I had no objection to this, since the entire trip was based solely on the paranoia which sprouted after my questionable discovery, and frankly I was beginning to feel rather foolish for even mentioning it, let alone pursuing my suspicions.
I desired to be home to such a great degree that paranoia became a plague, and I fancied my emotions were similar to those who are threatened in a war zone; in effect, if I was not killed in Greece, I would die on the way home.
Freeman stilled my paranoia and filled my cavity, I'm conscious that my own worth (in silver) has escalated!
I had to know "what was going on"; blindness would be paranoia in its highest form for me.
I disliked having to be secretive, yet my paranoia ran deep and I did not wish to stir further coals of bitterness within others.
Subjects affected with partial paranoia often turn the heads of susceptible women by the aid of ascetic religious phraseology, to gratify afterwards their sexual passions.
I have treated a patient with paranoia who, full of pious sayings, regarded himself as a kind of prophet.
Paranoia involves a sensation of grandeur, not to be shared.
Rarely will you see a policeman so indiscreet as to allege publicly that some major employer in his state or city has succumbed to paranoia and gone off the rails.
Research has shown that severe psychological damage, including paranoia and psychosis, can occur when marijuana contains 2 percent THC, its major psychoactive ingredient.
He had always thought Senator Lefferts was slightly on the batty side, and the idea of real paranoia didn't come as too much of a surprise.
ETA 13: The main psychiatric illnesses: paranoiaand schizophrenia The terms paranoia and schizophrenia have no definition in psychiatry.
It happens in the same way as for paranoiac persons, but for schizophrenics, paranoia is induced dynamically.
The Cold War Communist paranoia has slowed down some nations to understand basic concepts as "economic efficiency".
Paranoia is defined as the inclusion of an ordinary model (OM) into PSM (OMPSM).
The detection of paranoia is very difficult, as the patients can have no logical contradiction in their thinking structure, and they can have a good coupling to the changing external reality.
Prevention of this light form of paranoia can be done with an adequate education.
As a consequence, the test tries to see if the person suspected of paranoia will modify the supposed OMPSM.
By accident, any other models can enter the PSM, but some of them can produce big problems for the future mature being, mainly paranoia type illnesses (see ETAs).
This is why paranoia is to be understood as an illness, which affects personality.
Paranoia XP means that there is an ordinary model in the protection structure of models.
In the psychoneurosis--in paranoia most clearly--the patient's attempt to rationalize this shifting of interest gives rise to the closed systems and ideal reconstructions of the world mentioned in the passage quoted from Brill.
Persons suffering with paranoia are characterized by an insatiable demand for love along with a psychic incapacity to give love.
It is what I would call "compulsive thinking," and is characteristic of both the delusions of paranoia and the rumors of the crowd.
In paranoia the fixed ideas are organized into a system.
But as the homicidal tendencies of paranoia are not commonly explained as sadism, I can see no reason why those of the crowd should be.
Now we see the function, at least so far as paranoia is concerned, of the ideal system.
Clinical indications teach us that in paranoia a special use is made of the libido which is withdrawn from its object .
In cases of paranoia the notion that the patient is the victim of all sorts of intrigue and persecution is so common as to be a distinguishing symptom of this disease.
This likeness between the propaganda of the crowd and the delusions of paranoia is illustrated daily in our newspapers.
Indeed, in normal life there is a constant withdrawal of libido from persons and objects without resulting in paranoia or other neuroses.
My paranoia starts to kick in as I realise how easy it would be for him to kill me, just as long as he took me unaware.
Still, I can't overlook the fact that something is terribly wrong, although it's probably just healthy paranoia on my part to assume that it concerns me at all.
We have, at least, positive information as to the functional nature of early schizophrenic conditions; moreover the organic character of paranoia and many paranoid forms is still in great uncertainty.
An especially typical form of unconscious compensation--to give a further example--is the paranoia of the alcoholic.
This symptom immediately aroused in me the suspicion that I dealt with a case of paranoia rather than with a neurosis.
