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Example sentences for "parang"

Lexicographically close words:
paramilitary; paramount; paramountcy; paramour; paramours; paranoia; paranoiac; paranoic; paranoid; parao
  1. Robert also gathered for her an assortment of Dyak hats, belts, and arms, including Taung S'Ali's parang and a sumpitan.

  2. The chief carried a bright parang in his left hand; the others were armed with guns, their swords being thrust through belts.

  3. Each Dyak, of course, sported a parang and dagger-like kriss; a few bore spears, and about a dozen shouldered a long straight piece of bamboo.

  4. Then the siege, followed by a wild effort to gain the life-giving well, the hiss of a Malay parang wielded by a lurking foe, and the last despairing struggle before death came.

  5. Putting on tiger skin, and carrying his parang and sumpitan, Batangnorang went into a small prahu which was able to fly, and it flew one month, to the end of the sky.

  6. Many vestments are put on the corpse, and for a man a parang is placed by his side within the coffin.

  7. For five months the work of putting a handle on a parang and fastening it with damar must not be done else both mother and child would die.

  8. His wife, in turn, became filled with wrath, and with a parang killed his father and mother.

  9. Tabédjeh then drew his parang and cut off his head.

  10. With his parang he cut it in many pieces and his wife cooked the meat in bamboo, and they all ate it.

  11. The blian's remuneration is usually one parang and a handful of rice.

  12. The boy went, and the bears attacked him and tried to bite him, but with his parang he killed both of them, and brought the cubs along to the kampong, bringing besides the two dead bears.

  13. As soon as this cooking was finished the bamboos were handed to the chief, Amban Klesau, who in the usual way split one open with his parang to get at the contents.

  14. If that transgression has been committed the culprit must pay from one to two hundred rupias, or if he cannot pay he must be killed with parang or klevang (long knife).

  15. When setting forth to bring home the animal killed by her husband she carries her own parang with which to cut it up, placing it inside the rattan bag on her back.

  16. In the northeast these famous swords are called mandau, but the designation parang is more extensively used, and I shall employ that name.

  17. A civilised Kahayan who, twelve years previous to my visit, came upon one unawares at the headwaters of the Samba, told me that the man carried in his right hand a sampit, in his left a shield, and his parang was very large.

  18. HMS Startler is on patrol up the Parang River in the Malay peninsula.

  19. I know one thing, however, Parang is a glorious country for botanical specimens.

  20. The Parang river looked like a belt of damasked silver studded with diamonds the next morning, while the waving feathery palms were of the brightest green.

  21. After crossing the river we took a northerly direction, leaving the valley or plain of the Parang river, and ascending an open, almost level valley, bounded by low hills.

  22. It then bends more towards the south, and again crosses the Parang at the point where we were stopped in the end of August, whence its direction is nearly due south as far as Nilang, on the Jahnavi branch of the Ganges.

  23. The Parang river being a tributary of the Sutlej, by crossing the great chain at the Parang pass we had not reached the Indus valley, but had descended into a lateral valley still connected with the drainage of the Sutlej.

  24. The hills on either hand were rounded and low, but increased in height as we receded from the Parang river.

  25. A red lichen, the same as that seen on the Parang pass, covered the stones.

  26. The whole of this range is of great altitude, and it seems to rise in elevation to the eastward, no passage being known further east than the Parang pass.

  27. It has evidently had an outlet at its southern extremity, where it is only separated from the valley of the Parang river by a very low range of hills which was crossed in 1846 by Mr. Agnew, and more recently by Captain H.

  28. Our road lay across the Parang river, which flowed in several channels among the wide expanse of gravel which here formed its bed.

  29. The blow of the parang upon the professor's skull had shocked his overwrought mind back into the path of sanity.

  30. Number Ten wrested a parang from an adversary, and acting upon his example the other creatures were not long in arming themselves in a similar manner.

  31. The fourth Dyak danced around the two with raised parang watching for an opening that he might deliver a silencing blow upon the white man's skull.

  32. A parang swung close to Number Twelve, but his own, which he had now learned to wield with fearful effect, clove through the pursuing warrior's skull splitting him wide to the breast bone.

  33. Although a parang from the body of a vanquished Dyak hung at his side he grasped his bull whip ready in his right hand, preferring it to the less accustomed weapon of the head hunter.

  34. Desiring to support his nominee in the sultanate Governor Arolas visited Parang in company with Sultan Harun on the 2d day of November and an additional number of chiefs, including Panglima Damang, swore allegiance to Sultan Harun.

  35. Such measures aroused the activity of Amirul Kiram and his party and several places in Parang were attacked by the Maymbung forces and considerable unrest prevailed.

  36. Extensive coconut groves and well-cultivated fields and fruit trees of various kinds abound all along the coast from Parang to Timahu.

  37. The chief reason for separating Pansul from Parang was to reserve for the sultan direct control over Jolo and Maymbung.

  38. In the extent and quality of cultivation the district of Lu'uk ranks first, Parang second, and Lati third.

  39. On March 22 the forts of Parang were reduced, the settlement was burned, and many Sulus killed.

  40. Sultan Harun arrived at Jolo in October, and, escorted by 200 Spanish soldiers, one gunboat, and one steam launch, he proceeded to Parang where he expected the Sulus to declare their allegiance to him.

  41. This project seemed to excite unusual disturbance, bordering on panic at Parang and Lu'uk, and for fear of undesirable consequences he changed his mind and gave up the trip.

  42. This southern region of Parang is well populated and is very pretty and productive.

  43. The town of Parang is one of the largest settlements on the island and has, at present, an estimated population of 1,000.

  44. Arolas and Sultan Harun had to march against Parang and invest the kuta of Panglima Damang.

  45. They are also endowed with great courage, and are very skilful in the use of weapons, especially the Parang ilang[9] and spear.

  46. The parang ílang is a fighting weapon, with a peculiarity in the shape of the blade which, Dr.

  47. When we arrived at Parang it looked as though the entire population of the island had assembled for the occasion.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parang" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.