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Example sentences for "freehand"

Lexicographically close words:
freedom; freedome; freedoms; freedwoman; freedwomen; freehold; freeholder; freeholders; freeholds; freeing
  1. At the same time, a knowledge of this rigid perspective is the sure and unerring basis of his freehand drawing.

  2. One is to make shaped pieces of cartridge-paper as patterns to cut each bit of glass by; another is to place the bits of glass, one by one, over the cut-line and cut freehand by the line you see through the glass.

  3. The freehand drawing and the varying thickness of the leads in the quarry work should be noted.

  4. Make two or three trial freehand sketches for varied proportions and select the most pleasing one in accordance with Rules 1a, 1b, 2a, and 2b.

  5. Correction is readily made by applying a freehand curve to the contour, raising or lowering the widest point (F), at the same time designing the bottom either larger or smaller than the top.

  6. One should trust to freehand sweeps, drawn freely with a full arm movement when possible.

  7. Sidenote: Freehand Curves] Figure 24 shows a low bowl with a compass curve used in designing the contour.

  8. Make two or three trial freehand sketches on cross section paper for varied proportions and select the most pleasing in accordance with rules.

  9. The curves of Figure 80 are excellent lines for freehand practice in designing mouldings and will develop the principle of continuity of curvature or the smooth transition of one curve into the next.

  10. There were two stiff bouquets and a few table decorations, and on a raised platform, freehand drawings from the primary schools, and several good specimens of embroidery and plain needlework.

  11. It may be that the cost and value of instruction in freehand drawing will have to be compared with the permanent value of the study of Latin.

  12. Even such facilities as are afforded by the acquirement of freehand drawing, as taught in our schools of art, are not to be despised.

  13. All of the children seemed to be naturally gifted at freehand drawing.

  14. There is no triangulation point in Haiti and so the present coast line on the maps is the result of a certain number of bearings from off shore, with the remainder a matter of freehand filling-in.

  15. If the streams shown on a preliminary map are drawn in a clumsy or characterless fashion they should be redrawn with a freehand effect or made slightly wavy, in order that they may appear more natural.

  16. Care should be taken that the lines are as nearly parallel as they can be made freehand and of even weight or thickness.

  17. To meet this difficulty it is customary at some observatories to derive hourly values from a freehand curve of continuous curvature, drawn so as to smooth out the apparently irregular movements.

  18. The curvilinear freehand scroll, which is readily painted, incised, or moulded in relief, is forced by the constructional character of textiles into square forms, and a rectangular meander or fret will result.

  19. Mr. Sturgis doesn't approve of freehand drawing at all.

  20. Mr. Sturgis was young himself once, and no doubt at school studied freehand drawing very diligently to be so great as he is now.

  21. Punctilious in their precision, they outdo in method all attempts of freehand drawing to copy them.

  22. Freehand draftsmanship at the telescope is incapable of rendering their ruled effect.

  23. A piece of india-rubber will also be required, besides two pencils, one marked H or HH and one marked HB or F; the latter to be used for lining in a drawing which is not to be inked in, or for freehand work.

  24. In addition to the exercises given in this work the student should practise making freehand sketches of machine details from actual machines or good models of them.

  25. Pencils for mechanical drawing should be sharpened with a chisel point, and those for freehand work with a round point.

  26. But the diagonal lines necessary for sectional parts may be done rapidly, though neatly, by freehand if necessary.

  27. What this work actually intends to show is a "Practical System of Freehand Lettering for Working Drawings"--one that by the method outlined, is easily acquired and rapidly executed.

  28. Another advantage is that, in the process, considerable skill in freehand drawing also can be acquired.

  29. Freehand perspective sketching affords the most natural method of representing objects in outline.

  30. The type of freehand lettering most generally taught is that used in practice; i.

  31. It gives a valuable training in coördinating the hand and eye in drawing freehand lines and estimating proportions.

  32. In this form the student begins by drawing in freehand very simple objects either in outline or mass, and proceeds through more advanced exercises in drawing from still life, to drawing and painting of landscape and the human figure.

  33. Relative value of freehand drawing and design= It will be understood by the reader that the value of elementary freehand drawing as a means of discipline or as an aid to the technical student is not under discussion.

  34. In this, the Design method is superior to the Representation method, though it would be an error to assume that freehand drawing is chiefly a manual operation.

  35. When this type of skill is acquired before the mechanical work is started, the mechanical and freehand technique may be simultaneously developed.

  36. Freehand orthographic sketching is now quite commonly incorporated in modern courses in mechanical drawing.

  37. If he is afraid to attempt the freehand work, give the child pictures to cut around, as simple outlines of a cat seated, or a piece of fruit.

  38. It may be necessary to draw the lily first before cutting, but the freehand cutting is a good exercise.

  39. These are problems which have been worked out, and to copy them freehand makes the work to be done over again on a larger scale on the canvas of the picture.

  40. Brought more directly under Norman domination it resulted in the fine, bold freehand style which is conspicuous in MSS.

  41. We find a certain amount of general illustration, usually of the biblical narrative, in pictorial scenes drawn in freehand in the later classical style, and undoubtedly inspired by the western art of Rome.

  42. But, besides actual illuminated miniature painting, there is also a not inconsiderable amount of freehand illustrative drawing in the MSS.

  43. This principle is recognized in blocking out a freehand drawing,--a process often misunderstood and exaggerated.

  44. He ought also to practise constantly when he is at home on a panel with his thumb-nail at rat tails, so as to get dexterity and grace, because there is a vast amount of freehand drawing required in this portion of the work.

  45. After he has mastered the freehand of his craft--i.

  46. A glance at the reproduction of Captain Erskine's freehand sketch of the ground will help the reader to appreciate the strength of the Boer position.

  47. The reproduction of the freehand sketch of Magersfontein will show the strength of the ground taken up by the enemy.

  48. Footnote 107: A freehand sketch of the position from Nodashwana to Jonono's Kop will be found in the case of maps accompanying this volume.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freehand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    freehand; graphic; monochrome; photographic; pictorial; picturesque; polychrome