Their in-bred paranoia led them to attribute prophetic foresight, sharp planning and intricate conspiracy to what were mere stumbling and bumbling on the part of the West and its mighty NATO.
And they let their ingrained paranoia run rampant (Jewish conspiracies, Western spies, world plots).
And all the while eyeing the new and the foreign with the paranoia that is the result of true guilt.
His allies were as disenchanted with his growing paranoiaand geopolitical sado-masochism.
Besieged by this siege mentality, the back to the literal wall, desperate and phobic, the Croats developed the paranoia typical of all small nations encircled by hostility and impending doom.
After the paranoia religiosa, the most common form of the disease is the paranoia erotica.
This patient's incarceration in the asylum was due to a very striking manifestation of his paranoia querulans.
This form of paranoia inflicts suffering mainly on the near relatives of the patient.
In trueparanoia the delusions are systematised, but in this alcoholic pseudoparanoia the enfeebled intellect can not build up coherently even a delusion.
Ordinarily erotic paranoia manifests itself by the patient imagining himself or herself to be beloved by some one of superior station.
Paranoia occurs a little more commonly in females than in males.
There are usually three stages of paranoia described by authorities in mental diseases.
One of the most important and familiar forms of the special types of paranoia is what is known scientifically paranoia querulans, that is, the peculiarity of those who insist on going to law whenever there is the slightest pretext.
The old term for paranoia employed for a long time was monomania, a word coined by Esquirol at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
This persecution stage of paranoia easily turns to the second phase of this affection as already described, that in which the fancied victim of persecution becomes in turn the persecutor.
Various stages of outspoken paranoia will be found to exist among them.
One of the striking manifestations of paranoia in our modern life is the tramp.
In a less degree paranoia querulans may be a source of very serious discomfort to friends and neighbours without exciting a suspicion of its basis in mental abnormality.
It leads from epilepsy to the periodic diseases, especially the maniacal depressive insanity, the paranoia which develops late, and finally to states of idiocy which cover the whole life.
It is indeed a frequent symptom in paranoia and other insanities that the patient who feels abnormal organic sensations and abnormal unaccountable impulses interprets them as influences of a distant enemy.
I once was so bold as to propose that paranoia and dementia praecox could be classed together under the common name of paraphrenia.
We concluded from such ever-increasing experiences, that paranoia persecutoria is the form in which the individual guards himself against a homosexual tendency that has become too powerful.
In the beginning we did not know that paranoia and dementia praecox are, in their fully developed phases, inaccessible, and we were justified in trying out our method on all kinds of conditions.
The types ofparanoia are described according to their content as: megalomania, the mania of persecution, eroto mania, mania of jealousy, etc.
Stanchion, the plots centering round instances of paranoia occurring in the practice of a famous alienist,--yet they are not paranoia alone!
Mrs. Bacon's The Miracle, for instance, has its setting in an insane asylum, but the uncanny happenings almost convince us of the sanity of the patients and the paranoia of the outsiders.
The spirits of children that never were enter into the late stories, as in The Children, by Josephine Daskam Bacon, a story of confused paranoia and supernaturalism.
A distinguished alienist tells me that the desire for power over your fellow man is an unmistakable sign of paranoia, not necessarilyparanoia amounting to insanity, but the same kind of paranoia which makes history amusing.
And all gradations from pure paranoia to dementia praecox seem to have corresponding losses in the sense of reality as embodied in delusions.
We know that pure paranoia is not a deteriorating psychosis--that it does not necessarily preclude the possibility of considerable social usefulness--and that it grades off almost imperceptibly into dementia praecox.
According to the experiments undertaken by the Zurich school, the expectation is justified within certain limits, that psychoanalysis will be therapeutically useful in certain forms of paranoia and dementia praecox.
We may say that the praecox patient as opposed to the paranoia has a poverty or inappropriateness of affect, a scattering of thought and a lack of systematization in his delusions.
According to Ziehen, most of these nephritic psychoses run the course of what he calls hallucinatory paranoia (it may be remembered that Ziehen counts among paranoias a number of acute diseases and even so-called Meynert's amentia).
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paranoia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.