This iz a dorsal Bend near the back fin, and gives the wearers ov it, when in moshun, the appearance ov a hen turkey making for a woodshed in a heavy shower ov rain.
The maskuline turkey or gobler, as they are familiary called, hav seazons ov strutting which are immense.
They look az humble and resighned tew their fate az a hen turkey in a wet day.
The hen turkey alwus haz a lonesum look tew me az tho she had been abuzed bi sumboddy.
If the hosstritch iz a blessing tew the dessert country I hope they will stay thare, for so long as we hav the turkey buzzard, and the Sandy Hill Crane, I feel az tho we could git along, and endure life.
The turkey iz a sedate person, and seldum forgits herself by gitting onto a frolik.
The grey-squirrel was seen sporting on its shady margin, and, as night approached, the wild turkey came in from the plains to drink, and make its nightly abode.
From the appearance of the wild turkey and large grey squirrel ashore, it is probable that we are passing out of the inundated region.
By this time we had cooked the other turkey for breakfast, which just sufficed for the occasion.
The various species of oaks and hickories had strewed the woods with their fruits, on which the bear and wild turkey revelled, while the red deer was scarcely ever out of sight.
Had he known what was to come from this turkey dinner, would he have gone?
The camp in which Johnny had enjoyed his wild turkey dinner was a chicle camp.
Although one may not feel at liberty to refuse to attend a wild turkey dinner, he may refuse to accept other things, even at the hand of a millionaire.
This would be so contrary to the interests of Austria that we would oppose it, even should Turkey be forced by untoward circumstances to yield the point.
The consequence of all this is, that Turkey now turns to Austria and Prussia for help, "replied the king.
But my imperial mistress has instructed me to say explicitly that her moderation toward Turkey is exclusively the fruit of her consideration for Austria.
In the spring of 1788, the Austrian internuncio declined any further attempt at mediation, and hostilities between Russia and Turkey were renewed.
It therefore rests with your majesty to induce the Empress Catharine to make the same request of Austria, as Turkey has made of us both.
It remains now to see whether Turkey will keep silence or Russia will speak!
But Turkey may still remain a second-rate power, for I think that Russia will be satisfied with the Crimea and the Black Sea for herself and a guaranty of independent sovereigns for Wallachia and Moldavia.
Turkey asks for intervention, that she may be restored to the blessings of peace.
I have made it a stringent condition with Osman Pacha that the treaty with Turkey shall be a profound secret.
If Austria is to do this for the sake of Turkey, Turkey of course must furnish the means.
Then, like true Britons, reared on malt and hops, we felt that all was well, and addressed ourselves to our Christmas turkey with the comfortable assurance that the Prince of Wales had turned the corner.
A little turtle soup, some devilled whitebait, and a slice of a turkey truffe would be the sort of dinner to suit you.
Fiction is ever the mirror of fact; and a lady still living, who published her Memoirs only a year or two ago, remembers the Lady Holland who patronized Macaulay "sitting at a beautiful luncheon of cold turkey and summer salad.
Have ready in a saucepan two cupfuls of milk, thickened with a tablespoonful of butter and two of flour; stir this into the turkey liquor, boil up, and serve.
Make the stuffing of the turkey into neat cakes, fry them, and arrange them on the dish around the hash.
Even so, they could hardly have eaten it all, and I think their noble turkey did not taste any better than ours.
Also, I had discovered a bed of wild cress in the brook and our brown turkey was garnished with that piquant green.
Anne was dead, but when Charlotte and Jerry were asked to sit down to turkey with their employer and familiar friend, it was Anne's unforgotten ideal that rose before her, the illuminated copy of the social code in its rigid hand.
As I write I see that the great European Powers are about to deliver an ultimatum to Greece, backed with force if disregarded, to stay her warlike preparations against Turkey and disarm.
But what is wrong now would have been right had an international court been previously convened, and had Turkey asked for arbitration.
