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Example sentences for "professedly"

Lexicographically close words:
profered; proferred; profess; professe; professed; professes; professeth; professeur; professeurs; professing
  1. The old court sledges are brought forth—these being professedly economical times—for examination as to their possibly serviceable condition.

  2. This question subdivides itself thus: What ought we northern and professedly anti-slavery Christians to do, and not do?

  3. These exquisite lyrics are much more adequate expressions of Browning's faith than the dialogues which professedly embody it.

  4. To that solution Shelley seemed to Browning to be on the way, and his incomplete grasp of it appealed to him more powerfully than did the elaborate dogmatisms professedly based upon it.

  5. The tax was professedly of a temporary character and was to be employed solely to meet the exigencies of the war.

  6. This last especially should never be omitted in any professedly complete selection of the best English lyrics.

  7. Our point is that the Text-book of Hindu Religion is professedly pantheistic, and the above is clearly pantheism and its postulate Maya.

  8. Of that we now ask what evidence there is in the ordinary speech and writings of educated India, apart from controversy or professedly Hindu writings, in which the accepted Indian orthodoxy would probably appear.

  9. In 1736 our poet published a collection of Scots Proverbs, which, for some reason or another, has never been printed with his poems in those editions that are professedly complete.

  10. The Masque, albeit professedly a dramatic pastoral, entirely abjures the lackadaisical shepherds and shepherdesses of conventional pastoral, and, as a poem of pure imagination, reverts to the ancient mythology for the dramatis personae.

  11. He spent his spare time in poetizing, and sent anonymously transcripts from professedly old poems to the local papers.

  12. Who would now sit down to read a work professedly theological?

  13. This was an institution professedly non-sectarian, established for the purpose of receiving students in attendance upon the lectures at University College.

  14. Lord of Dartmouth College, then professedly in favor of emancipation, but who afterwards turned a moral somersault, a self-inversion which left him ever after on his head instead of his feet.

  15. The great lesson of duty inculcated by this answer of the Divine Teacher has been too long overlooked by individuals and communities professedly governed by His maxims.

  16. From the church records, he appears to have been of a professedly religious character, as early as 1721.

  17. Moore lived to celebrate the first anniversary of the institution, and to see more than eighty of its students professedly religious, and preparing for extensive usefulness among their fellow men.

  18. Professedly prudent" is the phrase that I have chosen to apply to Benjamin Franklin.

  19. What was it that cut William Franklin off from his professedly prudent and worldly wise old father, Benjamin?

  20. It is also professedly Republican, with a philosophic ideal of the greatest good of the greatest number.

  21. He founded no school; but his influence decidedly initiated the rationalist movement within the church; one peculiarity of which will be found to be, that it was professedly designed in defence of the church, not as an attack upon it.

  22. The movement, it will be observed, was professedly not intended to be destructive of Christianity.

  23. The histories which have been professedly devoted to the subject.

  24. The works which have professedly treated of the history of infidelity, as a whole, are not of great importance.

  25. These views however were not professedly sanctioned by Lessing, for he added notes in refutation of them, and stated his object to be merely to stimulate free inquiry.

  26. This completes(23) the enumeration of the histories professedly devoted to infidelity, with the exception of a small but very creditable production published since several of these lectures were written, Defence of the Faith; Part I.

  27. Their recruiting ground is, of I course, among the Armenians, who, though professedly Christiana really stand in more need of regeneration than their Mohammedan neighbors.

  28. But the good people of Ismidt raise their voices in protest against what they professedly regard as a rash and dangerous proposition.

  29. A professedly cultural education is peculiarly exposed to this danger.

  30. Kant, then, ventured to show by his teaching that all those dogmas which had been so often professedly proved were incapable of proof.

  31. I do not recollect having seen this custom prevailing anywhere in France except at the Gardens in the Champs Elysée in Paris, where professedly the music is given in connection with and to promote the drink.

  32. Particular Baptists are professedly Calvinistic in their creed; General Baptists are professedly Arminian.

  33. Our Lord's purpose was to show the contrast between the care, thoughtfulness, and devotion of men engaged in the money-making affairs of earth, and the half hearted ways of many who are professedly striving after spiritual riches.

  34. They were opposed to innovations, yet were generally more liberal or less bigoted than some of the professedly devout Judeans.

  35. These instructions were directed primarily to the apostles, who would be professedly devoted to the work of the kingdom to the exclusion of all other interests.

  36. Its ritual and service were largely man-prescribed; for while the letter of the Mosaic Law was professedly observed, the law had been supplemented and in many features supplanted by rule and priestly prescription.

  37. Jesus replied by a counter question, in which was plainly intimated that if this man, who was professedly learned in the law, had read and studied properly, he should know without asking what he ought to do.

  38. Mathew, and the use of the archaic 'teen' in the stanzas professedly Spenserian.

  39. And we are sorry to say that some professedly religious teachers, though many times corrected, persist in misrepresenting us on this point.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "professedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apparently; evidently; official; ostensibly; outwardly; seemingly