As they were tracking a glade on the farther side of the hill, the spectral huntsmen again swept past them, and so closely that they could almost touch their horses.
When within a mile of the castle they were overtaken by Bouchier and his followers, and the falconer was much disappointed to learn that they had failed in tracking Morgan Fenwolf to his lair.
Tracking a long vista, they came to a thick dell, overgrown with large oaks, at the bottom of which lay a small pool.
In Paris I felt sure of success, but the lady I was tracking turned out to be a grandmother, and there was a lively scene in her house when I sprung my game.
This time he is not trackingthe deer through the dense forests of Michigan.
Then Dave laughed aloud: "He's seen us tracking him and he's doubled on us and is tracking us.
The man he was tracking stopped at the steps of a house, pushed the bell button, raised his hat, fanned his face with it, and flung it back on his head, leaving bare part of a bald skull.
It may be located by tracking, by watching the movements of old coyotes, or by riding the range looking for holes, but systematic tracking insures the best results.
Shortly afterwards the Greek stopped, and I noticed he had seen something; they were the koodoo we had been tracking up, though I did not see them myself.
The Greek was in front of me tracking up a herd of Hagazin or Koodoo, when he suddenly stopped and aimed at something with my rifle that he was carrying for me.
Mr. Gilroy laughed as he remembered the tracking joke.
Leave the trackingtale to Julie, and agree with her everytime!
Wounded chamois give no end of trouble, and this one was no exception, for generally it means tracking a beast which instinctively resorts to its matchless climbing faculties to outwit its pursuer.
Tracking in jungle is often very difficult work, and a sharp gun-carrier posted well to the rear will often save a lot of trouble.
For several hours after this we walked on slowly, spying every yard as we went, for tracking on this stony ground was hopeless.
Patient tracking and watching over likely glades for a stag to draw out on are far more effective in bringing eventual success.
But whether your trackers are good or not, it is quite useless for you to interfere with them unless you have sufficient experience to do the tracking yourself and let the men follow behind.
They has to learn; andtracking wants learning jest like farming.
How he had lain there bruised and helpless with a broken leg, expecting at any time to see the beast he had been tracking bear down upon him.
Settling himself cross-legged on the floor, his back against the wall, he related how, after tracking a panther all day, he had slipped while going down a steep bank and losing his footing had plunged to the bottom.
Hard by a farmer hale and young His cradle in the rye-field swung, Tracking the yellow plain With windrows of ripe grain.
Now there was a game like tracking Red Indians in the prairie or tigers in the jungle.
Tears and sweat together were tracking down through the grime on his cheeks.
The Angry Snake with his band were tracking us, and had we not been too strong, would have attacked and murdered us all, that is dear.
No one had ever been able to catch him; not even Precious Sue, a bluetick hound peerless in tracking down coons.
Shotgun in hand, he'd spent a fair portion of yesterday tracking a bobcat on the snow.
Big, long-legged, and powerful, Thunder was another hound who'd distinguished himself by tracking Old Joe to the big sycamore.
He'd been a mere pup the night Old Joe came raiding, but he'd experienced little difficulty in tracking Old Joe to his magic sycamore and he'd learned since.
The Dreadnought then proceeded, at just above tracking speed, to a new and untraceable location.
An effective defense or tracking system will inevitably be devised, and our ability to strike without warning taken from us.
When you come within clear tracking range, make contact and identify yourself as the 21st Airborne of the Sixth Fleet.
He did this carefully, staying just above tracking speed, in a wide arc, hoping to come upon the Dreadnought in a time and place not as thoroughly guarded.
What did I care about going tracking or stalking with my patrol?
There aren't many fellows out rowing mornings, because they're either tracking or stalking or cleaning up or maybe in for a dip.
If they turned up or down the valley the enemy would be sure to hear them tracking through the thick underbrush.
While they're tracking us, they will leave the Conway house alone, and that'll give Terry and Stoker a chance to hunt for the book and the letter.
We immediately shipped the rudder, and began heaving, warping, and tracking the ship through the loose masses that lay in that, the only direction for us now to pursue, if we wished to get clear at all.