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Example sentences for "becam"

Lexicographically close words:
beaver; beavers; beavor; becaase; becalmed; became; becamest; becase; becaus; because
  1. Quhen Lawsus saw this aventour of weir, He wepyt wail sair for hys fader deir; Sa wobegone becam this lusty man 15 That salt teris fast our hys chekis ran.

  2. Mysknawyng quhat this ment, Eneas wight Becam abasit of the soddane syght, And can inquir the causys of this cace; 15 Quhat war tha fludis far befor hys face, Or quhat bene tha men in syk numbyr swa With so gret fard flokkit to athir bra.

  3. Becam a thrall to mak ws bondis fre, To quykkyn thy sclavys tholyt schamfull ded maste fell.

  4. As for you I am sure of this one thing, he would paint you in your players orname[n]ts, for they best becam you.

  5. And he becam so riche, that he knew not the 1000 part of that he hadde: and he was wysere, in wisschynge, than was the king.

  6. The tother gret Chane, that cam aftre him, becam a Payneme, and alle the other aftre him.

  7. And betwene the hille and this gardyn rennethe a lytille broke of watre, that was wont to ben byttre; but be the blessyng of Helisee the prophete, it becam swete and gode to drynke.

  8. And what becam of them, my handsome young man?

  9. And what becam of them, Lord Randal, my son?

  10. May 13th, I becam acquaynted with Albertus Laski at 7½ at night, in the Erle of Lecester his chamber in the court at Greenwich.

  11. July 6th, Michael becam distempered in his hed and bak.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "becam" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    became acquainted; became apparent; became aware; became bishop; became chief; became clear; became customary; became dark; became emperor; became evident; became exceedingly; became head; became highly; became interested; became involved; became known; became minister; became more; became more and more; became necessary; became poor; became quite; became secretary; became silent; became the; became very