the tube as a whole.

  66. When the whole thickness of the skull is lost, there may be a protrusion of the contents of the skull--hernia cerebri; should the patient survive, the gap becomes filled in by a dense fibrous membrane which is fused with the dura mater.

  67. The protrusion of brain resulting after a decompression operation deliberately performed for the relief of intra-cranial tension, unless it becomes infected, has nothing in common with a hernia cerebri.

  68. After the hernia has disappeared and the wound is aseptic, steps should be taken to close the gap in the skull.

  69. Other things being equal, a hernia is more likely to occur through a small than through a large opening in the skull.

  70. In cases of compound fracture, and in other conditions associated with necrosis of bone, masses of redundant granulation tissue growing from the soft parts outside the skull may simulate a hernia cerebri.

  71. Still I should have liked to see pictures of the young doctor, the young surgeon and the young chemist curing patients of hernia and being martyred for the faith.

  72. Scarcely anything was added to his method of taxis for hernia for five centuries after his time.

  73. Pagel says that he has excellent chapters on the affections of the eyes, the ears and mouth, the nose, even the teeth, and treats of hernia in a very practical, common sense way.

  74. He believes that most of the danger and inconvenience of the hernia can be removed by means of a properly fitting truss.

  75. Musakáang ang táwung danlákan, A person who has a hernia walks with his legs wide apart.

  76. A123P; b4] have, cause hernia in the groin.

  77. Before injecting a hernia the operator should be thoroughly acquainted with the manner of diffusion of paraffin in the tissues.

  78. In scrotal hernia when the patient is placed in the recumbent posture the contents of the hernial sac may be pressed into the abdomen and the finger following the receding hernial contents will slip into the opening of the external ring.

  79. Reduce the hernia and examine the margins of the hernial ring with care so as to be thoroughly acquainted with the character and situation of these margins.

  80. Should the hernia be large the injection should be made closer to the pubes, but injection at the internal ring is not sufficient, the canal should also be injected with a certain amount of the paraffin and vaseline.

  81. Injections are not necessarily unphysiologic as the sufferer from a hernia has a physiologic deficiency which the paraffin accurately fills with normal connective tissue.

  82. During the interval even if the hernia does not recur it will be well for patient to wear web bandage truss or a spica bandage with a pad pressure over the inguinal canal.

  83. Parts thoroughly sterilized, hernia reduced and contents held in abdominal cavity by pressure of index finger of assistant.

  84. If this holds the hernia it may be well to make no injection of canal for two weeks.

  85. Remember that the tissues are often very thin and that an injection in the center of the hernia may simply go through the peritoneum and thus be placed directly in the abdomen.

  86. In some cases a wound which had once closed reopened and a hernia developed.

  87. In cases where inflammatory hernia cerebri developed, a secondary exploration was often indicated for the removal of fragments of bone or the evacuation of pus, otherwise the condition was best treated by dry dressings and gentle support.

  88. At this time there was a large hernia cerebri at the anterior wound which was suppurating.

  89. The hernia cerebri was removed, also several fragments of bone which were found deeply imbedded in the brain.

  90. Hernia cerebri as a primary feature has already been mentioned as one of the peculiarities of some explosive wounds.

  91. The wound healed, except at the front part, where a small prominence suggested a hernia cerebri.

  92. Hernia or rupture is exceedingly common owing to this downward pressure in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.

  93. The widow filed a claim for pension in 1886, but furnished no evidence showing when or how the hernia originated.

  94. It is stated in the report of the committee of the House of Representatives to whom this bill was referred that the hernia first made its appearance about four years prior to the soldier's death.

  95. The cause of death is stated to have been femoral hernia by a physician who attended him shortly before his death.

  96. The claim of this beneficiary for pension was rejected by the Pension Bureau upon the ground that there was no possible connection between the soldier's wounds and the hernia from which he died.

  97. He persisted at all times, as I understand the case, until the rejection of his claim in 1883, that his disability arose from hernia and piles.

  98. He was pensioned for hernia and disease of the lungs.

  99. But it seems to me that the effort to attribute his death by apoplexy to the existence of hernia ought not to be successful.

  100. These large incisions heal quickly, and are no more prone to hernia than the short incisions.

  101. A hernia may or may not form immediately.

  102. If, however, a hernia forms and gradually increases in size, the brain should be explored again to see if another abscess can be discovered; or the lateral ventricle itself may be tapped in case of it being distended with fluid.

  103. If no hernia takes place, it is wiser to do nothing further; that is, provided sufficient bone and dura mater have been removed to reach the limits of the infected area.

  104. If these measures fail, then the projecting portion of the hernia may be excised (see Vol.

  105. In these cases a hernia seldom occurs, although the brain surface may bulge slightly into the wound.

  106. If the encephalitis subsides, the hernia will not increase in size, and if the wound cavity be kept aseptic, it may gradually shrink.

  107. If the hernia is of small extent, and especially when it is situated near the lower angle of the scar, it is difficult to fit a belt which will restrain it without the use of perineal bands or straps.

  108. In other cases, if there be no increased intracranial pressure and if the condition be quite localized, no hernia may occur, but the surface of the brain may be rough or eroded.

  109. If the patient otherwise recovers and a hernia still persists, the question arises what to do.

  110. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hernia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.