Meanwhile, Germany and Austria at their leisure could have digested the Balkans and drawing Turkey into their net could have established a “Mittel-Europa” that would have left the rest of the world at their mercy.
After Austria took the fateful step of 1908 Turkey still held the territory just north of the Bosphorus, organized as the province of Adrianople.
In 1453 Turkey took Constantinople and began a series of conquests that carried her to the very gates of the city of Vienna.
Metternich would have helped Turkey against the Greeks and allowed the tsar to carry out his long cherished wish of intervening in Spain, as a means of keeping him quiet.
To create a “Big Bulgaria” as a bulwark against Turkey had been Russia’s chief hope in the war.
Thus one sovereign and three dependent but locally autonomous states stood forth out of the confused and misgoverned Christian area of Turkey in Europe.
In the war that followed the Greeks fought heroically but alone and were no match for Turkey in operations on land.
Here the parties concerned had fought their quarrel out to the end and had nearly expelled Turkey from Europe, dividing the spoils among themselves.
All the powers now united in an agreement by which Turkeywas to exclude foreign warships from the Dardanelles.
Montenegro retained her position of practical independence, which Turkeyhad been forced to acknowledge in 1799.
The four were sprawled around the fire, over which a large turkey was hung to roast, and the firelight lit up four of as villainous looking faces as ever existed.
Each slung a turkeyfrom one side of his saddle and a loaded game bag from the other, and, mounting, they rode on for their goal, the great lake.
Before night fell everything was ready, and the boys sat down to a delicious meal of fried and stewed turkey and the eatables they had brought with them.
Turkey is much too large for her and chicken hardly appeals to her for this day.
Heat slowly to boiling point and then add one-half cupful of brown sauce, made from turkey stock.
Season and then pour over the turkey in the baking dish.
Stir until well browned and then add two cupfuls of turkey stock.
Baste every ten minutes, allowing the turkey one-half hour to heat and twenty minutes to the pound or about three and one-half hours.
He had preserved game till no goose or turkey could show a tail in the parish of St Ewold's.
You might just as well be angry with the turkey cock for gobbling at you.
The "eagles and turkey buzzards" had eaten the flesh from his bones.
One of "Our own Correspondents," speaking of the recent disaster at Sinope, rather startles us with the announcement that "Turkey for the present is unquestionably worsted.
Turkey was described at this time as "the sick man.
Turkey is certainly in Europe, but there is also a Turkey in Asia.
This case several times occurred during the wars of Turkey with a European power.
If this be literally the fact, we only hope our country friends will postpone their usual hampers until Turkey is itself again.
Supposing that note 'to be finally agreed upon by Russia and Turkey as the communication which shall be made by Turkey, there will still remain the question of the evacuation of the Principalities.
If Turkey can be enabled to hold her own a few years longer, she will, there are good reasons for hoping, arrive at a high state of civilization.
Turkey Cocks, Sing Bonds, and Scrip, and Shares, Sing British and Foreign Stocks.
The Turkey Vulture is a very silent bird, only uttering a hiss of defiance or warning to its neighbors when feeding, or a low gutteral croak of alarm when flying low overhead.
Turkey Buzzard is the familiar name applied to this bird, on account of his remarkable resemblance to our common Turkey.
If you know of a turkey near by, just compare this picture with it and you won't think so.
Here he is known by the more common name of Turkey Buzzard.
What does he do but come to me and tell me what you said the other day about wanting a taste of turkey again.
I'd give most anything for a good plateful of turkey with stuffing and fixin's.
There on the table in all its glory was a fourteen pound turkeysurrounded by all the "fixin's.
And the turkey is the biggest of all," said Elijah, who was doing it full justice.
Ravenslee, wresting his gaze from a certain curl and fixing it upon the turkey again.
An attack from Germany allied withTurkey by way of the Persian Gulf.
Then we put the stuffed turkey in again, put on the cast oven lid heaping red hot oak and hickory coals on top and under the pot.