I connect the act with the will without presupposing any condition resulting from any inclination, but a priori, and therefore necessarily (though only objectively, i.
Presupposing the continued omnipotence of the British Navy, the Battle of the Marne had settled the fate of Germany, but if that Navy had proved another illusion the bottom had fallen out of the world.
A new world of pleasures had opened itself, offering new subjects of activity to the intellect, but also presupposing a new discipline and experience for enjoying them.
In this way, by presupposing especial professional knowledge in a given witness, great mistakes are made.
But these transitions from not-being to being are not even conceivable without presupposing something existing, necessary, and eternal.
Moses divided the waters by stretching out his rod, thus presupposing that the crossing took place by day, and that the dark cloud which divided the two hosts was miraculously caused by the angel of God.
Here, too, where different strata have been tilted up, it might seem at first sight as if they were arranged perpendicularly and side by side, none underlying the other, none presupposing the other.
The naturalist, too, presupposing certain results of science to be true, takes care not to get into conflict with them, and he will soon correct himself should he arrive at different results.
Harnack fixes the date of the Gospel at shortly after 70, because "Matthew, as well as Luke, are presupposing the destruction of Jerusalem.
For you can define the truth and falsity of your own opinions only bypresupposing a wider view that sees as a whole what you see in fragments.
Thus it results that we interpret the events following one another immediately and uniformly as causes and effects, by presupposing as fundamental to them forces that are the necessary means of their uniformity of connection.
It is in fact a determination of the will, preceded by deliberate counsel, and thus including or presupposing the employment of reason (**iii.
Lastly, the proprium, to be well set out, though it does not declare the essence of the subject, yet ought to begin by presupposing the generic portion of the essence, and to attach itself thereunto as a constant adjunct or concomitant.
The institution whichpresupposing the lecture-system combines in itself original production with criticism, and the connected exposition with the conversation, is the seminary.
For in the very inadequacy of nature to these latter, and thus only by presupposing them and by straining the Imagination to use nature as a schema for them, is to be found that which is terrible to sensibility and yet is attractive.
It only maintains that we are justified in presupposing universally in every man those subjective conditions of the Judgement which we find in ourselves; and further, that we have rightly subsumed the given Object under these conditions.
Amos and Hosea, presupposing as they do a splendid cultus and great sanctuaries, doubtless also knew of a variety of festivals, but they have no occasion to mention any one by name.
The banker was always presupposing that he could count in general on Lydgate as a coadjutor, but made no special recurrence to the coming decision between Tyke and Farebrother.
Even a prospective brother-in-law may be an oppression if he will always be presupposing too good an understanding with you, and agreeing with you even when you contradict him.
It makes a sudden eruption into consciousness, but one presupposing a latent, frequently long, labor.
In both instances there is now a simple end attained by immediate means, now a complex and distant goal presupposing subordinate ends which are means in relation to the final end.
The Xenophontic scheme, though presupposing a collective training, resolves itself ultimately into the will of an individual, enforcing good regulations, and full of tact in dealing with subordinates.
In other words, we can only explain the origin of darkness by renouncing the idea of origin, and presupposing darkness as existing from the beginning.
If the light in God springs out of the darkness in God, this is only because it is involved in the idea of light in general, that it illuminates darkness, thus presupposing darkness, not making it.
Consequently this word "intention" indicates an act of the will, presupposing the act whereby the reason orders something to the end.
For command is an act of the reasonpresupposing an act of the will, as stated above (A.
But Proudhon transposed into this purely empiric idea a moral element, by presupposing equality and justice as necessary to exchange.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "presupposing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.