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Example sentences for "presuppositions"

Lexicographically close words:
presuppose; presupposed; presupposes; presupposing; presupposition; pret; preta; prete; pretence; pretences
  1. To deny any thought which is more than relative is to deprive even scepticism itself of the presuppositions on which it rests.

  2. Supernaturalism is the refuge of the materialist who wishes to make room for ideal values without abandoning the presuppositions of materialism.

  3. This kind of pluralism is of course fundamentally incompatible with the presuppositions of my paper.

  4. Catholicism is one of the most compact structures in the world, and it rests on presuppositions which are far removed from those of Modernism.

  5. It is the more to be regretted that in certain points he seems to be hampered by false presuppositions and misled by unattainable ideals.

  6. I have endeavored to present the world which is an implication of the scientific method of discovery with entire abstraction from any epistemological or metaphysical presuppositions or complications.

  7. Without any presuppositions as to subjectivity or consciousness (cf.

  8. But a world of living intelligent agents in social relations is in its very presuppositions a world of activity, of mutual understanding and adjustment.

  9. Under such metaphysical or extra-empirical presuppositions all investigation, whether it be crudely empirical or (in the physical sense) scientific, is carried on.

  10. Now with these presuppositions let us approach the question of that great structure of formal dogma which the Church has built upon the foundation of Christ's teaching.

  11. They do exert a compelling force, but only so long as their presuppositions are admitted and held to be unassailable.

  12. But in accordance with the results of our investigation we contest these two presuppositions most decidedly.

  13. The transformation could hardly have been effected so quickly and so fundamentally if this mode of life did not involve fixed limits and problematic presuppositions which we have now become fully conscious of for the first time.

  14. Finally, the self-testimony of Jesus summoned them to ponder his relation to God the Father, with the presuppositions of that relation, and to give it expression in intelligible statements.

  15. They still shew confidence in the objective presuppositions of their philosophy, and have, especially in psychology, done great work and created something new.

  16. But on the other hand, it is just as clear that, specifically, Hellenic ideas form the presuppositions neither for the Gospel itself, nor for the most important New Testament writings.

  17. In this view we must remember that he did away with all the presuppositions of dogma, the infallible Apostolic Canon of Scripture, the infallible teaching function of the Church, and the infallible Apostolic doctrine and constitution.

  18. Chief among these encumbering presuppositions was that of a fundamental distinction between perception and conception and consequent upon it between the synthetic and the analytic use of thought.

  19. The "Logic" of Hegel is merely the continuation of Kant's "Deduction" of the categories and ideas of the reason which has generally been recognized as the soberest of attempts to set forth the presuppositions which underlie all experience.

  20. Neither of these mental presuppositions are anywhere fulfilled in the animal world.

  21. It is implied in the logical presuppositions to all moral responsibility.

  22. In this merely naturalistic evolution all the essential presuppositions of moral law are wanting and excluded.

  23. These presuppositions are often unconscious, but none the less influential.

  24. Ritschl denies the presuppositions of any theology based on the Bible as the infallible word of God on the one hand, and on the validity of the knowledge of God as obtained by scientific and philosophic processes on the other.

  25. The Christological method of Hase, Thomasius and Andrew Fuller treats of God, man, and sin, as presuppositions of the person and work of Christ.

  26. The lesson helps are intended to provide merely the presuppositions necessary for intelligent study.

  27. The first will deal with the meaning of Ethics generally and its relation to cognate subjects; and specially with the Philosophical, Psychological and Theological presuppositions of Christian Ethics.

  28. The introduction had already prepared you for the presuppositions of our technique, for the large aspects of the unconscious and of suppression (resistance).

  29. However, since their presuppositions have become unsupportable, they must in large part remain outside of consciousness.

  30. It must make clear under what presuppositions the foresight that lies at the basis of such dread is valid for future experience.

  31. It must thus comprise the systems of all those propositions which are presuppositions of our common reality, independent of the free individual decision.

  32. The requirement of a necessary connection, or dependence, is added by our thought to the reproductive and recognitive presuppositions that are contained in the uniformity of the sequence of events.

