He's been mighty uppishabout you, although he's let you run round the beach barefoot these sixteen years.
They had paid their respects instead to British authority in the person of a very uppish and sneering Vice-Consul--Mr. Spencer Bazzard .
I remember when I was in diplomacy there was rather an uppish young fellow from the 11th Hussars who'd been somebody's A.
Though the daughter isn't uppish a bit, so Nanny and Dell says, and visits right over the fence and just loves the children.
Jessie says that story alone would have brought that uppish Mrs. Brownlee that's moved into that stylish new bungalow next to Will Turner's to time and sociability.
Peggy had always very uppish notions," said Mrs. Phillips, "it will be a pity if she educates these children above their position.
Getting a little uppish now; but not the manager you are," said Mr. Brandon.
His wife was an uppish hussy who thought herself better than her husband, and their daughter was a pretty girl with black eyes and rosy cheeks.
I can tell you he's as uppish as the Grand Panjandrum himself about it, too; says his sister is not an object of charity, and her father and brother are able to look after her.
But although she was got up like an old gipsy you could not help seeing through it all that she really is well-bred; I don't think even Agnès would dare to be uppish with her.
He seemed so uppish and unconcerned that I felt obliged to ask him how he enjoyed his dinner with Aunt Maria on Saturday.
Agnès was not quite so uppish undressing me as usual.
Then it shows that he has no silly, uppish notions so common to these Americans.
And when I say a meaning manner, I mean there was a respectful but at the same time uppish glint in his eye and a sort of muscular spasm flickered across his face which wasn't quite a quiet smile and yet wasn't quite not a quiet smile.
More than once, as I have shown, it has been my painful task to squelch in him a tendency to get uppish and treat the young master as a serf or peon.
He was a forward young piece, she decided, some uppishbit thing that was dangling after Stella, most likely.
Raymond did not seem to relish the joke, but it certainly had the wholesome effect of taking him down a peg, and rendering him a little less uppish and dictatorial for the remainder of the journey.
Most people can be uppish in good clothes, but to look like a scare-crow and be uppish can't be expected except from the truly lofty.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uppish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.