We find it widely prevalent among the American aborigines, who possessed no domesticated animal whatever except the dog, and the dog, as was above observed, was never tamedat all, but domesticated itself at the very dawn of prehistoric times.
He tamed the wild creatures, and thus turned from a hunter into a nomad.
If the elephant was not killed, he was surrounded with a network of ropes; and, when he recovered consciousness, he was tamed and made to lure other elephants.
Nothing tamed me so much as the knowledge that I was necessary to my father's happiness.
Oh dear, oh dear, I feel so wild and excited that I'm sure I shall be just as troublesome as I used to be before you tamed me down at school.
A stream comes dancing from a mount, Down its fresh and lustrous side, Then, tamed into a quiet pool, Is scarcely seen to glide.
No bones were found of any tamed animal except the dog, and this seems to show that it was the earliest animal tamed by man.
They were ahead of the cave men also in having one tamed animal--the dog.
She has since been taught one thing and another in the way of her duties, but she wastamed from the beginning.
They tamed the savage, and made him yield, and bow before feminine feet.
I began heartily to regret that I had brought no lasso with me, which would have tamed him at once, and that, contrary to Mr Neal's advice, I had put on my American bit instead of a Mexican one.
It was he who secured and tamed the memorials of their visit--two starlings for Dennet and Aldonza.
But Dennet looked in scorn at it, and said, "That's a bird tamed already.
And do you think to see me crouch and cower before a tamed and shattered senate?
The buffalo is easily tamed when caught as a calf, and in all its ways of life resembles the domestic cattle.
They are easily caught and tamed when quite young, but when a few months old they become as shy as the old buffalo, and are much more swift of foot.
She knew HOW to enjoy her friends now, and how precious they were to her; and she was just so much tamed by the morning's conversation, and by the dread of the future, as not to be betrayed into dangerously high spirits.
He had tamed Normandy to his guiding as one tames a wild and fiery horse, and there seemed to be no reason why he could not tame England.
The countries to the southward were tamed and spiritless, and bound down by church influence and superstition until they had lost the energy and even the intellectual power of their ancestors five centuries back.
They are effectually tamed in India, which is an easy matter, and they practise for the benefit of the fisherman the art to which they are ordained by nature.
He had tamed them; they were no longer wild animals.
As I am often asked about the little beasts whose adventures were set forth in “How I Tamed the Wild Squirrels,†perhaps a further account of my furry friends will not come amiss.
There is no doubt that Fritz, the German, with his superior strength and masterfulness, drove away that first little colony which I had tamed so wonderfully.
And I said in “How I Tamed the Wild Squirrels†that I thought these little animals, given proper food and space for exercise, are happier and better off in captivity than when running wild.
From all parts of the United Kingdom, from Canada and from South Africa, animal lovers have written to me expressing their pleasure in reading “How I Tamed the Wild Squirrels,†published in the autumn of 1914 by Messrs.
Captain Lyon mentions an instance of the sagacity of the fox: he had caught andtamed one of these animals, which he kept on deck, in a small hutch, with a scope of chain.
His look and bearing changed; something of depression seemed to steal over him; his voice became deep and melancholy, and the first syllables which he uttered showed this Proteus recalled to himself, and tamed by two words.
If it were true that men could be taught and tamed by machines, even if they were taught wisdom or tamedto amiability, I should think it the most tragic truth in the world.
And then when the agony of want had tamed him, he would be content to take bread and meat from her hand and would be humble.
The beauty of these animals, especially the fawns, appeals to every admirer of wild life, and early settlers of the country soon learned how easily they could be tamed and how promptly they attached themselves to the persons who fed them.
Skunk and coon are easilytamed and even beaver, otter and mink have become so tame when secured young, that children have safely handled them.
I've told thee how we swept Dundee, And tamed the Lindsays' pride; But never have I told thee yet How the Great Marquis died!
It has been long believed, and this appears to have been the opinion of Baron Cuvier, that all the breeds of tamed sheep are descended either from the argali of Siberia, or from the moufloun or musmon of Barbary.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tamed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.