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Example sentences for "votive"

Lexicographically close words:
votes; voti; voting; votis; votiva; voto; votre; votum; vou; vouch
  1. To the same age belong many other votive reliefs of the Acropolis, representing horsemen, scribes and other votaries of Athena.

  2. Martin on horseback, with many beggars who are bringing votive offerings, in a building in perspective.

  3. The little church of the establishment contains hundreds of votive offerings left by pious pilgrims, and, though architecturally the edifice is a poor, humble thing, it ranks high among the places of modern pilgrimage.

  4. Yet, shame upon this senseless age, Which blindly worships guilty gold, No votive marble shows the tomb, Whose vault received his ashes cold.

  5. These idols are hung round with amulets and votive offerings, such as beavers' teeth, and bears' and eagles' claws.

  6. The shrine of the saint was decorated with relics and votive offerings hung up by these superstitious beings, either to propitiate her favor, or in gratitude for some signal deliverance in the wilderness.

  7. Several exhausted or abandoned quarries have been transformed into votive chapels; as, for instance, the Speos Artemidos, which was consecrated by Hatshepsut, Thothmes III.

  8. A fragment found in the ruins of Tanis and now in the possession of Count Stroganoff, formed part of a votive statue dedicated by King Pisebkhanû.

  9. Rarely as this privilege was granted, it resulted in a vast accumulation of votive statues, so that in the course of centuries the courts of some temples became crowded with them.

  10. A flat slab, or offering table, built into the floor between the two uprights of the doorway, received the votive meats and drinks.

  11. These are simulacra of votive cakes intended for the eternal nourishment of the Double.

  12. Sacred objects of every kind were on sale in the temple precincts, idols, votive offerings, amulets, and so forth.

  13. Cut there in the rock are the niches for the votive offerings.

  14. Below the vaulting and nailed to the wall is seen a shrine with a sacred picture of blackened canvas and undecipherable design, in frame of gilt rococo, with its lantern hanging by a cord and with its waxen votive offerings.

  15. The healed expressed their gratitude in votive tablets and in presentations of silver and golden figures of the healed parts.

  16. In all probability, however, it was simply a votive figure dedicated to the god of healing, Æsculapius.

  17. As for votive offerings, Middleton truly says that "no one custom of antiquity is so frequently mentioned by all their writers" .

  18. However, as the train rolled on and the landscape flew by, a church once more appeared, this time on the fringe of heaven, some votive chapel perched upon a hill and surmounted by a lofty statue of the Virgin.

  19. The quantity of these votive candles quite stupefied Raymonde and Madame Desagneaux.

  20. But, all at once, he fancied he could hear a sound of footsteps, and thereupon he painfully rose to his feet, and feigned to be reading the inscriptions graven in the marble votive slabs along the walls.

  21. Moreover, the adornments comprised many other votive offerings, and some of quite an unexpected description.

  22. All the temples and all the rest of the public works had been filled with statues and votive offerings, so that he said he should have to make it a matter of thought what to do with them.

  23. At the time under consideration he arranged the votive festival which he had promised in commemoration of his campaign.

  24. When he reached the shrine he hung his arms up as a votive offering, and performed the vigil which chivalrous custom exacted from a squire before the morning of his being dubbed a knight.

  25. Having accomplished a purchase, it became the overwhelming desire of the purchaser to present the article in question as a votive offering to the fair sales-woman herself.

  26. The votive crown of the Abbot Theodosius (N2) is of less elaborate workmanship and design; seven of its eight pendants of gold, pearls, and sapphires remain.

  27. The air is filled with some unknown perfume; The congregation of the dead make room For thee to pass; the votive tapers shine; Like rooks that haunt Ravenna's groves of pine, The hovering echoes fly from tomb to tomb.

  28. There in all that Fancy gildeth, Still thy vanish'd smile I see; And each airy hall it buildeth Is a votive shrine to thee!

  29. At Udipi in South Canara, some Gudigars make for sale large wooden buffaloes and human figures, which are presented as votive offerings at the Iswara temple at Hiriadkap.

  30. He offered up the sacrifices of gratitude at the temples of his faith; and even the altar of Isis was covered with his votive garlands--as to the prodigy of the animated marble, he blushed at the effect it had produced on him.

  31. A striking feature is the host of votive offerings, some a mere slab a few inches in size with the simple word "Merci" and a date.

  32. The Lady-chapel is a place of special pilgrimage and is brimful of votive offerings.

  33. An iron grating protects the image from the street, but through the bars have been thrust garlands of flowers and gifts of various sorts--votive offerings from people in bodily distress or mental disorder.

  34. The pedestals of the saints were beautifully adorned and covered with many valuable and votive offerings, the tender gifts of piety from the faithful.

  35. Passing through the Sammon, and proceeding in a straight direction—often between rows of votive stone-lanterns—the visitor soon arrives at the two largest buildings of the temple group.

  36. The temple and its contents originated in the votive offering of a Mikado of the twelfth century for recovery from sickness.

  37. In the grounds of Shinto and Buddhist temples alike are frequently found numerous stone-lanterns, erected by way of votive offerings, and lighted on any great occasions.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "votive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    votive offering; votive offerings