  33. This requirement of our thought does not, however, become thereby independent of the perceptive elements in the presuppositions involved in the uniformity of sequence.

  34. The new formulation and solution of problems influence us first through their evident significance and consequences, not through the traditional presuppositions upon which they are founded.

  35. However, the difference in their presuppositions as well as method caused this common result to make its appearance in very different light and surroundings.

  36. Historical judgments at this point, then, are apt to be influenced by the presuppositions of the investigator.

  37. But the former alternative is excluded by the naturalistic presuppositions of the modern man.

  38. And at this point the cautious investigator, even if his presuppositions are the same as Bousset's own, may well be inclined to take alarm.

  39. Questions which had never been asked came into the foreground, and the Jewish presuppositions tended to disappear.

  40. Presuppositions are imposed on all of us by life itself: for instance the presupposition that life is to continue, and that it is worth living.

  41. Afterwards, in reflection, we may wonder at finding these presuppositions on our hands and, being ignorant of the natural causes which have imposed them on the animal mind, we may be offended at them.

  42. It is one of the presuppositions of his argument.

  43. The problems of the divisible and the indivisible, of the simple and the complex, leading as they do to discussion of the presuppositions underlying the Leibnizian monadology, concern spiritual as well as material substance.

  44. They have authority only to the extent to which they can be shown to be the indispensable presuppositions of a moral consciousness that is undeniably actual.

  45. The concealed presuppositions are now called in question, and are made the subject of explicit discussion.

  46. In the other, they are presuppositions of experience, at once conditioning its possibility and revealing its merely phenomenal character.

  47. By "concepts" Kant seems to mean the five arguments, though as a matter of fact other conclusions and presuppositions are taken into account, and quite new points are raised.

  48. For these problems are no longer formulated in terms of the individualistic presuppositions which govern the thinking of all Kant's predecessors, even that of Hume.

  49. A whole set of presuppositions about God, about the slavery of sin, about the reasonableness of redemption, must be present with us.

  50. Their failure is alike great, and is due to the presuppositions they inherited from the Eleatic conception of a severe homogeneity which implies an absolute difference from everything else.

  51. Bosanquet's development of his subject has proved to be throughout the necessary logical outcome of the presuppositions with reference to reality from which he starts.

  52. Such presuppositions are called hypotheses and are justified by our fundamental demand for unity.

  53. The view which any logician adopts as to the nature of the knowledge-process is accordingly conditioned by his metaphysical presuppositions as to the nature of reality.

  54. So in divine learning, we see how frequent parables and tropes are, for it is a rule, that whatsoever science is not consonant to presuppositions must pray in aid of similitudes.

  55. Another diversity of judgment in the delivery and teaching of knowledge is, according unto the light and presuppositions of that which is delivered.

  56. These two groups of principles are not, as their names might suggest, principles within mathematics and physics, but presuppositions of mathematics and physics respectively.

  57. Again, as Kant rightly sees, the vindication of the presuppositions of natural science, to be complete, requires the discovery upon a definite principle of all these presuppositions.

  58. What justifies the assertion that the presuppositions of natural science are true?

  59. And if we call reliance on these postulates, as being presuppositions of morality, faith, we may say that knowledge must be abolished to make room for faith.

  60. It has been seen, however, that the judgements in question fall into two classes, those of mathematics and those which form the presuppositions of physics.

  61. Its ethical presuppositions were entirely Christian, nor were they sanctioned (in spite of Herbert Spencer's elaborate apologetic) by the new biology.

  62. Systematised knowledge may thus conceivably come into conflict with the presuppositions or the ideals of some particular religion.

  63. Balfour complaining of the absence of "a full and systematic attempt, first to enumerate, and then to justify, the presuppositions on which all science finally rests.

  64. Still, Spencer's own scientific presuppositions were the same as Huxley's, so that the passage remains a pertinent criticism of the Evolutionary Philosophy as elaborated by him.

  65. There is a wide gap between these presuppositions of the intellectual theory of materialism and the immediate deliverances of sense-awareness.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "presuppositions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.